Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Its a new start ...All the best mommies..:)

Hopefully still not too late for me to wish Happy New Year 2010 and wish ya all the best for this whole year..
I just finished send out my pending, delayed whatsoever reports, and baru boleh lepas nafas lega sket, but yet still need to prepare for other presentation slides and proposal paper :(

Actually there are too many sweet things happened towards end of 2009, yet I still don’t have time to upload the pictures..for my mom specially..I took a lot of pix of Adam with Xmas trees..and also tokma and Ibu Aimy visit too..wish I have time for it..InsyaAllah..

As the new year kick start, I have attended one of our lovely mom blogger’s son’s birthday party “ANNE--mommy of Imran's”..(wonderful party—go to this link!) yet I was so frustrated I don’t have Mr Camera with me on that time..OMG..I will patah kaki for this week (even since last week)..when my hubby lend his camera to his fren who went for trip to Sweeden and Paris..(Zul..hope u hear this..u owe me something from Paris !!!:)I really meant it..!

OK..Actually this will be very plain entry, coz I just wish to throw all my new year resolution into this..hopefully, by 2011 I can re-check all the items mentioned here..
Yeap..ada yg cakap, why every new year je nak kena buat new year resolution..bila2 masa boleh buat target,for me easy..not our job je nak kena ada KPI, life kita pun mesti nak ada KPI,ada time frame so that we can review every quarter in order us to be a good God servant,wife,mother and employee..:)

Of course I did not come with a long list to be achieved…yet, this year I hope to be more organized..1st and foremost, I hope to be a better muslimah..kurangkan delay solat,remove all gossip2,topup bnyk ibadat..hope I can redeem bnyk pahala and delete more dosa..:)

2009 was a bz, hectic year..with Adam still building up the body protection, new job (dah confirm by Oct *wink*wink*:), my sis wedd, new house to move..so many things till I cant arranged my time properly..
so this year I wish to had more holidays,wish to decorate my home,wish to settle my unfinished project (those who r close to me..u know what I mean rite..wish me luck..)…and on top of that..wish to spend all of my precious time with my 2 man..watching Adam growing up and try my best to be as good mommy n wifey as I can..Read,read and more read the books/info..religious and motherhood…

Not to forget for myself..since I realized my 2 tree trunk was getting bigger as size of kayu jati di hutan negara..with my arm half of malek noor's muscle,so I wish to have more swimming time on weekend or weekdays..InsyaAllah..Wish my proposal nak beli new facial product lulus too..

For my career..alah KPI kat office tu kan dah ada..tak payah sebok2 nak buat extra achievement..hohoho..hopefully this year will be better year..work hard!cayyok..!
Papa..I’m behind u..hopefully can get the rating 5 too..**I wished**:)

Fuhhh..lega rasenye,when I can throw all the things yg duk berlegar2 dalam kepala ni..
Every year I will find a piece of paper to write down what I want to achieve (time study adalah buat journal jgak..hehe), this blog menjadi saksi for this year.. 2010!!!

Ok lah..yg penting..Istiqamah …(miey..camane dah ayat KISAS dulu..”fastaqim kama umirta”..am I rite??..huh rase jahil skrang ini..)

2009 left with all sweets and sad memories (losing of my 2 lovely frenz)..here I come 2010..Wish to be a supermommy..InsyaAllah..:)


  1. Happy new year nadia...all the best!, dapat keje baru? where?..aiya so kepoh haha..

  2. happy new year Hanis..bila nak join mommyhood ni..cepat2..:0..ala dah lama keje..bulan 3 lagi..kat P**T*N..hehe..kilang keta tu la..kilang lama tutup..hoho sedih:(

  3. wah, look at ur new year resolutions! panjang betol u punye list! hehehe. yes, let us all have a brand new start this year and become a better muslimah, wife and mum! here's to all of us wonderful ladies! ;)

  4. waa..sronok nye i baca ur entry nie...
    i pun teringin nk ade blog sndiri tp ntah bile nk gerak...baca mommy2 lain nyer blog sgt best sbb i can pick here n there mommies experience...

  5. thara..
    plus must be very sabar..bb boy sgt active!!!

    cepat2 create blog..look at mine..sgt simple compare to others..best thing can share infos specially bot the motherhood..:)cayyok dear..

  6. baru dang nk bace resolution yah! hebat2! i wish u all d best in wateva it is...my doa will always be with u my dearest fren...syg u always & double syg for my lil' Adam...

  7. ayeen..
    thank you my dear fren..
    wish ya all best for this 2010..:)


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