Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Delivery Checklist!

Alhamdulillah, I'm now entering my 36/37 wk..and towards end of this week, my pregnancy will have come to full term! Cepatnye masa berlalu..SubhanAllah!
I guess everyone know,I'm now in the stage of completing my checklists!
Remember my main checklist from my previous entry??
I guess most of the checklist now completed..98% lah ;)
So here we go, my finale checklist..packing for deliver!!

Kalau time 1st baby, awal2 dah masukkan hospital bag dalam keta, I guess this time tak payah nak beria sgt letak dalam keta..
Kalau kena emergency pun, paling kurang Che Mimi tolong pergi amik kat rumah ..boleh yer Che Mimi??? ;)
But I've done with my hospital bag..so no more worries!!

I love this cute checklist!

For the lil' baby..

  • baby clothes
  • booties and mittens
  • swaddle and blanket
  • baby wipes/grooming kit
  • towel/muslin square
  • diapers
  • going back outfit/hat

For mommy .. 

  • few shirts, kain batik
  • sweater
  • undergarments
  • breastpad/breastfeeding bras/nursing shirt
  • socks
  • maternity pad
  • toiletries
  • going home outfit
  • breatspump n few bottles - standby!

For papa..
  • Standby urself and ur camera dear.. ;)


Owh wait not yet...ada lagik!!
Since nanti masa pantang, nak kena control food intake..
* Even my birthday pun still in confinement period ..
So watever yg rase teringin nak makan..cepat2 pergi rembat..
Latest one is  on last Fri day..exactly!!
After reading Nadine's entry!! ;)
We went to Chili's at The Empire..I craved for the lamb steak..
And that was my 2nd lamb steak I had..I'm not a lamb steak or watsover related with lamb lover..
Tapi mak aiii, tgk mommy Nadine nye lamb steak..terus pergi carik..
Siap side order for corn on the cob lagik..;)

yeap..the delicious foods for 3 ouf us!
* agak2 licin tak??
owh dear..mashed potatoes mmg sgt yummy!!
Adam pun bila I suap..terus shouted "yummy yummy.."
Lepas tu asyik curik mommynye mashed potatoes aje...notty!!

Future big bro Adam Mikael
"Jalan-jalan.. eat mamam!!"..

Mommy yg craving..but Adam seems to enjoy more ;)

There were still compang-camping in my checklists..
But with current condition, I just focus on important things to buy only..
And later nanti during confinement, boleh beli online kalau tak sempat..

And last weekend, nak tak nak..I have to go to Motherhood Expo 2011..
Even mmg tak terlintas nak pergi, memikirkan parking and lautan manusia..
Tapi sb nak pergi beli "that thing"..dikuatkan hati untuk pergi...:)

owh yes..jumpe Amber Chia n her son..
Sempat bergmbr..tp picture with Che Mimi..
* nmpk tak deretan barang atas meja tu??
 ..owh yes I'm craving for that thing too ...waaaa!~~~

Inilah benda yang nak dicari tu...
 Looking for the cloth diapers at Tiny Tapir..
They were letting go their Grobaby stocks at almost of half price!!
Walaupun color tak berapa cantik, as a starting, I guess shud be ok!!
In fact, I'm still in the stage of buying and searching for the good info..
InsyaAllah will update soon..
* thanks farrah for the reply!!

Memang pergi expo semata-mata for this CD..
Hopefully sempat jengah TT at Bangsar Village..
or else shopp' online aje lah jawabnye ;)
...and miabambina too ;)

Final items grabbed from Subang Parade..

Yes..I'm done!!!
* penat!!!

" fuhhh lega..!!!"

p/s: Alhamdulillah dah jumpe freezer for ebm storage!! ;)


  1. wahhh dah nak dekat dah nadia.. anytime from now dah baby blh keluar.. and paling hebat beg baju baby beg nine west you.. deliver in style sungguh.. heheh...
    Oh carik CD rupanya.. igt carik Madela freestyle.. hehehe.. anyway beli freezer tuh kat mana? mahal tak? anne pun ada hajat nak carik freezer if baby no.2 comes sbb freezer fridge skang cam kecik aje..

  2. hekhekhek...nak gelak Anne ckp deliver in style..tajam seh mata mommy Imran ni..
    ala Anne,baby bag tu since Adam lagik Nadia pakai..;)
    tp sian tgk hospital bag mommy dia kan..gardenclub free bag..hehehehe ;)

    oo..fs kena tangguh dulu, sb nak dahulukan freezer konon2nye..
    Freezer tu kebetulan my close fren nak letgo..so Nadia grab terus!
    She used Mistral..;)

    ni dah plan nak beli freezer, tak lama lagilah ni ek??

  3. Wah good, good..dh almost settle ur delivery checklist! izu pun dh settle, dh bley ltk siap2 dlm keta..;)

    Hihi kelakar baca part Adam ambil mash potato u..hihi sape yg mengidam ni ye? :D

    Apapun izu doakan nadia slmt bsalin. tk care dear! :)

  4. Awwwwh, its coming closer! I yg excited nak tgk adik Adam. How's Adam doing? Faaz lately asik nak jadi baby je you...merengek, merangkak, mintak org agah. funny! :)

    Haaaa, kan I dh ckp en. Harith surely takkan hampakan isteri kesayangan dia. Dkt Chilli's ade 2 menu lamb kan, kalau tak silap. My in-laws suka ambil yg southwestern lamb tu :) Chilli's like our 2nd home dh sbb my FIL & Fadzil suka sgt mkn sana. Everytime pun mmg we enjoyed the mashed potatoes. Tp Faaz plg suka hot diggidy from kid's menu :)

    Eh u pegi eh motherhood expo tu. I mula2 nak pegi sbb nak tgk Dynas' fashion show on bfeed mom clothes tu tp last minute cancel...x larat. Huhu

  5. nadia.. jeng jeng jeng.. 2nd baby is coming. mmg mcm dah super complete and super ready la. tgk checklist nadia, rs mcm sungguhla ketinggalan tau. balik from jakarta kena pulun wat checklist la.hehe. with Pureen warehouse sale coming up end of april, baru boleh complete list tu.hehe

  6. Izu,
    Hi Izu..read ur prev entry..u not feeling well..take a gud care dear..
    u pun bila2 masa je tu ek ;)
    hopefully u will have a gud experience over ur new place ;)

    ooo..Adam mmg..berebut ngan mommy yg duk ngidam ;)

    a'a dear..takut lah!!
    betul Adam pun mcm tu jgak..
    marah betul kalau I main2 ngan cuzen dia, Nuh..jeles!!

    I know..selalu tgk ur gathering at Chilis..
    that was my 1st time being to Chilis..but its gud experience!
    All the while nak makan selalu cancel,sb selalu I tgk full house,malas nk q!
    sb craving for steak, I tgu jgak that day..lucky they gv priority to preggy mom!!;)

  7. ooo..Nad, I pergi expo, but just for half an hour I guess!!
    cepat2 cabut after dpt that CD!!

  8. gud luck..tak lama lg tu..alamk kita yg neves..

  9. nanti nadia deliver, abang adam dia tu sape take care? mesti dia tak sbr nak tgk baby kan...hihi...

  10. maria,
    tq tq..wish me a safe delivery..Amin..

    Kami dah buat plan A,B dan C..yg pasti Che Mimi kena amik tugas!
    dah terdesak,hantar turun tingkat 9 boleh ;) hehehehe

  11. omg u know whatttt, i bole lah pulak termiss that expo! i baru sedar ade expo tu 2 days AFTER it ended! hahahaha. punyala lampi i ni :P oooh like anne, i pon notice ur nine west bag the moment i look at the picture. betul2 deliver in style ni! looking at ur preparation, buat i tak saba nak get a second one! insyaallah we'll be trying again for another one soon! :) take care babe, and let us know once the bun in d oven is cooked okkk dun forgetttt! :D

  12. Nadia, kalo nak anta tingkat 9 pon boleh jugak ;). ada gak ziqri kawan nak main, hehehe...

    kalo ada nak mintak tlg apa2 just let me know. kalo takat nak tlg jagakan adam no hal lah...


It might take me a while to reply, but I do read all comments received! Tq =)