Wednesday, August 24, 2011

WW: Snipping Time!

Location : Kwik Cut, The Curve
Alhamdulillah, Adam behaved well this time!
Good boy!!

"Mommy, Ryan nk cut hair jgak !!"


  1. Owh! the place looks interesting for kids! mmg untuk kids ker Nadia? =D

  2. Wah ptg rambut utk this coming raya ye? Mst makin handsome adam!! Ala comelnya ryan dok diam2 dlm buggy tu.. Ptg jgk ke rambut ryan? Hihi

  3. wah, new look for Adam sempena raya ye..mesti bertambah2 encem! tak sabar nk tgk gambar raya u olls, esp skang dh ade Ryan ;)

  4. nuurill,
    kwik cut kat giant shah alam pun ada, tp yg d curve ni je tak silap ada kiddie ride tu..ala tp kiddie ride tk function pun..
    at least boleh distract Adam a lil while!

  5. Izu,
    compare last year, mcm nak world war 2..hehhe;)
    ryan tk lah..malas le;)

  6. Nadine,
    ala ulil bit frust, sb Adam nmpk weird with his new terror org kedai tu..main belasah aje..!]mcm nk g trim balik ;(


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