Wednesday, November 14, 2012


It's been a while since my last update, I left u girls with an entry of Hannah Foster *I've no idea why I wanted to make entry about her that time, macam ler sepupu sepapat ke ape kan hahaha* and ever since that, I was on unplanned leave and being away for couple of days. Bye bye twitter, instagram semua, sebab bila dah dgn anak2, memang tak dan ok nak insta2 semua. Si suami karang bagi I jelingan duhss duhhss, so alamaknye, snap tetap snap, tapi jadi #latergram lah. Hahaha..

Back to reason of hibernating. Yes, Allah always has a better plan for us, kan. MasyaAllah. I took 1 day leave for my BIL's wedding (on Monday), but the wedding was on last weekend, Saturday and Sunday at Machang, Kelantan. Disebabkan oleh cuti yang berbaki tak seberapa, I just decided to take 1 day leave for travelling. Pity Mr hubby kena follow wifey padahal cuti dia bnyk lagik. Meaning that, travelling to Kelantan would be on Friday, after work.*pergh, kalau ikutkan, haru biru ok, mana nak packing lagik*  Nak mintak cuti lebih2, orang kata sedar diri kan. But on Thursday, I went to DEMC, the neck and shoulder pain that I had since weekend, getting worst. I knew things that trigger back my neck and shoulder pain. Long journey during Raya Haji holiday to Terengganu, dengan pangku 13kg Ryan, bfeeding all night, that's the main rootcause. Back to office, a lot of works *new system go live*, stress depan pc, such a good combination. So, I went to to see doc just to get some pain relief, biasanya counterpain tu je pun, and doing some physiotherapy. Since I have history of neck and shoulder pain from the records, the same cause and same points, doc gave me 2 days mc, and he advised me to stay away from pc. Hahahaha. 2 days, and mana mahu tolak. So doc, ur patient really followed ur advise. 5 days leaves, jeling laptop pun tak nak. Hahaha, tab and ipad tu tak kira lah kut, sb check email je pun, lain, berebut dengan Adam and handle si active Ryan. The pain still there until now, kurang sket je pun, sb kali ni travelling, Ryan behaved well, nak plak dia tidur dekat comforter. And journey to Kelantan, since my mom pun ikut sekali, boleh gilir-gilir dukong Ryan.Phewww!!

Started first working day for this week, seriously lemau aje. Esok tahu nak cuti lagik kan, office kosong semua orang cuti, sb boss ade kat depan, *buat-buat busy* hahaha. Taklah, bnyk pending keje nak settle ok! sobsob. Trying to get back mood to blog, checking back all pending emails to reply and paling best bnyk nak kena check junk folder, ada je kadang2 email masuk situ. So anyone yg ada send email dekat I *specially for contest*, kalau after few days I tak publish, please please trigger me ok. Takut terdelete dah.

I have few interesting entry waiting to be published, sorry for the previous entry, which been in the draft folder since last week, tapi lupa nak publish *mak nyanyok dah* Selalu balik Terengganu, bnyk tempat pegi, tapi jarang make proper entry. Bila lagik nk promote Terengganu kan. Tunggu, so anyone nak pergi Terengganu, hopefully entry tu nanti boleh membantu *maklumlah tengah cuti-cuti sekolah ni kan* Seriously cuti pendek kali ni, sgt meaningful. Walaupun pergi wedding, but managed to bring kids to few interesting places too. Yeay! *tapi penat lah kan, takpe asal happy*

Sorry for the picture-less entry today. Belum sempat transfer gambar ke pendrive lagik. Banyak nk kena sort out balik. Huhhh..hopefully it wont take to long to do that. hewhewhew. Ok, gtg, settle few things. Yeay esok cuti!!!

ps: U'olls dah submit entry for contest Jom join =)

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