Thursday, August 4, 2011


Arrrggggghhhhhh!!! * out of topic!!
Yeap, I'm suffering neck muscle's pain since yesterday n currently on mc at home. Sakitnye ya Allah. Orang kata salah bantal ek. Ni dah tido bangun tido bangun still painful. Hopefully nothing serious and hoping that muscle strain that I've suffered few years ago didn't come back * ommak nak rayo ngeeee!!. Semalam sempat half day kat office, but it getting worst at sitting position, so,I decided to go back home. Last night Mr Hubby insisted to send me to DEMC and now currently at home, doc bagi mc.* nak hip hip hooray pun tak sronok sb mmg den sakit!. Walaupun doc suruh berehat kat rumah, juling mata nengok segunung baju tak berlipat, baju tak berberbasuh, bilik Adam yg bersepah, mahu nanti aku settle kan jugak. Slow2..;)

Entry ni rentetan meja  bulat gathering with my BFF last Friday. Alhamdulillah, walaupun idea gathering tak properly planned, we still managed to meet up. Kalau tak lepas ni susah lagilah nak jumpa. Pity Shima,sb last minute idea, she's not able to join. Takpe, tgk gambar ek!! 

All those mommies in the pictures below were my best buddies since form 1 at SHAMS, Kuala Terengganu. We shared many sweet moments together. Time form 3, mmg best moments in our life. Semangat nak g school sb nak jumpa kawan2. We play together, study together. Walaupun yeap, kami banyak main dr belajar. Organize party is part of the hobbies. Kalau tak takkan kami digelar social class, maklumlah sekolah agama kan. Bila dah 2,3 bulan barulah sebok nak bukak buku. Tak sempat nak cover study, bangun study tengah malam sama2. hahaha Mulalah call sini sana, Azwida yg jadik mangsa tukang kejjut tido. Yang bestnye, sb dah tahu study tak dan,bangun malam buat sembahyang hajat tak miss, sb awal2 dah tawakal n berserah! Alhamdulillah, all those in group berjaya dapat 8As and 9As. 4 of us dapat peluang g asrama penuh, KISAS. Hahaha, sb duk rasa bersalah, we all cabut pergi MRSM. Me n Reehan at MRSM PC, Azwida n Aimy at MRSM Jasin, Shima MRYT Besut and Haiza at Sek Ahamd Maher, KB.

Uni time also the best moments. Walaupun sorang kat selatan, sorang kat utara, ada kat KL, we still managed to arrange for gathering. Melilau jalan2 kat KL and sempat pergi enjoy g Sunway Lagoon lagik. Till now,even most of us dah bergelar wifey, with lil kids around, time getting more limited, we do meet each other walaupun its so difficult to get everyone's in. Last big gathering pun before Reehan went to Australia to further her PHD. Alhamdulillah, Reehan went back for short holidays last month, we try to grab her for meja bulat n chitchat. Lepas ni dah susah. With Aimy aka maniscinta plak dapat offer further her master at Leeds Uni., I guess, 2,3 tahun lagik baru dapat buat gathering lagik.* Congrats Aimy!!Jgn lupa bawak jacket sejuk tu n snap picture as we had before...hahahhaha!!!

Tho we may get separated, meeting new buddies, busy with own routines, but I do pray may the ukhuwah fillah will live stronger day by day. Love u so much dear..the lampirianz!!

Us and the lil munchkins..

Haiza, Azwida, Reehan and Aimy..

the mommies..

Reehan n si maniscinta!

Our lil munchkins!

Eimran & Aisyah..
* pity Adam & Adryan tak boleh ikut!

ps: kenangan pakai selipar jepun ke musolla yg tak dapat dilupa! Sape toke tukang g borong slipar tu ahh???ngegeegggege..! 

1 comment:

  1. nyer jumpa ramai2 camnie...bile nak jumpa complete ek...??

    nway yayah, bile nak bg gambo...?? i punyer blum buat lagi entry pasal nie..hihihihihih


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