Monday, February 22, 2010


siapa tak suka balik kg kan??so do i..
but for this time,returned more meaningful since it was unplanned long holidays,plus the trip was super calm..
Adam was sleeping soundly all the way back (thanks for the idea of nite time traveling..)
the best things..the toll is free..yeha!..(save duit papa..)

speaking of joyful balik kg,( bukan hari raya..kalau raya the mood is the bestest!!)
there are few reasons I love being at my hometown..owhh Trg..Embrace by Herritage..(promote sket..kihkihkih..)--read it at signboard sumwhere in the KT town..

WHYWHYWHY...(this is not WHY2 anlysis ok..:)

...mother's foods is the best.= heaven..!!
I think mahu I naik 2 kg rase2nye..
mana tk..asyik makan jer..not only makan kat rumah,plusplus with all craving stuffs..
scroll and let me promote few places tempat makan best at Trg..

one of my mom dishes..ikan bakar...tak masuk kira lagik ikan stim,udang masak lemak...
tu pun tokma tak sempat nak bg Adam mkn creampuff...:)
place : my mother's kitchen

makan petang...wonder how much kolestrol I gained..???
place : try to find tempat jual kueh super banyak ..
somwehere at Gong Kapas..(in front Sek Khairiah..)


at kopitiam..tkyah lah..yg ni kat KL pun ada..
mommy tgh gile coffee Killiney..Seksyen 13 Laman Seri..awsome ;0

all celop tepung stuff..
place : sumwhere near to telok ketapang..
but this one near to UMT..promoted by Ibu Aimy..

ignore myself yg sungguh tak ingat makan itu..

not only mommy and papa enjoy do Adam Mikael..

p/s : not to forget bfast craving (the nasi dagang..) + ns padang (in front of istana maziah) + ns kuning (gerai since I was small..) and many mores!!!..I need exercise to burn all of these....

sounds weird ait..but not for mommy and papa..
the best time when we can loosed semua urat saraf..
taking care of an active 12 kg Adam..sumtime we need time to relax..but HOW??
yes!!lil Adam with his caress..Adam was sumtime to be found at..

..his Tokki

then jumped to his Tokma...

playing with his Cik Mimi..

then moved to his uncle Kamel..

and last but not least..his Ayahsu Hekal...

but where's his mommy and papa....

oooo...tgh berchenta..:)


the whole bunches..!!
awaitin' for new one to come..yeha..!!

papa sempat jgak posing yerk..
yet still takut pasir..but he really enjoyed to watch flying kites and ombak..


walk to remember...near to Masjid Kristal..Taman Tamadun Islam..

"..mommy nak naik boat..!"


lepak2 with my sis and the cupid angle Lin..(nak tahu,nih lah my postman..:)
not a complete meja bulat since a fews not around...

hubby and Yein (my IL)

4. ADAM and the sunglasses..
this one out of topics..but the main things..he always kena bully by his aunt and uncles..
owh..anak mommy dah pandai nak bergaya yerk..


hi mommy..

p/s: he loves to wear my glasses, think bcos he loves when he can see the world in black..

So how u rate this time holiday my dear...

gud one mommy!!


  1. wah...seronoknya...mmg best acara makan2 nih...hahaha...cemana lar nak kurus nih...k long lepas bersalin ni selera mkn makin menjadi2!

  2. Weeee!!! Bestnye holiday Nadia. Superb place!! Terliur giler tgk ikan bakar mama nadia tau! Teringat makan kat umah mama Nuurill jugak.. Best!!

    Owh..Coffee Killiney kat laman Seri tu Nuurill pun selalu pegi sana. Kebetulan owner dia Uncle Hisham is Armi's abah punya kawan. Cantikkan kedai dia? plus the landscape of Laman Seri Bussiness Park tu sangatla awesome. COntemporary modern. :)

    Dulu masa mr bro's wedding Nuurill ada singgah makan dinner dekat all celop tepung stuff tu. memang makan x hengatla.. sedap giler..

    yang pasti kan.. bila balik kampung.. mmg berat badan naik.. hahahahahah

  3. sedapnyeer tgk ikan bakar tu Nadia...terliur ok. Agree with you, masakan ibu mmg terbaek lah dlm dunia nie kan??! :)

    Si comel tu 12kg Nadia?? Maintain je I tgk u dukung Adam. Mesti stamina you tinggi kan. I dukung Faaz yg baru 10++kg tapi slalu pancit. huhu..

  4. Kaklong,
    betol2..terbawak2 time syok makan mase preggy kan..Nadia lg la,suka guna reason "mommy nak buat susu Adam ni.."..hishhishhish..
    ..jom exercise sblm terlambat...:)


    yeap,hometown is the most supeb!!
    meti enjoy balik makan kt kg ikan bakar tu mmg best!hehehe..

    betol2,sgt cantik killiney tu..Nadia start pergi bila bc Nuurill punye entry..malas dah nak g old town seksyen 9..jauh!plus kedai tu malay's own..lagi suke kan..
    Adam suka main2 kat luar time ada air pancot..happy sgt tsk dia duk pusing2 kat ctu...penat nak ikut dia tawaf!!
    owh Nuurill dah makan celop tepung tu kan??

  5. Nadine,
    Mak Nadine mesti terrer masak jgak kan..kalau tak mana tumpah kuahnye kalau bukan kat u...!!hihi..terigin nak try u masak dear..
    a'a Adam dah 12 kg..maybe dah plus2..takde lah stamina tinggi..mengah jgak kdg2 time duk yg pasti tangan sakit tau..!

  6. Nadia, agree with u. mmg kampung is the best place which has all the superb food. Huspa klu balik Kulim, p cari makanan la. hubby pon sama, cam kampung dia je. hahaha...

    best tgk Nadia balik kampung, nak balik jugak Kedah. Huspa dah lama tak p Terengganu, more than 10 years rasanya. Nanti nak ikut Nadia balik lah..hehe leh ka?

  7. Nadia punya kampung kat trg kat mana? mak anne org trg gak.. rumah arwah to'ki is at chabang tiga, dekat dgn pasar tuh.. earlier this year kitaorg balik kampong gak.. first time for my hubby balik trg driving.. jakun sebentar mamat tu.. huhuh

    Anne pergi makan celup2 tepung at the same shop.. punya la mencarik sbb makcik anne tak igt nama kedai tuh.. last2 masuk je.. nasib betul.. but, i don't know.. rasa celup2 die cam biasa kot.. maybe i was expecting something else.. itu yg mcm tak berapa teruja.. but i have read a few people's blog and diorg mmg ckp kedai tuh best :)

  8. babe, i didnt know u're a terengganu-ian! ni org "ganu kito" la ni eh? haha :P btw, nice holiday review! next time u nak balik, lemme know ok. nak pesan kropok lekor! :D

  9. siannye adam kena buli (standard kalau balik kampung! lissa pun slalu kena mcm tu)
    mmg menyelerakan tgk ikan bakar tuh..nyum nyum..
    impressed tul tgk nadia dukung adam. even tho nampak mcm dah senget ke belakang..ehehehe. maintain!
    suka sgt tgk pic adam yg last tu! cute!

  10. Huspa,
    hehe..balik kg best..same to my hubby yg enjoy balik kg orang..dia tkde kg..haha
    jomjom..kita jalan cari makan kt!

    p/s: Nadia tk pernah g Kulim huhuhu


    owh dear..sgt dekat umah to'ki Anne ngna umah Nadia..umah Nadia dekat muzium/Tmn Tamdun nak g town mmg lalu cbg3 la..tak sangka Anne selalu g sane jak ek..
    fyi,kedai celop tepung tu mmg bnyk..dulu Nadia biasa kt kedai tepi airport,tp sgt ramai beralih ke gerai lain..ada satu lg kedai nearer to gerai I mkn tu..tu lg long Q..
    gerai Nadia kn tu ok..boley layan la...hehe..nanti Anne balik Trg Nadia bwk gerai best k..hehehe

  11. Thara,
    yes dear,I org Trg..jom jalan2 cr makan kt!
    dontworry I let u know k..ngidam ke ni?hihi

    haha..nak gelak bila tgk pic dukong Adam,senget..try to balance up kut..or actually angin tiup kuat sgt..hehe..boleh ke?
    kalau airin yg slim ok la ..nadia angin taufan pun takleh menumbangkan mommy Adam yg cm hippo ni..
    a'a sukke tk lissa kena dia maintain cool je..:)

  12. Nuurill,
    nanti kalau pergi Trg lagi,lemme case ade kat sane,boley makan sama2..:)

  13. yah...bestnyer gi makan suntom...saya balik ari tu tak dang ahhh...kakyu je pegi..then biaser ler..kitorang VVIP customer...pegi pilih sotong sampai ke dapur...hambik yang besor2 n ader terlur sume...betol n sure tak kedai pokcik rambut krinting tuu...?? pokcik matnor nama dier...n kedai die dah tgh renovate tau skang....

    heheeee...malasnyer nak berbelog....

  14. Mieyy...
    bukan,pck kriting tuh rama ngak org serbu dia..dah nmpk pun byg2 kriting yer..
    mals nk q,g keda ari tu..biase je..cuma best sb lama dah dak mkn..
    nexttime g nak ikut awak ah..baru bleh VVIP service..huhuhu..
    jgn malas miey..once a week pun ok dah..
    nak tgk development Eim ni..cayyok2!!!:)


It might take me a while to reply, but I do read all comments received! Tq =)