Monday, December 20, 2010

lil' bit updates!

Salam everyone..

So sorry for being away for almost 1 week.. kemana2 cuma kesibukan menghalang saya untuk update..
Too many things too update, sampai tak tahu nak mula dr mana..

Genap 1wk after the incident..
Last week on Monday..after all the taisho thingy early in the morning..
During monring meeting kat luar office, tiba2 rase pening..
Kaki pun dah start shivered, and few minutes after!!
yeap..I was collapsed during the meeting... few minutes after that..sedar2 dah diangkut ke dalam meeting room..
I was sent to internal clinic for pressure check and so on..
Bila kat klinik tu, rs mcm basah kat blakang sluar..rase nye takde lah terduduk atas lopak air ke ape..
And I started to feel more water coming..water broke ke??owh sudah panic ketika itu!!
Then mu hubby immediately sent me to DEMC..
After scanned everything, the dr decided to admit, but yet I requested to divert me to UMSC for further check with my gynae..
So that evening, we straight away went to UMSC to meet Prof Ct Zawiah..
Alhamdulillah..takde lagik air yg kluar..
But the gynae still doing detail check yg sepatutnye..
I've given a few days mc to rest..
And this Wed, the results will come out and hopefully everything ok..
Owh tak sabar nak buat detail scan jgak!! ;)

Yeap..lately mmg rase penat sgt..too many things to do at office..
In fact on Fri masuk office last, 3 meeting kena attend..stiff je rase!!
And this morning pun pagi2 dah kena meeting lagik..over next 3 weeks I will be very  very busy..
Doakan kesihatan saya..hopefully my body boleh bertahan..
Biasalah dah penghujung2 tahun ni..bnyk benda nak kena settle to achieve the KPI..
Yang pening bila boss asyik follow up aje and all the things jatuh atas kepala patik!
Nak tak nak ..terkejar2 jgak lah mak buyung ni..
Takpe..settle keja awal2 nak beranak nanti senang..
Kalau boleh kita smbg terus 90days walaupun belum approve lagik utk private sector..boleh ker??

Sorry kalau lambt jengah blog u all..
Kalau sempat baca pun maybe, lmbt sorry dear..

Lil bit updates about the baby inside..
At 23wks..
Owh sgt active skrang membuat martial art inside my bump!
Specially time Adam bf and watching barney..
That time baby kat dalam pun nak join skali..kiri kanan boleh rs duk kicking...
huih..Itulah org kata 2nd baby cepat blajar dr abang/kakak dia..
Since dlm perut dah dgr macam2..
Jangan lah kuar yg sorang ni hantu Barney jgak ;)
owh tak sabar tgu my mum dtg bercuti
...nak g shopp' barang baby..yeay!!
Beli yg mana penting aje..
Bila list balik last week..(dah nama duk umah takde keje kan ;)..
Nothing much to buy since I decided to use what ever belong to Adam last time..
Tambah sikit aje..tak kisah lah gal or boy taram aje color white &  blue..hehehe...

Ok lah..thats all..sorry for the boring entry..
I have few pending entries try to be update soon..InsyaAllah..
till then...


  1. Oh Nadia... suspen betul ok baca netry you kali ni but Alhamdulillah nothing happened.. you ni kena byk2 berehat tau.. work never ends dear.. so busy2 sgt tau.. take a good care of yourself and keep us updated :)

  2. aah Nadia. Sangat saspen. Nuurill pulak yg gedebuk gedebak. Hoefully the result will all fine. Amin.
    Dah dah.. gi rehat! =D

  3. harap2 nad ok aje ye..
    kene rehatkan diri kot..tapi yela akhir tahun kan..byk benda nak kene setel

    take care ye dear

  4. seb baek update blog...kalo tak tatau cite pon even dok 1 bulding :-P.
    penat sgt kot...tu yg jadik camtu...skrg cemana? take care...

  5. Salam Nad!
    Ya Allah takut izu dgr..hopefully the result will show nothing serious n u r fine. Have enuf rest k. dh sihat nti bley pi shopping. :)

  6. Nadiah, jaga diri baik-baik. Bahaya tau klu pregnant mummy collapse. Risau tul dengar...use the medical leave given by doc wisely. jgn guna untuk p shopping barang baby pulak. hehehe...keep us updated ok! update masa nak masuk labor room pun takpe! kami pun excited sekali...

  7. goodness babe! please, please, do take care of yourself! health first, work can come second! haihs. seriously, buat suspense je u ni tau. hopefully the result will be all fine. keep us updated!

    u tau tak, last time when i was pregnant with aydein, i siap mintak to work from home for the whole 9 months! naseb baik dpt boss yg super understanding, dpt lah jugak work from home for 9 months. semata2 i takut nak travel here and there. hehe. tu yang lepas dah kuar je, jadik mak buyong permanent! haha :P

    anyways, take care babe! do take loads and loadsa rest! :)

  8. Anne,
    Nadia time write entry b'santai sangka jadik suspen plak..hehehe..
    Alhamdulillah..dah ok..
    I guess weekend tu bnyk buat housework kut..
    itu yg penat sket Monday morning tu..
    thanks dear..

    ala..dont worry I'm ok now..
    time bc ur comment ptg smlm..
    I was busy with line prob..lucky la I tgh preggy..kalau tak mau balik kul 9mlm duduk kat prod line tu...huhuhu..
    yeah dont worry..last week mmg betul2 rest dah..masuk office keje dah bnyk..waaa!!!

    Thanks.. nye semua org tgh busy time ni..

  9. K.long,
    hehehe..time k.long dtg umah aritu, Nadia tgh cuti lah tu..
    tp dah ok pun..
    sihat dah sket..
    hopefully results semua ok...

    Dear..u dah kat London..bestnye!!
    update cepat entry..
    I'm ok now..dont worry..yeap tk sbr nak shopp'..
    tp kan stress releaser org puan mmg shopp pun kan..terus boleh bangkit dgn semnagt waja!!
    u too take care..sane sejuk sgt kan!!

  10. hey babe! hope u're feeling ok now. tu la last week jumpa puan azizah, dia ckp nadia mc. tp jumpa nadia aritu lupa lak nak tanya. sbb tgk dah ok. arap2 dah ok betul2.. kalau rs nak pitam time taisho tu, escape jeik. airin slalu escape time taisho. or sometimes during morning circle meeting, pura2 take a call. kononnye ade vendor call, then duduk la kejap.. tactic ;) kalau tak, mmg asek pengsan jeik time meeting (dah la berdiri, patutnye kejap ikut japanese style. tp tertukar jd malay style. lama gile, membebel2..)
    so, take good care of urself tau! jgn paksa2 sgt.. relax.. ;)

  11. Huss,
    mmg use wisely Huss..;)
    for sure..hopefully nanti sblm teran tu smpt update jgak..hehehe ;)

    bestnye kalau company I ni pun practise work from home..mmg grab u ..for sure ;)
    Ni pun konon nak apply extend after deliver,ntah lulus ke tak..
    doakan I yer..

    dont hubby pun bising kalau tgk wife dia datang mood rajin..
    siap warning I kalau pengsan lagik nak hntr Hosp Klang..jahat btul u!!

  12. Oh my Nad...alhamdulillah u and the baby are alright. True what others said, health first k dear..don't exert yrself. I doakan the rest of the journey will be smooth sailing. Amin.

    Take care. XOXO :)

  13. Airin,
    Itulah Airin..takjadik 5min pun specially bila cik puan ada bg speech..huih..berpusing aje rsnye..

    Skrang ni dah selalu escape..itu hari mujur lah tak buat hal pergi lompat longkang blkang office tu..mahu jatuh pengsan dlm longkang jwbnye..

    biasalah Airin nak tak nak kn handle campaign tu jgak..
    itu yg asyik berlari sane sini attend meeting..
    nanti yg casting org lain handle..
    nadia standby nak branak hahahah ;)

    Alhamdulillah..nothing serious..
    cuma penat I guess..
    thanks dear..hopefully lepas ni dah takde pape..

  14. salam dear,

    i hv replied to ur comment in my blog but decided to retype it here incase u miss the thread ;) :

    ohh hii!!!
    yup i saw ur boy n did asked harith to ajak him main together but saw ur husabamd carried him away..i assume u were rushing home already.
    yup prof siti zawiyah is such a nice lady…macam mak2 kan..unlike some other gynae i penah pegi, so strict n firm looking, nk tanye question pun kite jd kecut perut…hihi

    n no doubt prof CT Lim is such a nice man, n yes i think mmg ramai yg panggil die “atuk”… he took care of my miracle babies; harith n athirah when they were in SCN for 3 n 4 months respectively. he is sooo pbservant, dulu if die dtg for his rounding i ade kt situ…wah kuku i pun die tgk panjang ke tak…hihi. cadar katil baby tak tegang pun nurse kena sound woo…tp die sound suara lembut je, yet cukup tuk buat all nurse kecut perut each time die dtg for his rounding

    nway, salam perkenalan n congrats on ur pregnancy :D

  15. Hi Munirah,
    a'a..we rushing home aritu sb my mom datang..n plus we've been there since 1pm sb ada scan with prof CT Tan..
    sorry dear..mesti nmpk mcm sombong ek?? ;(

    yup, so true..the 1st time I met her when my 1st preggy, mmg tak bnyk ckp langsung..takut kat dia..
    now dah 2nd boleh bnyk cite2..
    prof ct zawiah mmg is mcm mak2..

    Prof CT Lim pun..walaupun bila dia check sgt detail..I suka tgk dia handle kids..mcm tgk atok2 layan cucu kan..

    salam perkenalan to u too..
    btw,u mmg dr dulu jumpe prof ct zawiah jgak?
    and I hv link ur blog to mine..
    take care!


It might take me a while to reply, but I do read all comments received! Tq =)