Thursday, November 10, 2011

Oh tidak!!! EBM ku cair??!!

There nothing worrying me except one thing.. BLACKOUT!!*bukan pengsan ye*

This morning, when I wanted to get Ryan's ebm for nursery, found that the freezer was not closed properly.*dup dap dup dap* Ada sikit gap maybe disebabkan compartment yg tak masuk betul2. Seriously, I pulak rs macam nk blackout!It would be my fault. Semalam tak check properly.*selalunye I double check to ensure I close properly* Ntahlah apa jadik semalam. It alsmost 24hours, and one word SYUKUR padaMu ya Allah. Semua ebm still ok. Beku. Tak rosak. I was so relieved. 2nd time happened. 1st time TNB buat maintenance, dah lah tak inform awal2, mujur that time ada kat rumah, only 2-3 hours takde electric. So I ensure not to open the freezer. But this time around, its totally my fault!! Cuai nye. So regret!!! 

De-frosting ebm freezer..

I guess because of each compartment yg bertutup and temperature still stable, thats why all the ebm still in good condition. Cuma bahagian luar aje yg cair. Due to that the 1st layer compartment still tak boleh bukak disebabkan ais yg cair block area2 sekeliling. So still tak boleh bukak. Currently I let the freezer to open nk suruh top layer tu cair before I close back and reduce down the temperature. Praying everything will be ok!

Reminder to myself: Next time double check after open the freezer!!!


  1. ye...takut jugak benda cmni berlaku pada stok EBM lepas nih...mmg kne double check...

  2. fuhh leganya bila EBM tak cair. mmg jd ketakutan all breastfeeding mommies yg simpan EBM - BLACKOUT!!

  3. ye...mmg kene double pun risau kalo2 terlupa or blackout....

  4. Lucky my case..menangis airmata darah pun tak guna..sob sob..i x sure sapa yang tak tutup pintu freezer elok2 thing i knew, most of the frozen EBM dah melt..ada yang baru melt sikit tu i buat tak nmpak n teruskan freeze balik but still, in the end, i have to BUANG (sambil teresak2 nangis) more than 30oz kot EBM yg dah rosak sbb sophie x mampu abiskan sumer yg dah melt tuh..sedih sangat..
    so, be careful dear..ur stock tu lagi la banyak kan..semoga Allah permudahkan usaha kamu..=)
    BTW, I berjaya exclusively BF Sophie for 9 month jek..skang dah mix formula..but i still gigih pump kt opis walaupun hasilnye tak seberapa..hahhahaha..cek mek tu pun dah sibuk makan mcm2 skrg tho x tumbuh2 gigi lagi!

  5. lydzar,
    tulah,duk risau blackout skali dirisendii cuai!!

  6. ladysara,
    mesti, specially takut ada orang lain bukak kan!!scary nye;(

  7. Izu,
    yeap dear..I'm so lucky today...

  8. raudhah,
    owh dear..can feel u..
    banyak tu..mine pun biasalah still pump walaupun baby dah start makan.
    takpelah,rezeki sophie sampai 9bulan.
    but dear,keep on pumping..sustain lama lagik ;)

  9. Huu..mmg sgt terasa kl EBM dibuang gitu2 aje..
    pengalaman bguna nie!!

    (kak long, DF jenis ape tu??)

  10. Hi Sarah!
    yeap,take note tu ;)
    Upright freezer Mistral dear..


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