Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Adam's 1st Birthday..

17 Oct..Adam dah 1 year..tak sangka my 2.83kg baby growing up dah jd 10.8 kg pun..
so last wk mommy and papa buat lah kenduri kecik2..actually after 1 wk of b'day Adam..
coz nak tgu to'ma and to'ki from trg..

a week before Adam's b'day and during the whole week after his b'day..everyday mommy,papa,to'ma n cik mimi..duk nyanyikan adam birthday song..konon nak bg dia familiar wit da song..hahaha..tp ok lah, he start to enjoy and smiling happily when mommy and papa pagi2 lagi dah jadi scool choir..

here we go..some of the pic during the birthday celebration..1st at Adam's kinddy(tots to toddlers)..2nd close family (thanks aunty aida for d cake)..n last but not least during the small makan2...

mommy was so happy since fews of my frenz from SHAMS (thx lampirianz muahs),best fren lin,pc (cik mai,bob,fadhil),utm and flex pun ada..thanks!dah jadi gath mommy pun ade..sowie papa:)

at d' kinddy..I wish for...

with cik mimi....

when mommy suddenly got xcited.. yuhuu...

ready Adam....


Eimran...makan cake!


bb cik mai...farell

wit to'ma n uncles

smile ayeen...:)


  1. Elo Puan Nadia...apa habaq? dh sethn dan Adam ek? Cepat kan..ingat lagi kita sama2 bawak perut kat Flex thn lepas...hehehe..dah besar dah kita punya boys. Hazrat is turning to 1 this December. Nadia duduk mana skrg?

  2. hi huspa..thx for dropping by!nadia sihat..a'a kan sempat bwk perut je sama2..sedey kalau flex tak tutup myb kita pump sama2 ek..:)So cm, dah plan for b'day bash for bb Hazrat?Nadia stay kt bt3 skrang..apt tepi kilang gula tu..hehe..tcare..

  3. muke ayeen serius gile...huhu..
    hepy bday again my dear baby adam...ayeen luv u sooooo much!!!!


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