Wednesday, September 29, 2010

his 23rd months!

Adam Mikael @ 23rd months..

On the 8th day of Hari Raya, Adam was celebrated his 23rd months..
The last month for being 1..
As usual mommy will say..time flies so fast..
And the best pressie for Adam is when he will no longer playing alone..
Mommy and papa gv u adik to play with ;) huhuhu...
So on that day, we just went out to pantai..since we still at Trg at that time, so we brought Adam to Pantai Batu Buruk..

Adam merenung jauh yer..
maklumlah dah nak jadik "abam"..


Adam playing with mommy while papa bz captured nice pictures..
Best betul lepak tepi pantai..dgn angin sepoi2 bahasa ..kalau bg bantal boleh lena tidur..hhuhu

Birthday Adam mommy bagi makan fries aje...??
Tapi itu lah fave Adam pun...

* sila abaikan gaya mommy Adam yg tak boleh control tu sket yer..

3 of us...
plus one inside ;)

There were a lot of new things shown everyday..
I guessed the development at this time were so rapid..
Sometimes mommy pun tak sedar Adam had learnt new things..
Everyday is a learning day for him..
but yet, since he spent most of the day time at daycare..alot of new words captured from his nursery..
Sometimes I have to filter back, takut ada2 yg ntah2 pape dia follow from the eldest..

His new passions pun dah banyak bertambah..
If last time, barney is his icon (even now!), yet he started to be fanatic to airplane and bob the builder too..
We went few times to KLIA and KT airport just to show him the airplanes..
He even shouted and extremely excited everytime he saw the airplanes..
His airplane collections pun dah bertambah...
Worst things, tiap2 hari nak tgk you tube about airplane..
Hahahaha..and the funny things..
During hari raya, he started to realize that the RM10 note ada airplane behind..
So everytime he got the angpow, he will immediately open to see is it the note with airplane or not..
If yes, then he will shouted happily..
Hish kalau org tak tahu mesti ingat mommy ajar suruh excited bila org bagi duit RM 10..teroklah Adam!

Besides, he also fanatic to train..
Imagine lah house mengadap komuter railway..
So every 20min aje, komuter lalu aje jenuh dia berlari nak tgk..
selalu pun tak sempat, komuter dah takder..sian dia!

Even left less than 1 month before 2yrs, Adam still not so fluent in his conversation..
Pelat sgt!
Lain kita sebut..lain dia pronouce..
Kalau bob the builder jadiknye bob bebe..mickey mouse jadik minono..suka2 Adam je..
Takpe lah..keep practising dear..
Soon bila dah jadik abang, boleh Adam ajar adik cakap plak..
Tapi dalam pelat2 tu suka imitate org cakap..abis omma, okki cakap semua dia imitate..
Siap boleh imitate gaya papa dia tidur..notty notty!!

" Adam..soon u will become big brother to ur bro/sis.. Be a good boy!!
Mommy and papa love u so much.."


  1. yeay...adam dah besar! kejap jer kan?

  2. adam, u are so good looking u know that? future superstar ni! :P

    klaka la bila baca part adam shouted with joy bila dpt duit seploh hinggit tu. hahaha. well, auntie can tell that u will grow up to be a smart, smart boy. happy growing up, dear and happy belated birthday!

  3. Hahaha so cute the way he pronounce those words. Takpe la Nadia, masa kecik2 ni yg pelat tu comel :) BTW, Adam ni makin besar makin handsomelah! :)

    Happy 23rd months old, Adam. Next month dh nak tiup lilin lagi skali. Cpt2 practice lagu happy birthday ngan mommy ok. Faaz nanyi happy b'day dh boleh, tp mommy dia salah ajar, pi tunjuk clip birthday mickey sampai skang tang "happy birthday to ___" tu, tak dpt nak letak nama org lain, kena "happy birthday to titie mouse" aje :P even letak faaz pun kena sound "nooooo!" sabar je la..hihi.

  4. Wahhh Adam dh bsr..kjp je dh nk msk 2thn kan!! dh nk jd abam dh pun...hihi sgt cute sebut minono tu ok..:D Happy 23rd mos Adam..smg Adam mjd ank yg soleh dan bjaya di dunia dn di akhirat..amin!

    Pstt suka minat adam tu, mn tau bler bsr nti bley jd pilot..bley ajk mommy n papa round da world k!:)

    p.s nice pic kt pantai tu!;)

  5. Entah2 adam ni will be a funny person kot since die suka buat org gelak with his witty moves... heheh
    My friends mom pun cam pancing2 suruh bagi teman main kat imran.. siap ckp if imran ada adik, nnt die jarang main dgn kat luar.. senang nak pantau.. huu huu.. nak menunggu sampai adik imran jadi imran tu yg tak tahan tuh.. heheh...
    Btw, adam dah tak geli main pasir ek? nampak rilek aje melompat2 tepi pantai sampai mak bapak boleh berdating.. hehehe..
    Can't wait to see soon adam!

  6. Che mimi,
    lenni dak kuar mane..lama tak dgr..;)

    batul..tuptup dah nak masuk 2yrs..
    rs baru je kuar labor room..huhhu

    future superstar?hahahaha..u kalau jadik penyanyi..itu sgt mustahil..mommy&papa Adam suara semuanye pitching out!

    Itulah u..bukan stakat shouted..awal2 tu dia buat terbeliak mata terkejut nmpk airplane..siap slow motion buka yg bagi tgk pun kepelikan..bdak kecik ni dah pandai nak demand ker??hahahaha..

    thanks auntie!!say hi to Aydein!

  7. Nadine,
    Thanks Nad!
    Itulah..kitorang asyik nak gelak je kalau dia sebut new words..kita betulkan, siap NO! lagik..marah ;)

    So cute Faaz..dah pandai nyanyi b'day song..takpelah untk titie mouse pun cute dear!
    Adam suka dgr I nyanyi je..then dia tepok tgn..kena start ajar Adam nyanyi b'day song lah malam ni..heheheh ;)
    btw, Adam pun suka sbt nooo!!siap sign jari lagik!bila ada yg kita sebut tak betul..ingat balik..nak tergelak aje..

    hehehe...cita2 mommy tak tahulah kan..dah besar Adam nak jadik ape..;)
    tp minat tu dia sendiri yg suka..
    kitorang encourage aje..syuok jugak tgk bila dia excited..

  8. Izu,
    Thanks dear..
    Itulah..kalau jadik pilot besar2 nanti, boleh bawak mommy*papa round the world..jgan asyik bawak makwe dah..
    mase Adam still baby, I selalu sebut suruh dia jadik pilot, n bawak mommy jalan2..tak sangka bila dah besar sket ni..suka plak biasalah budak2..minat kejap2 je kan..

    pantai tu kat bndar K.T aje..Izu dah pernah dtg Trg??

    Itulah..gaya2 dia specially Anne tgk dia menari mmg funny!bukan sb terrer dancing,sb tak reti keras aje tarian dia..itu buat kami selalu gelak!
    my mom boleh nangis sb Adam menari sakan dgr lagu Tamil..boleh je dia layan!

    Imran suka main basikal ke kat luar rumah?
    Nak tgu besar lagi 2 thn..Imran dah nak masuk 4thn apelagik..cepat2 plan dgn Ikhwan..nanti boleh dapat baby 2011 sama2..sempat lagik ni..

    tak jugak Anne,main kat tepi2 aje..letak kt tgh pasir tu..takut lagik..

  9. i dunno why.. but i rasa sayu pulak dengan entry u nih u. Adam dah besar. Bijak, encem.. nak jadi abam dah ha. Owh! :)

    Sorrylah you.. i tengah PMS ni. Tu yang sentimental lebih. Hahahaha.

  10. cantik gambo yg kat pantai the scenery..adam pun comel jek..

  11. cantik gambo yg kat pantai the scenery..adam pun comel jek..

  12. Nuurill,
    heyy!!dear..wat happen??
    PMS yer..ala takdpt lah ni adik Oman..hehehehe..

    tp mmg betul..kalau teringat anak2 kn mmg buat kita seddey..
    specially mcm I lagila,takut bila dpt adik nanti mcm Adam..ok ke dia?sempat ke kami nak split time..
    I takut jugak nanti I bnyk miss things about Adam..
    hopefully Nadia boleh go thru..specially with those frens yg dh bnyk experience kan..mcm Izu..boleh share experience..!!

    cheeer up my fren!!

    Kak Roziah,
    Mmg best..dah lama tak melepak tepi panati..dgn angin sepoi2 tu..huh best akak...

  13. sangat cute..

    tak terlambat lagi kan...
    Selamat Hari Raya...
    Maaf Zahir Batin...


It might take me a while to reply, but I do read all comments received! Tq =)