Friday, May 28, 2010

28th May 2010 Location : Home Sweet Home ;)

Alhamdulillah..We safely arrived at K.Trg this morning by 7.40 am...
Papa now still sleeping soundly, maklumlah penat drive sorang2..
while mommy n Adam behind lena diulit intan ;)
Thanks papa ;)

And now, I'm in front of pc,try to settle my thesis while many carers downstairs will look after the busy lil boy who still exploring the whole house..

7.15 am at Pantai Kelulut, Marang ,Terengganu
Sun rise..

a peaceful morning on 28th May 2010...

P/s : I'm currently enjoying my last day of being 28...
And hopefully to enjoy my last digit of 2 at front to the fullest!

Till then..happy long weekend!


  1. Happy becoming birthday Nadia.. bestnya sure ada celebration nanti.. update k hehe.. yup soo true, next year dah digit 3 kat depan huhu... yg ptg happy alwiz baru awet muda, err boleh pakai ke tuu..

  2. Bestnya Trg..izu suka gi Trg...mcm2 ada! hehe..esp kt Pasar Payang tu..:)

    Slmt bcuti n slmt mbuat thesis..happy bday in advanced as well! bler ur d.o.b ?

  3. Hanis,
    InsyaAllah nanti update..
    a'a..kena sentisa happy kan..baru rs muda ;)

    Its today!tq for the wish..
    yeap..balik kg mmg best!

  4. dear Vee,
    tak tahu nape suddenly ur msg gone,but I still able to read and approve just now..
    neway thanks for dropping by and be my follower..
    singgah n comment lagik V..Nadia tak active sgt kat fb..sgt jarang2 bukak..

    neway, tkkan lah Nadia tak ingat kawan baik sek ren ni..geng jalan kaki balik sek ptg ;)hehehe

  5. happy belated b'day. semoga pjg umur & murah rezeki.

  6. Nadia bertolak dr Shah Alam pukul berapa? Mesti best ni dapat balik Ganu kan? Terbayang2 sotong tepung yg best kat tepi airport tuh!! Hehehe :)
    Oh and yes, Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. sorry I x sempat bloghopping this weekend. Happy Belated Birthday, dear! I bet u have a wonderful b'day celebration with ur family kan? :)

  8. Nuurill,
    nadia tolak from shah alam bout 2am lebeh2..
    skrang we all prefer jalan midnight sb Adam tk cranky dlm keta lama2..all the way he sleep soundly ..

    tk sempat balik kali ni nak ke sana..just balik for weekend and tak mintak extra leave pun..

    tq for the wish..;)

    Its ok..I pun jarang2 je online on weekend..duk sibok melayan anak teruna kita kan?
    so hows ur lil Faaz..??

    neway, tq Nad..a simple celebration but yet a meaningful one!;)

  9. Happy Birthday, Nadia! enjoy number 2 in the front before it's gone! ape2 pun, maintain awet muda ;)

    Wah bestnye balik Tganu! We all pun plan nak jalan2 tganu next 2 weeks. counting days ni.. x sabar nak mkn seafood celup2 and nasi dagang for breakfast!!

  10. tqtq..
    yeap enjoy to the fullest!

    best2..boleh makan ns dagang ;)
    my fave!


It might take me a while to reply, but I do read all comments received! Tq =)