Monday, April 26, 2010


Happy Monday everyone..

Today's topic is related to community service..
Just to remind u all takut2 terkena jgak..
Most of us mesti ramai yg pakai online for payment such thru maybank2u,clicks and etc..
ye lah, for those working people like us, this online payment has made our life easier..
No more long Q, hassle jammed n parking..thru fingertips semua boleh buat kan!
Walaupun setiap payment diorang kenakan charge, but its still worth kalau kira duit minyak, tol and parking kan..

But guys, please watch out!
Sekarang nih ramai hackers2 yg tak de keje..saje2 nak buat keje kita susah..
Even dah bnyk kita dgr ada received phone call ask us to reveal our password for verification!
All those things are nonsense..

For Maybank specially, diorang dah warning, mmg diorang tak akan buat mane2 panggilan utk verification!
Seriously, I pernah received call  related to this,dah la cakap Indon jelas2, masih boleh nak tipu kita ,mintak reveal security password kat diorang..stoopid!!

And today, I again received this email, for verification our account!
Paling takut, they send us the email thru my office mail..
which I seldom reveal this email only for job purpose!
But all my online payment, I use my office mail for triggering all payment done.
Mane diorang boleh dapat email ni kan?
Kalau hntr kat email hotmail/yahoo/gmail ke..lain lah..pelik betul!

But,seriously thru hi tech they have, they able to trace my mail and send this nonsense email.
kalau tilik2 lama2 mmg perasan, email ni jelas2 fraud!
tapi kalau kita tak persan, takut ingatkan mmg ada org nak buka account kita..
mesti terus je click link kat ctu..

Link tu kalau try bukak..dia akan link to a fraud maybank2u page!

I think Maybank dah traced this email sender,sb dah tak boleh bukak link tu..

Let me reveal their techniques..

1. Once we click to the link, they will lead us one fraud page of Maybank2u page which mmg similar with Maybank2u.
2. Then, we need to put our ID and password..
3. They will ask us to request the TAC.
4. The session will take longer time, sb once we type or passwords, they will get our ID and password and open the real Maybank2u page.
5. The TAC that received at our hp, they will ask us to key in the column provided.
6. Once they get our TAC, dah..settle boleh la dia transfer duit kita to any accounts as they want!

Sangat lick!

Just beware! Better save the Maybank2u/click link to our favourites.
So tak payah nak pike betul ke tk link ni..
Nowadays, kita banyak reveals all of our infos thru blog, Fb, twitters and macam2..
With these, we just make the hackers life easier..
Sb diorang ni bukannye pandai lah diorang reti buat benda2 macam ni..

In case u received any similar email like this, please ignore.
Or to be safe, immediately call ur bank for verification.

Till then...
This community service brought to you by fabulous motherhood..."Sharing is Caring"..


  1. betul la nadia. really hv to b careful nowadays. i just received one sms telling me that my sim card has won coca cola promotion. siap cakap won rm25k lagi..they asked me to call one no 017-xxxxxx. but, of course la airin ignored. terang2 la im not a soft drink fan.macam2 skrg..

  2. penah gak dpt email maybank2u & cimbclicks...selalunya k long terus delete jer. penah dgr org ilang ribu2 psl ni! tp yg peliknya mcm mana diorg tau detail kite? org dlm jugak ke yg buat?

  3. diaorg ni makin menjadi2 kan, esp MB2U punye scam nie. I pun risau gak since I pun guna this bank to do online payment. I think Maybank kena buat cam HSBC la..everytime nak log in kena guna password from digipass..

  4. Airin,
    a'a..kalau thru phone,lagik bnyk..mcm2 sms hntr!
    tp insurance lagik bnyk call kan..tak larat nak layan..
    sb I heard the bank sell our no to insurance..terok lah!!

    pelik kan mane dia dapat no kita,pernah gak terfikir..ntah2 org dalam jgak!!;0
    ikutkan Nadia tak pakai email ni utk ape2 non official..

  5. Nadine,
    have to put extra pre-cautions!
    betulkan compare HSBC,jarang dgr fraud HSBC..but then since my company use maybank..jadik malas nak transfer to HSBC..
    but HSBC service mmg tiptop!

  6. UUU.. bahaya.
    Dulu mmg Nuurill guna Maybank, sekarang dah tukar CIMB. Apa2 bank pun, mmg kene berhati2. haih! geram betol tau dgn orang2 yang lanun nih!!!!

  7. Nuurill,
    time Flex changed to click,Nadia pun pakai click kejap!
    then dh new office pakai maybank, tak kuasa nak handle bnyk2 account,pening !
    but its true!ape2 pun nak kena hati2..dah terkn tak boleh buat ape..
    nak report police, ntah2 tak layan stakat hilang 2,3 ratus ringgit!
    In fact bank pun tak entertaint kut..unless ribu riban nye kes kan!


It might take me a while to reply, but I do read all comments received! Tq =)