Monday, November 14, 2011

Calling Up for Barney & friends big fan!!!

The purple dinosour is in the house..

The purple dinosaur from our imagination is appearing live in Malaysia later this month in an all-new stage musical, Barney’s Space Adventures.

Young fans of the lovable, huggable dino and his friends – BJ and his sister Baby Bop, and their cousin Riff – can have a blast at the high-energy show taking place at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre on Nov 25 and 26.

The 90-minute performance by a 14-strong cast is a fantasy musical featuring favourite songs from the hit US children’s TV series Barney & Friends, and more. Educational and entertaining, the family-oriented production brings to life an imaginative story starring the dinosaur that has captured the hearts of millions of children worldwide. Parents will want to tag along to give a big hand to Barney for teaching children the skills of growing up through fun, music and laughter!

In Barney’s Space Adventures, Barney and gang hop on board a spaceship and head off for the Perfectly Purple Planet, a magically purple kingdom of friendly and colourful people. Its rulers King Morado and Queen Purpurina host a grand royal ball to celebrate Barney’s love of all children in all galaxies.

Barney’s Space Adventures, which is presented by Visa and brought to Malaysia by Yvents!, is the perfect journey to celebrate Barney’s 22 years of love, caring and sharing for children across the world.

Barney’s Space Adventures will be held at the Plenary Hall, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, at noon, 3pm and 6pm on Friday, Nov 25; and at 11am, 3pm and 6pm on Saturday, Nov 26. Tickets, priced at RM150, RM200, RM250, RM300 and RM350, can be booked via or the hotline 03-2287 2727; they are also available at the TicketsPeople office. Holders of Visa Infinite and Signature get 15% discount and Visa Platinum, 10%, on all tickets.


This gonna be the best present ever for big bro Adam Mikael.*sambil mommy dia lap peloh menitik2..adoiii mahalnye tiket dia, ala-ala tiket F1 dah tu!!!* Dah lah regardless of age, kalau bawak Ryan masuk, pun kena bayor. Lap peloh lagik. Kalau dia paham tak pe lah jugak, buat dia tidor sepanjang show, jawabnye, terbang 2 helai baju Zara mommy dak pun 3-4 lai skirt poplook mommy!! *adoyaiiii* Nak buat gaya blogger femes, check duit nuffnang, sedeynye duit kita tak berkepuk!!! :(

Apapun, we still have chance to win the free tickets!!!How??

Here’s good news for you. In conjunction with the staging of the musical, Yvents! is giving away a set of four tickets (total worth RM1,200) each to 20 lucky readers of The Star.

Here’s what you have to do:

1. Name two of Barney’s friends.

2. Complete this sentence: I want to watch Barney’s Space Adventures because ... (in not more than 25 words).
Send your entries to with the header “The Star-Yvents! Barney’s Space Adventures Contest” with your full name, IC number, address and contact number(s). Closing date is Nov 16, 2011. *hurry up, sompat lagi nehhh!!!*

Apapun, 2 tiket harus kena beli.Ntah bila lagi Barney nak datang ek. Aritu mujur tak beli Disney on Ice ticket, ngam2 tarikh deliver Ryan. Ikut ati mak memang beli dah, mujur Mr Hubby suruh hold dulu. Btw, I just check the ticket website, ticket ada banyak lagik. Untung nasib beli tengah2 pun dapat 1st row dah cantek!!*alamak mommy plak eksited*

Sambil write entry ni duk nyanyi lagu barney..
*lagu fave nyanyi dalam keta beramai2*

If all the rain drops were lemon drops and gum drops..
Owh what a rain that would be..
Standing outside with my mouth open wide..
a a a a a a a...
If all the rain drop were lemon drops and gum drops..
Owh what a rain that would be...

If all the snow flakes were candy bars and milk shakes..
owh what a snow that would be..
Standing outside with my mouth open wide..
a a a a.....
Ff all the snow flakes were candy bars and nilk shakes..
owh what snow that would be...

*just imagine kalau betul life kita so colorful with gums drops, candy bars, milk shakes...
owh what a life that would be*


  1. wow bukan air peluh ajer yang menitik tenguk harga tiket barney ni..air mata pun sama...mahallllnyaaaaaaaaaaa

    GA tu insyallah dik yer

  2. hahaha...betul akak!!
    itulah..demi seekor dinosour tu kan!!

    tq akak!!

  3. mak aii harga tiket. beratus-ratus harganya, memang kena pk beratus juta kali if nak g nih..
    by the way, salam kenal:)

  4. Cik Jatt
    hi dear..welcome!!
    harus!!skrang duk doa menang contest tu je!!


It might take me a while to reply, but I do read all comments received! Tq =)