Monday, July 11, 2011

The "07 07 07" Anniversary : Part I

Hi lovelies..
Sorry for being silence for many days. Everyone at home are not feeling well. Started with Adam who had bad cough after went back from nursery on Monday. Getting severe and being admitted for 2 days for nebullizer. Kalau nak ikutkan paed Dr Roliza, nak tahan smp 3-4 hari, since mommy plak down with 38.8degC fever, terpaksa mintak balik awal. Continue the neb at home. Lucky the small one, lil Ryan still kuat nak tangkis virus dari kami. Cuma sometimes dengar ada batuk2 sikit, so far Alhamdulillah he had a speedy recovery compare to his bro. After all the dramas, thanks for the hubby yg kena jaga kami anak beranak, penutupnye, mr hubby plak yg jatuh sakit. Lucky, he able to recover fast!

Ikutkan, entry seperti tajuk diatas ni nak di post time 7 July aritu, apakan daya, pesakit kat rumah mana boleh tengok mommynye rapat dengan laptop. Hancus harapan. Teringat last year pernah janji nak post entry pasal anniversary jgak, now I know why kemalasan melanda time tu. Sebab I tengah preggy, hehehehe ;) * memang prang tgh preggy alah betul dengan blog ek!

A lil' bit about my 4th anniversary. Alhamdulillah we have known each other for almost 10 years. Syukur, perkenalan yang bermula time study kat UTM dulu, berkahir dengan sebuah perkahwinan. Amin. Doakan semoga perhubungan ini berkekalan sehinggah ke hujung nyawa, hingga akhirat hendaknya. Knowing him from one of the besties, Lin aka Ayeen. Lin and Harith ni satu faculty, budak mechanical. Since Ayeen n me mmg selalu berkepit mane saje, jgn tak tahu keja gila I time blajo dulu * ye kami sgt suka buat keje gile, bukan nak blajo sungguh2!!, tu yg tersangkut. So, Lin had introduced him to me, not so official. She just mentioned his name as one of his group partner. Masa tu tak amik pot pun. Then, our first time jumpe, secara tak tersengaja kat Coffe Bean, City Square JB. So just duduk minum2, him with his friend Zul and me alone, sb merajuk Lin and few of member buat keje gile tak nak follow!Tension time tu. So, ntah macam mane, boleh terrrr "LIKE" plak, itu yang berterusan sampai lah terdeclare..awww!! Macam gitu lah detik perkenalan kami, banyak lagik cite disebaliknya. Malu lah nak declare semuannye * En Bie, sila jgn buat muka and gelak sorang2 yer!! * Lin, Shima & Mas..really missed our sweet time buat keje gile!!! Rindu UTM la plak...alamak out of story la plak!

Since folder kahwin tu memang jarang2 skali nak bukak, I plan to transfer some of the picture to my lovely blog. Ada masa boring boleh tengok2. So, darlings..enjoy the peektures. There will be Part II and Part III coming on next, mostly gambar sahaja, so sila jangan muntah hijau k! ;)

After 5years 10 months being a couple..

We finally married on 07 07 07 ... 


Solemnization on 07 07 07  
at Masjid Jamek Kg Paloh, Kuala Terengganu..

Harith and Nadia

The moment when 2 souls become 1..

The hubby and wifey..

InsyaAllah till akhirat..

mas kahwin..

makan time!
Lapornye mempelai duorang ni..

with family..

the besties!

and the poyo of me!


The beautiful hantaran..

For him..

For her..

Invitation cards and gifts for the guests..

Thanks to the mastermind for above hantaran and invitation card..
my lovely maniscinta..

Wait for the Part II gals..


  1. congrates..sweet couple

    skang mmg musim demam pun demam n takut si kecik terjangkit pulak..

    btw, jemput ke kedai saya

    Promosi hangat utk bf mommy during fasting month

  2. happy anniversary... gorjes as always!

  3. sweet...bru 4 thn ke? aku rase cam 10 thn dh ngn budak 2 org ni...hahahaha..lame sunggoh kenal husbd & wife ni..byk keje gile mase dulu..kalo i reveal, maunye yah x approve comment ni..hahaha..papepun, always pray for both of u kekal n happy sehingga u both sooooooooo much..n now extending my love to my babies Adam n Ryan. xoxo..

  4. Salaam sis, rupenye anniversary kita sama! 070707! hehehe...

    I'm now expecting for the 2nd one too.... the first is a boy. hahaha....

    salaam perkenalan. feel free to visit my blog kalau sudi. hehe


It might take me a while to reply, but I do read all comments received! Tq =)