Friday, July 30, 2010

See ya' tomorrow!!

Where to ????

enjoy 31% off on this 31st...

verry berry strawberry...

have u tried this love potion??
mmg marvellous!!

31st May dah terlepas sb balik Trg, so tomorrow mesti mahu pergi..
Stock for another 2 months..
31st Aug pun ade..takkan nak beratur time puasa kan!!ahaks!!
So see ya at Subang Parade esok...
*kul 10am sure dah tercegat kat sane!!
Tolong jgn kata this month takde...huhuhu ;(


  1. totally will go too..hehe..hanis tak pernah makan masa kat mesia coz rasa mcm mhal..dtg sini baru merasa baskin, guna duit yen tu as if mcm rm5 for small cone double, btw 1 scoop baper rm?

  2. wow nak jugak!
    kt memana baskin robbin kan

  3. Hehe smlm br my SIL wat n3 psl BR ni jgk tau..adui nmpknye tliur 2kali izu ni..hihi..skrg mcm constraint nk beli ais krim sbb since blk dr fraser's hill tu sume org masih sok-sek2 lg selsema tk hbs..kiki...lgpon harini nk blkg kg, kg tade BR la dear..sob2..nway, enjoy urs..!:))

  4. Hanis,
    Nadia biasa beli yg sundae ..single scope around RM8-RM11..kalau around RM5 tu mmg agak murah sket compare kt M'sia kut!
    thats why kena tgu time disc cm ni Hanis, beli quart/half gallon..spare for 2-3 mnths..

    jom jom!!

    ni jawabnye kena kirim kt ur SIL lah..
    my case Adam suka jgak makan v.b.strawbery sket2 aje I bg!

    jom jom..plaing dekat from ur house kat mane??

  5. dear...baca blog u terus mlm ni nak ke BR..teringin..since im fasting today..klu x skg gak i p..hehehehe

  6. cedapnya you...

    too bad I'm having a cold. ice-cream is a No-No. Ini mesti sbb kes tak cukup tido..huhu

    ps: kali ni u mkn flavour ape?

  7. Anna,
    so u dah g beli ke?
    kan terliur tak baik!

    mmg seddap ;)

    ooo pity u dear..
    bila baik nanti dtg umah..I belanja BR for mommy Nadine and Faaz..
    As usual I kan peminat setia v.b.strawberry..
    but dear, u mcm tahu aje tau..aritu I mmg decide to mix with new flavor..but somethings come with berry falvor..and I found my new nut!!
    sgt yummy u!! ;)


It might take me a while to reply, but I do read all comments received! Tq =)