Saturday, December 3, 2011

Dumex Dugro Fruit & Veg Media Launch

* 48-hours advertorial post! 

I felt very honored to receive an invitation for media launch from a well established company, Danone Dumex for the grand launching of their new product Dumex Dugro Fruit & Veg last week. Again, thank you very much to Nuffnang for this great invitation.*muahs muahss!!* The launching was held at Le Meridien Hotel, Kuala Lumpur and I was very happy when I got to know that Nadine will join the event as well. Lucky I decided to follow Nadine as the road to Le Meridian was not that easy.*Berpusing2 kat KL Sentral tu, harus sesat kalau sorang2!!*

We reached the hotel about 15min earlier *fuhhh lega, jam dekat NPE boleh tahan jugak taww!!*, straight away made our move to the Sultan’s Ballroom and received a warm welcome from the event management staff who coordinated the event. If you noticed from the tv’s ads, this product has started the advertisement about 2 weeks ago *iklan magician kid yg cute tu, and my Adam enjoyed the ads so much!*, but the launching last week was their official launching and it was held to introduce their new products to the media. Funny part was during the registration when the staffs there asking which magz or media I represented for??Since all the guests came from the famous magazines, newspapers or tv media, suddenly me from the blogger picisan..hehehe malu ;)

We had a breakfast *yummy one!!* outside the ballroom before the door open for the launching event. *Sempat jgak berkenalan dgn journalist mami&baby,Nadia..teruja u!!* Glad that we’ve been introduce to the Marketing Director of Danone Dumex, Mr Ang Chong Lee. He’s is friendly guy and the best part, he told us there will be special screening of their new tv advertisement during the launching. Yes, after we’ve been called to the ballroom, the short screening of lovely motherhood story took place. *Kena plak dengan lagu Manbai, Kau Ilhamku..alamak,syahdu nye!!*. Seriously, it was a touching one.*nak berderai airmata tau!!* Sorry ladies, you need to wait for their official screening which will be published soon.=)

The event started with the warm opening speech by Dumex Danone Managing Director, Ms Toni Brendish.

During her speech, she explained that this new formulation is in line with the brand’s efforts to continuously nourish future generations. As a brand with 53-years heritage in Malaysia, they understand the importance of supporting the physical and mental development of a growing child. That’s the reason why they took it upon themselves to infuse their growing up milk with fruits and vegetables extract which high in natural sources of dietary fibre, fruits and vegetables which promote a good bowel movement. Besides that, she also introduced their first maternal milk from Danone Dumex, Dumil Mama to provide woman who are either planning for pregnancy, are pregnant or lactating with the nutrients needed to maintain their health.

The speech followed with the official launching of the Dumex Dugro Fruit and Veg.

*gempak I tell u*

Next agenda was the presentation of the new product by R&D Director, Ms Leong Oi Po. Besides of their main innovations introduction, Danone Dumex also improved their current products in the market with new attractive design packaging. Ms Leong explained generally about all their new products as well as the nutrients included at each of their formulations.

Ms Leong Oi Po..

Their Innovations are..

1st Innovation: Dumex Dugro Fruit & Veg..

2nd Innovation: Dumil Mama

3rd Innovations:  Packaging Design of current product as well as introduction of multi grain formulations.

End session was the photograph opportunity for all the media and journalists. *tak terlupa juga for all the bloggers yang kaki posing ni >.< *

Ms Toni Brandish and Mr Ang Chong Lee..

With the cute Dugro kids..

Model khas ni..
Abang Beautifulnara with his wifey for Dumil Mama promotion..
*Congrats Abg Nara..nak jadik daddy dah!!*

Yours Truly..

Blogger mommies..
From left yours truly, madammondoq and Nadine..

 With the gorgeous Nuffie *aka blogger mommy too*..Thara!!

The Bloggers and The Nuffies, Thara and lovely Pinky!
*malu ler nak ajak Abg Nara bergambor sekali*

A very healthy lunch were served outside the ballroom for all the guests..
*Semua food pun berunsurkan fruits and veggies..including table arrangement skali*

Me and Nadine pun sempat try Fruit &Veg as well Dumil Mama at milk sampling booth..
*Memang yum yum*

The event ended before noon..
It was a great and informative event. Thanks Danone Dumex and Nuffnang for this opportunity!!

Each of us was given goodie bag content of small packaging of Dumex Dugro Fruit &Veg as well as Dumil Mama. Yeay!!
*with carrot pendrive yg cute*



  1. salam kenal..bestnye join event2 mcm ne...

  2. Hi Mama Amana & Arief,
    Thx for visiting this blog!
    Best..specially bila dpt free goodies..suka suka ;)

  3. Salam Ryy.han,
    Soory sgt, tertekan reject pulak comment u tadi from my tabby..
    dumil mama tu takdelah se wangi fruit n veg..its more on vanilla flavor..tapi best jugak!!
    time event tu, ramai yg tny kut2 diorang nk buat dumil mama in fruit n veg flavor..hehehe

    yeap,shud try specially if ur son susah nak mkn fruits n veg..
    happy trying darl!!

  4. Nad, what a great write up! Keep it going k! Thank you so much for ur help babe, really appreciate it. I owe you! Would love to attend more events with you in the future.. :)

  5. ok noted...
    hehe klu in future dumil mama fruit and vege sure ramai suka minum susu kot :)

  6. Nad,
    eh malu lah..ur's one mmg sgt bagus..I love ur writing..inspiration gitew!!

    hope next year, more events to come..specially parenting events..boleh bawak kids nye ;)


It might take me a while to reply, but I do read all comments received! Tq =)