Monday, November 30, 2009

my compress updates..

good morning..
wahwah bestnye monday morning at hometown..hujan plak kt luar..malas betul nak gerak balik shah alam..dah delay oneday..nomore delay..nanti boss marah..hehehe..;)

btw as been informed at earlier entry.. bnyk nak slow2 la..
before entry utk Eid Adha holiday ..mommy nak update bout last week story mory...

3 of us went out with Ibu Aimy pergi jalan2 at the curve and ikano. .
lama dah tak kuar jalan2..ok lah. lepas nih maybe dah susah nak outing2 since ibu Aimy pn dah pi corum nak gathering pun dah berkurangan after umi Reehan n Aisyah dah ke Aussie..(huhu..last gathering time raya..the sweetest memory for all of us..)..

All of us...good job papa!


"mommy.. stroller Adam nih dah jadik trolly shopp' mommy lak..hish2!"..

ni terselit plak Adam n cik mimi..after swimming last weekend..

haah..Adam new hair cut!how is it?...
nmpk lagi chubby lah mommy rase with this hair cut...cpt tumbuh rambut..

my belang2 pyjamas..mommy like it!

"auch!mommy ni censored lah"...Adam in his small pool..

ok lah ..more on next update..gtg.."bie, ok..mommy dah nak gerak nih.."
last word..mmmmuuuaahhhss...


  1. cute sgt gambo adam peek-a-boo tu...heheheh
    bile bole outing sesama cam tu lagi ekk???
    tunggu cik ang balik mesia laa...tak saboo...

    ooo..adam pi swimming tak tunggu eimran yekk...takpe laa...nanti eimran pegi swim pakai diaper je laa..lambat sgt ibu nak bli swimsuit..

  2. mie..adam g berlatih nyelam..tgu bb Eim lambt sgt..ibu cepat2 lah beli "bikini" kt Eim..

    hi anonymous..thx for dropping by..


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