Monday, February 27, 2012

Swimming thingy..

Few more days to go..Cant wait!! ;)

Sambil baca article pasal swimming for kids ni, I saved and copy paste into this entry. Hopefully boleh jadik future reference for me and all mommies yang tgh search info about swimming for babies and toddlers. To be frank, most of the articles found are very basics about swimming for babies *atau I yg tak dan nak survey byk2 pun yer jgak*. Kalau nak cari info swimming for toddlers tu, tak berapa banyak sgt jumpa. So I just read and apply when and where ever necessary. By the way, I just read entry from DarwishnDarwisya blog,* here!!* and found on article about benefits of swimming. And how swimming related to human brain function. Read here, such a good info. *I should start swimming back lah,sgt unhealthy sekarang* 

Since few more days left,*sambil kira jari* I  have prepared all his swimming attire and ensure everything complete and ready.*dah sebulan dah ready* Since swimming wear dulu dah memang sendat *turun kat Ryan plak*, I bought him new one time sale kat Arena last month..huhuhu *ikut kegatalan tangan mommy ni, nak sgt beli  swimwear quicksilver tu, sabor2 ;)*

Let's check what he need!! * Kalau tertingal, boleh remind me tau*

Swimwear, goggles, and sunblock..

Minus swimming cap yang masih mencari..
InsyaAllah boleh dpt kat swimming centre tu..
Material kain ok jgak compare to silicon swim cap punye, sakit kan..

Kickboard diorang provide, once Adam comfortable dgn size utk dia, baru beli..

Shampoo, towel, body bath n body lotion..

Put everything in his aeroplane sling bag, pakai cap and ready to swimming class yeha!!
*mommy yang dah mula berimaginasi*

Mommies, some info about swimming for babies/young children..


  1. peh...anak laki pun kalut pakaikan sunblock yea mommy nadia??? *wink

  2. wah..seronoknyaa..
    Adam nak g belajar swimmingg..
    Siti Balqis,belajar berenang time g hotel je..kah kah..
    maka, terpk2 jgk bile tgk blog akak nie..
    haaaa...nnt akan rush ke Chukai la utk mbik kelas ni..yihaa..
    good luck akak!

  3. Teh,
    mestilah..nanti zaraa dok kenang pulok ke abg Adam ;)
    Beli lama dah tu, paka je lah..cukup syarat mek..

  4. sarah,
    swimming class for babies ni,just nak introduce diorang kat air..bagi2 diaorang tak takut..
    nanti kalau budak 1 year dah buat back stroke,kejjut molek tu ;)

    tapi budak2 memang suka kan bila masuk air..adeh,nk kluar punye susah..

  5. i pun tgh berangan nak ajor danish swimmming... u hantar adam kat mana ek?

  6. Wee syokla adam n ryan..! Happy swimming to both of them ;)

  7. Madam,
    Nadia hntr Adam for trial session baru,kat tropicana mall.soon kalau dia ok,mayb cr kat shah alam.
    Hntr lah,most kids mmg sgt swimming kan ;)

  8. Izu,
    hopefully adam will enjoy his class soon.So far Ryan,nadia tak enroll swimming class lg.kecik lagik ;)


It might take me a while to reply, but I do read all comments received! Tq =)