Friday, March 5, 2010


fuuuhhh!Rase macam terlalu pantas..
I was just read and enjoyed commenting on Nuurill's latest entry about her trolley boy, and telling her that I'm also eyeing on Adam's new stroller..
yup his stroller still ok and yet bnyk sudah berjasa mengangkut my 12 kg boy with mommy's shopp' things..
yet the weight (8.5 kg ++) and space wise (bulky type buggy) make us to consider to new one..
Mana tahu nak travel jauh kan, for sure this stroller would not afford to be behind the papa's carboot with other stuff..
So for this new stroller, my budget tak nak spend too much..something below RM500 to be consider...

And u know gurls, I just went to Mothercare SP during Friday's prayer time, ngopa2nye today is day 1 sale of  Mothercare...(apelah diorang tak hntr notice pun kt member's *sigh..),additional of 5% for member's for 2 days..
So the stroller that I was admired because of lightweight feature pun ada sale..20% plus with 5% additional..*wink*wink...ketamakkan mula menghantui..:(
I dah sempat surf at Baby Cottage and Babyjaya (thru website)..the price is same..only extra 5% tu je lah..
and plus kalau I beli Mothercare..boleh collect points!!yeay..

So..what do you think ??Should I grab??
Oh yea..I might be change from Volo to Triumph..
before ni tak study the features..
Yeap, we really not agreed with one postion sian Adam nak tido kan..
but we have to sacrificed 1.2 kg  weight..takpelah..papa kan kuat!

 the Graco..we admired of his sportiness :)

...forgot the model type lah..

with the comfortable infant Car seat..

there a few more left ..If ok, I will make a call for booking...(haha..takut tak dan I interviewed supervisor dia tadi..few color only left..)

MacLaren Volo

MacLaren Triumph

more details, go to this website :
To buy or not to buy..PUZZLED!


  1. Mothercare tgh sale, Nadia. Ceh! smlm I pegi tak sale pulak. Kena pegi lagik la ni..hihi.

    I say...BUY *wink*

    Hihi..masa tgh sale mmg worth it to buy :)

  2. brape ye volo kat msia? just wondering sbb i know strollers kat msia is really expensive. i beli kat babies r us in US dpt la about usd80 with a 20% off coupon.

    btw, just blog hopping and stumbled upon ur blog :)

  3. Nadine,
    A'a fri br start..cepat2 dear!!
    betul,I like sales..!!watever yg kita dah eyeing tuh,boley grab kankan..!


    Hi Anonymous,
    thanks for dropping by :)
    betol tuh,kt US dah lah murah bnyk choice kan..the Volo after 25% disc can get by RM400+..which is reasonable jgak la..
    I jarang use ebay for shopp',so apa ada kat M'sia ni I grab aje..asal price within budget..
    U stay kt US ke?best!
    neway,feel free to drop by again..:)

  4. heheheheh.. mcm x lama lagi Adam dapat stroller baru jek.. ke dah dapat ni?? :)

  5. hehe,Nuurill..thanks dear for bringing up the stroller entry..tq:)
    p/s: tak sabar nak update new entry..*wink*wink

  6. wah.. bestnye adam. nak dpt stroller baru.. yea yea!
    beli je mana yg berkenan, mommy nadia. tp betul la like u said. MacLaren Triumph bleh reclined byk2 position. x penat adam duk tegak je..hehe.

  7. airin,
    MacLaren Triumph pun tk bnyk positions recline..*sigh
    wait for my new updates dear..(cewah!!)

  8. that's not a bad price...

    haah..i'm currently living in us..byk choice pun susah gak, pening kepala nak decide mana satu :)

  9. ..betol jgak kan..rambang mata plak ye??
    wow,best,which part of US?u keje sane or further study??


It might take me a while to reply, but I do read all comments received! Tq =)