Friday, September 21, 2012


Have u guys aware about the recent tv ads by MILO? Seriously, I really love and enjoyed that short tv ads showing how importance playing to children.  Still remember back at school, co-curriculum teacher always  remind us, " Bila study, study betul2. Bila bermain, main betul2 ". Memang pegang betul dengan kata azimat cikgu tu. So happened that I was an athlete back then at school and uni time. Tinggal time mase dpt offer Form 1 pergi boarding school yg active sukan je my mom tak kasik pergi. Kalu tak ntah2, main netball wakil M'sia *hahaha,verangan* Sukan bukan setakat keluarkan peluh and stay fit and healthy, but its more than that. I learnt to be independent, being apart from family since standard 5 to attend training for state player, really has trained me to be who am I now. Not only that, kalau tak bersukan rase otak pun seriously tak cerdas. Lesu je. Time form 4, sebab dah 3 tahun tak active *sekolah agama, sukan takde wakil org pompuan* , masuk MRSM je terus lebar sayap. The only form 4 player in senior team *kembangkempishidung*. So much fun playing with them. Kat U pun, ada peluang main dgn M'sia players, jadiklah tu. *teringat GS tinggi 1.8m, camano??* That's why I tried as much to expose my kids in all activities. And soon bila dah besar, will try to support and encourage them to be active in sports too. Tapi pelajaran pun kn utama. Make it balance kan? By the way, I received an email on article about importance sports for children. Feel free to read, this is nothing to do with advertorial what-so-ever. Its about sharing and caring. Take few minutes to read through everyone.


"Learning Life’s Lessons through Sports”

Identifying the very need of sports in every child’s life, Nestlé MILO® has been advocating sports among kids through the MILO® PLAY MORE, LEARN MORE®campaign since 2009 and continues to play an active role in the grassroots level to promote play time for sports among children.

A child's involvement in sport should start at a very early age. The pressure for Malaysian children to succeed academically is greater today than ever, and in the process, play time for sports is being pushed aside. In a society obsessed with academic achievement, parents equate success solely to academics at the exclusion of play time for sports. Children should not limit themselves to attending organized sports activities only. They should be given time and encouragement to play sports as much possible which will not only help them improve in sports but also learn the value of working hard to be good at anything which can applied in many areas in life. Playing sports presents countless health benefits including reduced risk of obesity, increased cardiovascular fitness, improved coordination and balance, better sleep. It also develops social skills and improves discipline. Reducing sedentary time may be as important for health as increasing exercise time. Best of all, getting moving is fun.

This nationwide commitment targets children aged 6 to 12, families and local communities. Including the local communities in this camp is among the many ways for MILO® to understand the real needs required at grassroots level. MILO® works closely with local communities by providing financial assistance and necessary equipments while local communities contribute by encouraging the community to come together and participate during the camp.

With that said, MILO® have developed an info graphic on “Learning Life’s Lessons through Sports” detailing the benefits of children playing sports as well as information on the MILO® PLAY MORE, LEARN MORE® campaign. Hope it will help educate mothers on the importance of sports for children.

MILO® Play More, Learn More® aims to remind all of us on the needs of play for children, and what parents should do to support their right to enjoy it. Visit their fb page :

"Hak bermain,  hak kami" 
-- such a meaningful shout out!

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