Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Our big boy has turned 2!

Hi everyone..
Sorry for the delay..Its already 2 weeks since Adam's birthday bash..
Baru mommy sempat nak edit2 picture and post entry..
Hosting party, specially for our lil one, memang seronok kan..??
So far as I remembered, I dah berangan2 plan party for Adam since awal tahun lagik..
Plan for the cake, deco, theme, foods and eveythings..
Tapi biasalah kan, kadang2 apa yg kita dah plan tak jadik pula..
Same goes for me..I wish to host my own party at my house in the beginning..
After I knew that I conceived for 2nd baby, I have to drop the idea since it really need a hardwork..
We have changed the idea and comeout with party yg simple and paling penting tak banyak preparation kena buat..
So, we decided to celebrate Adam's 2nd birthday bash at Kizsports OU..

31st October 2010

Eventho I thought  not much preparation to do, but yet, due to last minute job, bnyak jgak benda2 yg I prepare last minute..
And specially all those things we decided to make it at our own style..konon2!
Please bare in mind..its the engineers's work..paham2lah yer..
Tak creative langsung..tak de seni lah orang kata mommy n papa Adam ni..

Thank's card for the goodies..

The guest book
* tungkus lumus my bro n myself buat malam sblm birthday bash..
So paham2 lah hasilnye..

Goodie bags by the Kizsports..
Plus the barney party bags we provided ourselves for the party items..

We still decided to do some simple deco specially to the party room..
Not solely depend on the Kizsports's decoration..
We decided to choose Barney n Friends theme since Adam still a big fan of this characters..
So we decided to choose purple and green balloons to deco the room..


Barney banner and foil ballon..

and tada..
Simple deco by Balloon Buzz, OU
* at 1st I was planned to have hanging balloon on the ceiling, but yet due to the improper ceilling condition, the BB decided to just put at the kids' chair..


All the kids foods and adults were ready when we started to receive the 1st guest..
The party was started at around 10.30 am...
We asked them to play at the playland first before the cake cutting session started..
After around 1 hour playing, we started to call all the kids and parents for cake cutting..


Barney n friend's cake..
* thanks Ana for the fabulous black forest cake..
so yummy ;)


Adam was a lil bit overwhelmed I guessed that morning ;)
So all the picture captured with him muka mcm terkejut dgn apakah yg sedang berlaku ini??
But I'm pretty sure he was so happy specially to see his fave barney on the cake..

Since Adam still macam ala2 terkejut bila all the crowd sang the birthday song..
so mommy lah kena jadik tukang tiup lilin..
Over sket kan mommy Adam tu kn? ;)

Adam actually still terpegun with all the photographers in front of him..

hah tgk ni..
ala2 press conference pun ada...
but neway, thanks guys for the nice pictures..
share sket ;)
* thanks Bob n Yein for the picture too..I curik for the entry since I dont have so much pic in our camera ;( 

After the cake cutting, all the parents entertained theirs kids for the foods..

Lepas tu sambung main lagi at their gym..

Adam pun seronok playing kat gym tu..
they organized few games for the small kids too..

Love to see the kids enjoy playing inside the pool ball..

Bukan anak2 saje taw!..
Parents pun seronok bersantai kat tepi pool ni..
macam2 gaya ade ;)

We would like to thank all of our guests for spending their time to celebrate Adam's big day!
and came with white n blue jeans theme too ;)

All the friends..
 Izu thanks for coming..boleh jgak jumpa Zahin n Iris walaupun kejap je..
and for those not in the picture too..


All the fabulous blogger mommies..
U guys rock babe!!


Cuzen and aunty..

and our beloved family...
for make the things happen!

We were sorry as we could not entertained every each of our guests..
All of them were busied entertained their kids too..
But we hope u guys really have a good time..
We were so happy to see all kids playing happily too..

The party finished at 1.00pm and we left the Kizsports around 1.30pm since they have their private function..

Back at home..the lil boy we were so excited and happy with all the present recieved..
Apa tak nye semua mainan kegemaran dia..
Jimat setahun mommy takpayah beli toys..
Thanks again everyone..

Satisfied face!
Even ada few things tertinggal and terlupa sb kelam kabut..
we still happy the party ran smoothly..Alhamdulillah, syukur..
*Frust jgak lah mase cake cutting lupa nak distribute Barney party cap!hohohohohoh..;(


My friends write too..


  1. happy birthday Adam...


  2. what a lovely party! Adam as always, soo cute!

  3. meriah meriah...sonot tgk
    hahah adamm adammm terkujut kot tgk paparazi ramai sgt..hehe

  4. Teh,
    mane ade sakan sgt..simple jer..
    sb colorful kut nmpk sakan sket hahahahaha ;)

    sebbok jgak nak comment yer ;)

    thanks dear!

    tq tq..itulah tergamam tgk paparazi dgn camera canggih2 tuh ;)

  5. babe, the party sgt marvelous sebenarnya. I berpendapat, ok gak buat kat tempat2 mcm tu, mmg sennag sikit. Tambahan dengan codnition you kan..sebab bila party dah habis nak mengemas.. wahlau!! and bila buat dekat Kidzsport lepas party semua kids boleh2 main2..termasukla mak bapak sekali. hehehehe..

    Overall, mmg hebat sebenarnya birthday Adam tau.. I nak private msg you on the cost nak buat kat sana. Macam ade terpikir jugak nak buat kat centre2 mcm ni kan.. hihihi.

    Everyone looks white and blue except i yg x ikut tema. Kah Kah. Sorry Nadia. Samada i xterbaca, atau i lupa..(nyanyuk)...

    To ADam, Happy 2nd Birthday again, dear. Adam dah big boy tau. Nak jadi Abam dah x lama lagi. hihi. Muahs!!

  6. Wahhh.. syoknya tgk ibu bapa yg turut berendam dalam kolam colorful balls tuh.. agak2 diorg terbayang tgh berendam dalam swimming pool kot.. hahaha.. jgn marah mommies..

    Anyway nadia.. we had so much fun ok on that day.. berbaloi2 dtg awal.. sbb dpt naik the big slides nak dekat 10 round.. gara2 anak teruna sy gian naik.. sampai tertonggeng2 merangkak naik ok.. heheh

    Btw, mmg senang buat kat tempat camni.. ada banyak entertainment for the kids and yg paling best.. tak yah kemas the after effect... hehehe..

    I suka tgk gamabr blogger mommies beratur tuh.. perasan tak that all of us are carrying boys.. except airin aje.. besar2 nnt boleh buat team futsal.. dah cukup dah ni.. hehehe

    Again, thanks for having us and good to see you guys again.. you nampak berseri2 tau nadia on that day :)

  7. wah...wah...meriahnyaaaa...mmg seronok actually nak plan for b'day anak. actually mak yg seronok, hahaha...

    apa salahnya kan...once a year...anak seronok...parents happy, guest pon tumpang seronok...

    dah 2 thn berturut2 tak dpt join b'day adam. hopefully next year, boleh join, heheheheh...

  8. Nuurill,
    tq babe!
    betul sgt of the reason I decided buat at Kizsports, sb lepas dah siap tak larat u nak kemas2..
    I dah kena time 1st b'day Adam dulu..mak aiii!!
    yes..satu lagik tak perlu nak pike nak buat games utk kids kan..
    yelah time 1st b'day semua kecik2..bila dah besar boring jgak kalau dtg makan jer kan..
    so nak kena organize game plak..
    so centre mcm kizsports tu, its a gud place jgak actually!

    no hal..I boleh suggest how to cut cost too there were few places mase I buat survey..such art n craft centre..but yet bdak2 still kecik, so tak enjoy sgt lah kan kat art n craft centre..;)
    nanti bila dah besar ok kut!

    Its long u dah dtg pun I dah bersyukur!
    thanks again..

    Itulah Anne..seronok I tgk diorang duk bersantai sambil chitchat dalam pool tu..
    rs nak terjun skali jer kat dalam pool balls tu..aish!!

    owh Anne sempat main slides besar tu..mak aii..nadia kan takut sangkut kt tgh2 tu je..
    mahu karang gegar satu slies tu...hahahah!!

    yealah Anne..balik rumah boleh relax..tak payah pike nak kena mop lantai ke pape..malas sunggih mommy Adam ni!!

    Again thanks for joining us!!
    Even Anne kena balik awal, we glad u n ur family having fun..

    * yelah nanti boleh buat futsal team utk blogger kids..hehehe..
    Oman jadik kapten!!

  9. K.long,
    Itulah..kalau Ziqri ada mesti having fun main with banyk ball n slides for babies..

    betul..seronok sgt tgk all kids happy and sweat!
    diorang mmg all out smp semua nmpk exhausted betul..
    Adam after party tu mmg flat! time Ziqri join ek..
    next year boleh lagik ker ni...hahahaha!!!kena budget utk newborn plak..;)

  10. Yeah, ini dia entry yg ditunggu2.. :)

    Adam, Happy Birthday Again! You look so handsome that day. Tu yg aunty sibuk nak ambil gambar Adam few times...sampai last2 menangis Adam, sori Adam! Hehehe..

    Thanks Nadia & family for having us. We had so much fun!! seriously, bkn Faaz je tau, mommy dia jugak have fun. ehehehe...tanpa segan silunya I mengaku kat sini :P You tau, esok paginya I nak pegi kerja Faaz x bg tau, dia ckp, "Mommy, Fa-ash want to go see abg Adam". Haaa, punye la dia enjoy sakan @ the bash :)

    Dear, sape kata u tak creative, cantek ok the giant birthday card for Adam tu, I suka sgt, sooo cute,se-cute Adam Mikael! :)

    I dh tgk u live, mmg berseri2 sgt muka you. Bestnya! And baby Nuh, gebunya, nak dtg dkt I malu. Tgk dia dr jauh je...hihi.

    p.s: I tade gamba all the mommy bloggers diri ramai2 tu. Time tu ramai sgt photographer with canggih2 cammie sampai Fadzil segan nak ambil gambar. Nnti you bg I satu copy eh dear, thanks!! :)

  11. bestnye kadam dpt mommy mcm kak long!.dpt idea dh ni kalo ade baby nnti.nk smbut gini gak.hihihi!

  12. wow mmg meriah party Adam! good job, dear! Also ur welcome..yg ptg i dpt jgk jmp u n Adam yg handsome tuh! hihi..

    Lastly, tqvm for inviting us n so nice meeting u! :)

  13. As kum Mommy Nadia,

    Quite surprising....our son have a same name & same age...only your son started with muhd and mine had had between different name....the batch part is was nice....hope one day i'll done it for my Adam Aidan Mikael...

  14. Eysu hekal,
    Adam kata wish aje ker??
    b'day present mane??
    tak pe lambat pun tak kisah..;)

    It okey..Adam was a lil bit blurry that morning..kalau tak dia tak kisah pun nk snap picture ke ape..siap boleh bg pose kalau mood baik..
    mesti u terkejut tetiba Adam nangis ek..sian ;)

    So cute Faaz..happy u guys having fun too..Faaz diam tak bnyk ckp aritu..malu ek Faaz?? ;)

    Hish Nad..yelah tu berseri2..agaknye asyik duk sengih2 tu yg nmpk ceria tu..ala, u patut try angkat si Nuh gebu itu..dah 8kg lebeh tau!

    Thanks again,nanti I fwd kat u gmbr blogger mommies tu ek ;)

  15. Reyna,
    owh dah ada plan for ur baby dah..??cepat2 preggy ;)

    Even dpt jumpe u and ur family kjp sgt, tp at least smpt bertemu mata kan..nanti u dah ke UK,ntah bila2 lagik boleh jumpa..
    We apologized for what had happened to u..u know what, nite before the b'day bash, Nadia smpt termimpi takut ada guest yg nadia lupa nk update the changes..tak sangka Izu lah org nye..sgt seddey ;(
    nice meeting u too..
    ur 2 lil princess mmg commey mcm umi dia jgak!

    hehehe..a'a lah sama name anak laki kita..infact I luv the Aidan name too..mane tahu kuar baby boy plak yg ni kan..boleh letak Aidan ;)
    thx for visting me here, I hv visited urs too..;)

  16. wahh Nadia..nampak cam best jek birthday party Adam kan.. :) ade gak nampak bebudak Flex..

    bole tahu tak bape ramai guest Nadia nih...

  17. yeay! finally entry yang dinanti-nantikan publish juge! :D thanks again for having us the other day, babe! aydein definitely had fun! no, aydein definitely had TONSSS of fun! nak nak lagi skang dah dpt kaki. lagi laaa syok dia pusing sana pusing sini panjat sana panjat sini! :P good choice of place babe! takpe, adik adam punye 1st bday nanti bole arrange buat dkt umah pulak ok! :D

  18. Kak Roziah,
    ade fews flex bdak office n blogger moms..

    tak ramai..I think around 20 families - including in laws n family ;)

    hahaha..berkurun kan nak boleh write entry suitable time ;)

    Glad Aydein having so much thanks again for coming, since u pun still in trauma I guessed on that time..million thx babe ;)

  19. Hi mommy...nama anak kiter serupa la..sebaya plak tu. :)


It might take me a while to reply, but I do read all comments received! Tq =)