Friday, June 18, 2010

Enfagrow A+ Learning Toolkit

Have you discover the nuffnang ads besides Adam? is the Enfagrow A+..
I'm not here to promote their fm ;)
But yet I was so impressed with their new Learning Toolkit...

You also can get the link over here...

It such a great learning tool as we can encourage our love to play with the games provided inside...
Lets move to their 1st page...

There are three range of ages here..from toddler to kid..
And overall I can say.. it is a parent-toddler friendly toolkit
Simple yet interesting!
I have tried this with Adam..and he seems to enjoy it so much...

Whats more??
This tools also can encourage our child to think and doing things by himself..
When I started to introduce to Adam..
He was so happy to see many colors and shapes..
Plus with the great sounds..its such an attractive learning page..

Mommies..have a try...
Memang best!

p/s : I'm not being paid (I mean special payment!) to post this entry..
Just wanna share a good leaning toolkit with u all...
*terkenangkan susu Enfagrow A+ Adam punye yg tak bersentuh....
InsyaAllah after 2yrs..I will start to introduce back this fm till he able to wean off himself...

Till then..;)


  1. Lepas baca je entry u ni Nadia, i straightly register kat Mead Johnson page tu. X saba nak tgk reaksi Oman!!

    Thank you for sharing dear :)

  2. Hmm.. Nuurill dah try masuk dekat 1-3 years old.. But when i click dekat those pilihan skills tu x jadi ape pulak..... huhu

  3. rajin betul you ni tau :)

    mcm menarik, since faaz mmg minum enfagrow bulehla balik nanti main sesama ngan faaz. jangan dia conquer lappie sowang2 sudahla..hihi

  4. eh mcm menarik! i ni kata je nuffnang member, tapi tak penah sebok nak click at their ads pon. most prolly sebab geram pasal earning tak naik naik dari dulu sampai skarang kot! haha :P

  5. Nuurill,
    owh tak boleh??..dekat 1-3yrs page..ada certain games yg keluar animation ada jgak just info and tips..
    try at home dear..sure Oman will be happy!

    Rajin??mcm tak sesuai je word tu kt I..tng blogging rajin..buat keje malas!!hehehehe..
    I know Faaz minum fact time dulu my fren suggest Enfa sb it almost similar taste wit susu ibu..her paed said la ;)

    Adam pun duk nak control mouse sendiri..sure Faaz will enjoy it too..

  6. Thara,
    hehhe,I luv to click the ads specially yg related wit parenthood..
    huhu..u ramai follower in fact u hv big circle in fb too..frequent posting sure ur traffic naik nye..n resulting hi earning..
    visit the famous blog..bnyk tips nak increase traffic!
    but then I'm not at level to schedule my entry..unless I got 1000uniques per day..that is still far far away ..;)

    owh dear..try it at home wit Aydein..he will surely respons to the sounds and color..;)

  7. hahha.. falisha belom mule lagi, sebb 100% BF lagi. but that's interesting facts that i will consider for falisha. thanks!

  8. Lyna,
    Hi..sukanye awak dtg visit blog kite ;) too..dah khatam the whole mcm nak tolong print certs buat diri sendiri ahaks!!

    Fairose, berangan sb tak larat kena hanging whole day long...
    tp rsnye mcm susah nak becerai susu gaya Adam ni..we'll see after 2 hehehe ;) bnyk dpt hadiah kalau use fm ni ;)

  9. salam balas ziarah mommy nadia! mcm sebut nama sendiri pulak..hehe. btw, tq ye singgah blog sy. senang2 dtg la lg ;)

  10. Salam Nadiah..
    yup..nanti I link ur blog to mine..boleh bc citer dr US...hehehehe,nak ke sana entah bila..bc ur blog macam dh rs sampai sane ;)

    u come again!!

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