Tuesday, June 8, 2010

meet up the blogger frenz ;)

Last Saturday we were invited for Aydein's 1st birthday bash by Thara..
It such a wonderful party..maklumlah Mama Thara dah keje keras..;)
Good job dear..nice deco, marvellous foods and the cake pun comel lah sgt..
*wahwah..menaikkan semangat mommy nak plan earlier for Adam 2nd birthday bash...
papa dah approve belom ni???hehehehe
Seriously I adore ur website for Aydein bash, Thara...sgt cantek and sweeet sekali..;)
*berkenan sunggoh!! ;)

This party actually was the second gathering for blogger mommies..
After the last meet up at Imran's bash (lil prince of Anne)..
Sangat excited..specially we have new member for this gathering, Nadine ;)
Plus, this time semua anak teruna dah besar..they were more excited meet up the new frens...

We reached earlier on that day..so Adam conquered dulu pool tu..
Excited dia tengok banyak bola..
*maklumah Adam punya mommy simpan diam2 atas almari..hehehe ;)

The excited birthday boy with the lovely parents
during the cake cutting session...

Adam yg sebbok menjamu selera...
dah tk peduli kawan2 sekeliling  ;)


Meet up Adam's frenz...
The cool Oman, hensem boy Imran,
the birthday boy Aydein and the chubby Faaz..
*clock wise

Among these boys, Adam is the eldest..
Actually I just find out..Adam ni tak banyak bergaul..
He preferred buat hal dia sendiri aje..pusing2 rumah..penat papa kejar Adam..
Maybe sebab dia dah biasa ngan budak2 kat nursery..hehhee..
But we managed to capture few pictures Adam playing with his new frens..
mmg comel lah diorang ni..geram ..;)


I really love this picture..
agak2 apa diorang sembang ek..
"Aydein tgk Abg Adam buat ek.."
"ok ok.."

Adam and Oman..
"Adam come closer lah.."

Adam with Faaz..the chubby and tembam boys!!
Time ni diorang berebut balloon..sian Faaz,Adam yg senior ni rampas..huhuhu
Sorry dear..
*ala so frust sb gmbr ni ada flash..Nadine, I think ur's one mesti ok kan?

Faaz and the cute boy, Raees
Raaes is son of  famous Irin Putri...
*Guwam tau ngan peha Raees ni..mmg chubby..hasil fully bf mommy Raess..

Ralit betul tgk diorang main sama2..


This is the funniest part..
Kalau u all perhatikan betul2..Faaz and Adam macam kena pukau tau..
Actually diorang ni duk excited tgk Nuuril's hubby (En Armi) blew the wisel (ala apa name one of the party gadget tu..)..
tp yg best..Oman cool aje..agaknye daada dia dah selalu tiup kat dia hehehe...
Adam plak, siap drp pakai topeng.sb tak clear agaknye..buka nak tgk lagik clear..
After that..kalau nak amik picture aje..we all suruh Armi tiup wisel tu..
baru diorang concentrate...

The bz mommies..;)

Mommy and Adam ..


Us..the blogger mommies..with the heroes
Main picture..from left is Nuurill, Nadine, Anne and yours truly :)

The bigger circle of blogger mommies..

Again Thara and Aien..
Thanks alot for having us at ur wonderful party..
blogger mommies..looking forward for the next gathering ya!..
Walaupun we all tak sempat nak berbual panjang, sebbok melayan anak teruna masing2..
But we really enjoyed this short and memorable gathering..

Adam yg dah collapsed after the party...

Till then...

P/s : Thara..cepat2 post entry..mesti lagik cantik pictures from the photographer..;)


  1. wah...meriahnya...mesti tak sabar nak plan for adam 2nd b'day ;-). dah tak lama lagi kan...sep or oct? org yg ada umah besar seronok la nak invite ramai orgkan?

  2. omg babe cepat gila u post! hahaha. i tak sempat lagi nak buat apa2. busy gila u dgn keje tak sudah2! haha. thanks for coming again, and do look up for more pictures at my blog & FB nanti! ;)

  3. selalu baca blog u all..ermm perasan tak semua nyer baby boy laa...

  4. sukenya...drpd bloggers terus jadi kawan kan..sronot nyer...I jd silence readers jer la...nnt nad wat bday bash for Adam jgn lupe Alisha ekkk...Alisha pun nak meet new friends...

  5. sukenya...drpd bloggers terus jadi kawan kan..sronot nyer...I jd silence readers jer la...nnt nad wat bday bash for Adam jgn lupe Alisha ekkk...Alisha pun nak meet new friends...

  6. Nadia, geram tengok Adam hari tu tau!!! Dengan kegebuannya, dengan lagak dewasanya.. hihi.. he's so cute!! :)

    Well, mmg seronok sangat dapat jumpa semua mommies blogger that day. I think last Nuurill jumpa Nadia masa kat rumah Anne lah kan? same with Thara. Dengan Anne adelah jumpa jugak tapi x selalu. Nadine, i think the last time we met was before we jadi mommies lagi kan?... hahahaha..

    Agree with Nadia, Thara, everything about Aydein's birthday was really beautiful!! :) Good job mama!!

  7. k.long,
    a'a..time 1st birthday dulu,last minute buat..plus combine naik umah n raya..crowded sket...
    so this time hopefully more simple and enjoyable huhuhu..
    betul kalau umah luas mmg best..
    time buat kat apt itu ari..smp ke balcony kena letak carpet..sb tak muat..hehehe..
    Adam's birthday in oct!

    hehehe..kalau tangguh nanti lupa..I selalunye buat entry time rehat..ayat pun simple..tu kdg2 baca balik bercelaru aje..hehehehe..
    yeap, cant for ur total report..n the pictures too..;)

  8. Weeee!! I mmg tunggu2 this post sbb nak tgk photos! hehehe...

    U know what, before we went to Aydein's birthday party, kan konon2 nak attend wedding. I punyela semangat clearkan the memory card takut tak muat..lastly sampai the party nak snap, br sedar memory card tertinggal kat laptop. Huwaaaaa! :'( Just managed to snap few photos due to capacity limitation. And now, I masih lagi cari cable utk transfer from internal memory of the cammie to the lappie..*sob*. I copy dr u olls je la nampaknya... :)

    It was fun to finally met all of you lovely mommies (although I'm a bit awkward..malu! hihi :P) for the first time, and momma oman after few years :) Mommy Nadia ni sweet and peramah orgngya. Comfy je having conversation with her. She smiles a lot too. And Adam..OMG, sgt gebu ok!! Aunty Nadine guwam sgt rasa nak picit2. Tp segan ngan Mommy Adam..hihi. Sempat kiss pipi gebu ittew je and bermanja2 dgn Adam while suap dia sausage. Adam abg yg cool lah! :)

    Ok, I think I comment too much..ladies, looking forward to meet up again in the future :)

  9. Azura,
    hi dear..welcome to my blog ;)
    a'a..mmg hero semuanye..kalau ada baby gal mesti jadik rebutan..
    do come again ;)

    a'a..make new fren..and yg dah kenal boleh rapat2kan lagik hehehe ;)
    sure,sure..this time Alisha surely invited!
    owh dear..kalau Alisha join gathering mesti best..sb she will be the only flower among the heroes..huhuhuh

  10. amboi.. seronoknye adam pegi party aydein!
    ha ape lagi nadia..plan for adam's 2nd birthday this year tau! this time, i promise bawa lissa..(oh, btw Lissa pun oct baby too)

  11. Nuurill,
    hehehe..mmg kan ,my hero tu lagak mcm dewasa..buat donno aje..ke sana sini tawaf rumah ..

    I suka sgt tgk Oman tau..mmg sgt cool aje..lepas dah boring main ngan bola2,lepak kat puzzlemat..commey..;)

    a'a last time we met time kat umah Anne kan..hopefully nanti lagik kerap boleh buat gathering ;)

  12. Nadine,
    Same goes here,selalu konon2nye transfer gmbr lupa balik nak letak dlm camera..but on that day..I mmg purposely check and ensure to put the camera in my handbag..takut lupa...
    sebab time Anne's party dulu I tak bawak camera..my hubb's fren pinjam..so gmbr grabbed Anne's punye aje...hehehe..

    eeee...malunye nadine puji..!!hehe..
    tapi tu lah sebbok duk melayan anak teruna kan..tak bnyk boleh bual..next time meet up boley cite bnyk lagi k..
    Its nice to meet u too, nadine..ala kecik betul mommy faaz ni..segan mommy duk sebelah dia..

    a'a dear, tak boleh ingat lagi time Adam duk nak bermanja ngan mommy faaz..time I nak suap dia taknak tau..sebbok nak makan sendiri..alih2 prgi nganga mulut kat u plak..malu btol!!

    owh yea..kalau u nak more picture I boleh email to u..;)

  13. Airin,
    a'a last year Lissa takde lagik kan...
    this year wajib datang k!
    hishsihsih..gayanye mcm jadik aje nak buat ni..kena tgu En hubby approve proposal dulu...;)

  14. yay! nak nak! email to me eh dear bila you free at: nfn4181@gmail.com. thanks! *hugs*

  15. dear wifey,

    the forwarded proposal will be entertained shortly...
    Pls give us 2 yrs to process this request and later come up with the relevant papers to be filled.


  16. Wahh.. semangatnya nadia letak entry pasal ni.. my effort to blogging dah sgt menurun skang.. heheh.. anyway.. love the final picture.. :)

    But yeah.. i was nice meeting most of you.. eventho sibuk kejar anak masing2.. and nadine.. i perasan u malu2.. i pun terus jadi malu2 dgn u jugak.. hahaha.. lain kali2 jgnlah shy2 cat.. kitaorg ni ok aje..

    Anak teruna saya aje always out of the picture and story sbb meragam.. hehehe.. and kindda agree.. group kita semua boys kan.. hehehe..

    So who's next to organize a gathering? heheheh

  17. Nadine,
    dont worry dear..nanti i fwd pictures for u..;)

    Mr Prime Minister,
    OMG..company ape kah itu amik 2yrs nak process..kalau lulus pun dah 4th birthday bash..
    boley pakai cabel tak nak expedite ;)


  18. Anne,
    Perasan.. skrng Anne dah tak bnyk post entry..come on dear...
    post lah entry..love to read ur ideas and story..

    yeap..kindda semngat kn..ngalahkan Thara post entry tau..tp sb nk buat kenangan kan..so I post jgak..bila Adam besar nanti dia boley tgk cyber frens dia..hehehe..;)

    hehe..ikutkan next gathering..rsnye mcm tgu Adam nye plak..unless anyone come out wit idea to meet up..

    p/s: hopefully mr PM i kt atas tu cepat2 approve proposal kihkihkih ;)

  19. wah, lamanye proposal tu dpt approval. baru process, planning lagi..implementation lagi..eish eish..sampai adam dah darjah satu nanti baru approved!

  20. tu lah pasal Airin..
    kalau mcm ni nak kena submit awal2 lagik proposal utk 3yr,4yr..ntah2 yg bakal adik Adam pun dah nak kena submit..hehehe ;)


It might take me a while to reply, but I do read all comments received! Tq =)