Wednesday, March 2, 2011

My Breastfeeding Checklist!

I love checklist so much (blame the perfectionista in me)..
I have many checklists, from works, house management, life, baby, Adam...and bla2..
With all the checklists, it really make my life easier and most important it keeps my life on track and follow the schedule..hehheehe 
Takde lah kepala berserabut sgt, fikir macam2 benda tak settle..

The current checklist which I worked on now is my 2nd bundle of joy checklist..
Seriously, this time checklist takde lah se detail checklist time 1st pregnancy dulu..
*Penuh satu diary...banyak nye kena pikir dulu..hohohoho stress!!
Having a second baby, with the experiences, list pun dah boleh dikurangkan..
Paling penting cost reduction..
Just to avoid buying un-necessary things macam dulu2..hehhehe;)

Sample checklist available on internet..
* Duk ngikut list mat salleh ni lah hah..macam2 dibelinye..;)

And this is my compress checklist..aka main checklist..
Dah ada main checklist mesti ada sub2 nye kan..
Kalau tgk pun, baru satu point yang I checked, others still working on it...
Specially yg tang CD and BW tu, masih dalam process study..
Nak beli ape yang patut..;(
InsyaAllah ada masa I share nanti..

What make me worry now, tidur duk mimpi2 ni..
Pasal my breastfeeding checklist..
Kalau my last bf for Adam Mikael, failure tang ebm stocks, so this time I really hope that I really can build up enough stocks in 2months..
Skarang ni pun, tgh menimba ilmu nak buat stock..
Here we go, my breastfeeding checklist:

    1. Breastpump : check! * Yang ni pun buat I tak tidur malam, duk mimpikan Pn FS!!
    2. EBM Storage :
  •  8 oz Avents VIA Cup : 30 bottles
  • 6 oz  Avents Via Cup : 27 bottles
  • 5 oz : 14 bottles
         Current total : 71  <------- dushdush!! pening!!
     3.  Washable nursing pad : 4 Medela + 6 Avents -- check!
     4.  Nursing bra : 4 Mothercare nursing bras ( + 2 more to go!)
     5.  Cleaning supplies : Sterilizer, brush for bottle, bottles cleaning liquid --check!
     6.  Feeding bottle MaM 
     7.  Freezer for ebm storage <---- proposal stage!!!hahahaaa

All my Avent Via Cup stocks..
* previous one bought at babyjaya ...
discount 20%..sgt heppi!!
Susahnye nak dapat 8oz storage skrang!!

During confinement time of Adam Mikael, I started to pump at early day of my delivery and build up the stock.. 
Just to prepare in case I being called for interview to work..
Time 3months tu, sb fridge kecik I dah full, nak tak nak nk kena stop pump for stock..
Pump kadang2 je kalau breast full sgt..
So by the time Adam 4mnths, just in 2-3 months the stock started to deplete..
Dah start keje time tu..
Daily pump pun cukup to cover for next 2 days aje..

So this time, I have to build up enough stock..
Since after my confinement nanti dah dekat bulan puasa, takut susu pun drop..
I have to build as much as I can during the 2 precious months..
In order to success this mission, I need a special equipment..
Nope, nope..not the FS at this time...
Its the freezer..the upright/standing freezer to place all the ebm..
So nak tak nak, nk kena pejam mata kat FS!
* aritu baby jaya sale FS, tinggal RM19++ aje dah! ;(

So I dah start my my survey, tinggal nak pergi buat lawatan rasmi kedai apek2 jual barang elektrik..
Beli kat leading electrical shops, mahal ler jawabnye..
But yet, hubby decided to hold until delivery..
* still tak caya la tu mommy bersungguh2 nak buat stock ni!! 
Takpe..nanti Mr Hubby, boleh buat reference brand2 mommy dah survey ni yer..!


  • Features:
  • 100 litre capacity.
  • Colour: White
  • Manual defrost
  • Adjustable feet
  • Adjustable themostat
  • Mechanical tempature control
  • Reversible door - left or right swing
  • High density foaming
  • Environmental freindly technology




From the blog reading, ramai yang beli standing freezer ni at range RM700 - RM 1000, depend on capacity of freezer..
Anyone got idea kedai2 elektrik area Shah Alam ni, bolehlah bagi sy address kedai..
Senang nak buat lawatan nanti..

Hoooo.... dah 2 hari tak masuk office, really had backache, tidur pun tak boleh..
Agaknye duduk lama kat office lagi buat sakit pinggang..
Pikir nak kena menapak ke office nun jauh kat belakang, lagilah tak daya rase..
Sb dh rs ngilu2 at lower abdomen..
Plus yesterday, started to have macam contraction gtu..thot it was Braxton Hicks..
Ntahla, get confused already, with sakit pinggang, kaki lenguh semacam..adooi!!
With keje pun belambak2, buat aku lagik stress...mak aiii..tak larat nye!!
Asyik complain aje reti Nadia ni!!Sabar sabar!!

Ok, anyone know electric shop which can offer best price..
Bagitau k..senang hati mak buyung ni ;)



  1. nad,
    chest frezeer tu idaman kalbu sy tau utk 2nd bb ni..takmo dah jd kes yg rafiq..sbb peti penuh reduce sesi pam..syg kan? end up, bila susu merudum & demand tinggi mmg mencabar jugak sbb masa tu la sibuk duk pening pikir stok makin kurang. so yg 2nd bb ni mmg nak beli gak chest freezer tu..yg jenama elba dalam 1100++ rasanya. tak sure la kedai mana tapi ade tgk kat blog alin..dia guna tu..

    utk jimat space..u should start beli milk storage bag..yg tu mmg jimat space tau. mmgla rugi kan..ehehe janji space jimat....ngee

    nad, susu sy merudum la jugak tapi still leh pam..sehari dpt 5oz je..mlm2 rafiq cam tak puas menyusu sib baik dia tak meragam..gosok2 belakang skit tidola dia..:-)

    ok nad..gud luck!

  2. nadia nak ke pil haruan tu? saya dah lama xamnik stok.xsure la harga berapa skang ni.nanti saya tanya dealer.kalu ada awak nak berapa?

  3. chest frezeer yg alin beli tu tak silap kt kedai nama Onking..

    kt The Strand, Kota Damansara ada satu kedai Onking ni..try tengok harga dia kt sana..

  4. i pun baru je buat entry pasal checklist for 2nd baby (which is wayyyyy shorter than checklist for the 1st one la kan hihih). i pun mcm u, sgt excited nk BF semula. haruslah bercita2 nak beli FS gak kan :D ebm bottles i baru rembat BB bottles byk2 sbb ada sale. liner i tak pandai pakai sgt. then tgk mcm mana nnt, kalau rezeki 'melimpah ruah' i nak beli CF jugak. kalau tak silap haritu nampak CF kat Tesco rm4++ je, tp x ingat brand ape.

  5. happy breastfeeding! :)
    saya beli haier upright freezer.. so far, bagus.. siap haritu masa kenduri, buat aiskrim malaysia simpan dalam tu.. hehe

  6. Rose,
    a'a elba tu antara paling mahal..
    kita nak cari yg average 700-800 je, sb capacity dia pun lebih kurang aje..

    tau,pakai sorage bag boleh save,tp nak kena transfer botol plak,lecehlah Rose..
    akalu ada maid kat umah,lain citer,nanti nak kena transfer sane sini,mai ai tak dan..

    thanks Rose..u too good luck for 2nd baby nanti..
    hopefully sampai hajat susu rafiq smp 2yrs ek ;)Amin..

  7. Teh,
    jangan lupa bg acc no k..buat try dulu mcm ..
    asal tak disturb milk prod udah..
    I telan aje!

    ooo..Onking ker..
    thanks, boleh survey jgak!
    kat Putra heights ada Onking jgak!

  8. Pinkerton!
    yes yes..good luck to u too dear!
    Doakan susu kita melimpah ruah ek, boleh beli freezer awww!!
    Eh 4++..murah tu..
    ala brand ape agak2 ek..

    betul2, aritu BB bottle ada sale kan..siap bg free 2 bottle..
    me too plan nak rembat jgak yg itu! sebulan je, terus main kutu, boleh saving beli FS...hahahaha!!!

  9. sayahappyselalu,
    hey thanks for visiting my blog..
    I google for haier freezer and found ur blog..
    brape ek u beli??

    a'a..lepas 2thn bf nanti, boleh bukak buss icercream ek..
    long term investment tuh..hekhekhek!!

  10. Hi Nad,

    caiyo..caiyo...I plak yg terexcited nie...Nad, just nak syer my coursin nya experience...within 2 month tue dia dpt buat stock 1000 oz ok....dia pun beli standing frezer yg 5 level tue...jeles u i tgk penuh 5-5 tingkat i doakan u pun dpt achieve that...go go mommy...


  11. Fairoze,
    Inagt lagi.. u pernah cite kt I about ur cuzen yg simpan stok tu..
    me envy sgt org yg boleh buat stock macam tu..
    wish me luck dear..hopefully I can be part of those yg success in making a bungalow stock! ;)

  12. assalamualaikum nadia..

    sy blog hopping dari pegi mane2 panasonic dealer, situ boleh tawar arga lagi..kat tepi federal highway tepi nanyang siang pau, ade kedai panasonic eng hin..ade macam2 brand..

    lagi satu kalo nak beli FS tu, sy recommend beli online kat owner nama iffa..die jual FS just RM1500..boleh wat installment..

    just to share sbb sy pun mom2be..due bape ari je lagi ni..

    Tuty Rahiza ( )

  13. nadiaaaaaaa! i baca u punye entry ni i terossss rasa semangat mcm nak beranak esok jugak nak dpt new baby so i can join u buat checklist baby stuff mcm gini okkkkkkk! tapi takleh sbb skang pregnant pon belom lagi hahaha :D good luck for the preparation for ur second one okkk. eh still takmo reveal gender ke uuu? udah udah ler surprise tu babe :P

    ps : i love ur hand writing! cantikkk!

  14. hahaha..sila plan dgn kadar segra ya Pn Thara ;)

    owh my handwriting tu cantek??..
    hehehehe tq ;)
    jrg orang puji my handwriting tau, sb mmg tak lawo pun..;)
    * malu2 plak!

  15. tuty,
    owh thanks for all the info!
    yes,kalau dapat buat nstalment pun best! ;)

  16. Salam nadia. So u end up beli freezer apa yer yg berbaloi? How much, brand apa n beli kat mana? I pun nk kena beli ni sbb nak stockup ebm. Peti ais skrg dh penuh...

  17. Salam Hasliza,
    I bought Mistral upright freezer, itu pun preloved from my besties. So memang berbaloi sb I managed to get at half price. So far, most of the freezer surveyed,more or less the same. Bergantung pada size u nak, and space at ur kitchen. If space not the main issue,deep freezer pun should be ok. I have a friend yg pakai deep freezer,she said ok je. Plus tgk type ebm storage u did,kalau pakai liner type,deep freezer is the best solutions.
    Happy stacking up ur stock dear ;)

    If u need further explanation, feel free to email me at


It might take me a while to reply, but I do read all comments received! Tq =)