Friday, June 15, 2012

Suffering plugged milk ducts

Salam Jumaat yang barakah..
Harini mc, duk rumah. Tapi dek dari petang semalam balik keje terus tidur menggigil kesejukan, semalam almost every hour bangun dengan kadar dehydration yg tinggi, now makan ubat pun dah tak larat nk tidur. Sakit badan.  High fever sebab swelling of Mrs B. Ini kali ke 2 kena. Jumpa doc tadi, she mentioned about the lump which due to clogged duct. Dah agak dah, yesterday masa pump dah find out the lump, sakit bila sentuh, dekat area tu mcm lebam2. Wonder jugak pasal clogged milk ducts ni, ingatkan mase confinement je boleh kena engorgement, so I tried to google the about this. Clogged milk ducts ni can be one of the reason of breast engorgement, specially happened during confinement. Alhamdulillah, compared to yesterday, today much better sb Ryan dah take out most of the milk for yesterday's production. But seriously, Allah je tahu sakitnye masa breastfeed tu. Ku tahan aje. Ketulan ada tapi dah tak lebam sgt, hopefully with antibiotic and ubat nak kurangkan bengkak, in 5 days, getting better. Worst things about clogged duct ni, boleh sebabkan infection. Time tu nak kena drain the abscess thru minor operation. Takuuttt. Hopefully tak serius sgt. Jom bc info pasal plugged milk ducts! ='( *sakit*

Plugged milk ducts

Reviewed by the BabyCenter Medical Advisory Board
Last updated: April 2011

What is a plugged milk duct?

If you're making milk faster than it's getting expressed, it can get backed up in the duct. When this happens, the tissue around the duct may become swollen and inflamed and press on the duct, causing a blockage.  
The first sign of a plugged duct may be a small, hard lump that's sore to the touch or a very tender spot in your breast. Some women also notice redness on their breast. The area may feel hot or swollen, but may feel better after nursing.
If you feel achy, run down, and feverish, it could be a sign that your clogged duct has become infected. (Left untreated, a plugged duct can evolve into mastitis, so don't ignore the symptoms.)

What causes plugged ducts?

Blocked ducts can happen if your breasts are not getting completely drained of milk on a regular basis. Some common situations that may lead to this are:
  • Your baby is having trouble feeding for some reason, such as an improper latch, or isn't feeding often enough.
  • You're using a pump that's not powerful enough.
  • You've abruptly weaned your baby.
  • A duct becomes compressed or damaged, due to pressure from a nursing bra that doesn't fit well or from sleeping on your stomach, for example. This may trap milk inside a duct.
  • You have an illness such as a cold. Illness may cause you to not want to feed your baby as often or pump as frequently.
  • You're under stress. Stress lowers your body's production of oxytocin, the hormone that causes your breasts to release milk. 
You've had surgery, such as a breast biopsy. The area that was operated on may interfere with milk drainage and cause a blocked duct.

What should I do?

Nurse, nurse, nurse! It may be painful to nurse on the affected side, but frequent nursing is crucial to completely empty the breast, which will make you more comfortable and reduce inflammation.
If it's not too painful, nurse on the side with the clogged duct first, because your baby sucks strongest at the beginning and that may help dislodge the plug. If your baby doesn't want to nurse enough to empty the breast on that side, use a breast pump or hand express the milk.
Experts also recommend that you massage the sore area frequently and firmly, starting at the outside of the breast and working your way toward the nipple. Applying warm compresses before nursing can help open the ducts and relieve pain and swelling.

Vary your nursing position. For example, if you use the cradle hold, try the football hold or nurse lying down. This will help make sure that all of the ducts are drained.

Also, many women swear by this trick: Position the baby at your breast with his chin pointed toward the sore spot. Then have him latch on and begin nursing. This directs suction at the plugged duct.
Taking ibuprofen may help relieve pain and inflammation. Ask your doctor or lactation consultant before taking any remedies while you're breastfeeding, though, even if they're the over-the-counter variety. You might also want to check out our breast milk interactions chart.

Next to nursing, the most important thing is rest. This may seem difficult or impossible with a baby to care for, especially if you have other children, but it's an important element of recovery.

To get a bit more shut-eye, consider keeping your baby with you in bed. Put a stash of things you'll need nearby, such as diapers, toys, books, and water, to minimize trips out of bed. If possible, ask someone to help you for a few hours a day so you can get some sleep.
Also eat nutritious foods to boost your immune system, and drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated.
To help with discomfort, some moms rely on cold packs while others prefer a heating pad. See which provides you with the best relief.
Once the duct is unplugged, the area may still be red or feel tender for a week or so, but any hard lumps will be gone and it won't hurt as much to nurse.
To help prevent future plugged ducts, avoid long stretches between feedings. And make sure your nursing bras fit well and don't have underwires, which can compress milk ducts.

Will clogged milk ducts affect my baby?
Sometimes your milk flow on the affected side may be slower than usual, and your baby may become fussy when nursing on that breast. But it won't hurt your baby to nurse while you have a clogged duct. And the antibacterial properties of breast milk will keep your baby safe from bacteria, even if you develop an infection.

Can I still nurse?
Yes. It's the best way to get the duct unclogged.

What if home remedies don't work?
If you continue to feel pain after trying rest, heat, massage, and frequent nursing for 24 hours, call your healthcare provider. Call right away if you develop a fever at any time, because this may mean that you have an infection that requires medication.


  1. ada tips amek vitamin E atau lecithin utk kurangkan bengkak susu mcmni..

  2. huhu..sakitttt.. during confinement pernah jadi plugged ducts ni. I lah salah seorang yg sampai tahap kena minor operation. T__T

  3. hi nadia, i actually ur silent reader.. baru ari ni rase nak comment..
    i pernah kene jugak.. twice. once mase confinement , second mase my son 5 months... sakit.. mmg demm.. pegi jumpe dr koe (also lactation consultant) ...die bg antibiotic, and kene regularly pump and bagi baby direct feed.. i took me 1 week kot untuk ok balik..
    so hopefully u cepat baik :)

  4. teringat kat nyoh masa konvoi balik apal aritu. maman tu bf sepanjang jalan while nyoh is driving! imagine?! sampai je kat apal, nyoh terus sakit satu badan. esoknya demam teruk sampai takleh bangun. nasib baik mok ada, buleh la look after the kids. huhu scary!

  5. mommy nadia nufael dh besar pun masih bengkak lagi kan..maksdnya supply masih byk tu. mmng kena mkn antibiotik ni

  6. lydzar,
    owh ye ke,boleh try jugak jrg2 kena tu yg tak amik permenant solution, semua main pakai temporary dgn amik ubat n antibiotic far Alhamdulillah. Getting better.

  7. Aisyuhada,
    Yeke,antibiotik n ubat semua dah tak jalan ek??Ada effect tak kat milk production lepas tu??

  8. Teh,
    Standard mek, bf mommy jarang dpt drive kereta, biasanya mmg jadik mok datin duk belakang..budak suka gayut specially on long journey..sometimes kena jugak bila kuar dgn budak je..letak atas riba n drive..tak masuk lagik pumping while driving mek..huhuhuhu!!

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  13. saya pernah tulis pengalaman kena blocked duct ni. Just wanna share how i deal with it.

  14. Haidee,
    tq, boleh buat rujukan kalau kena lagik!sakitnye..


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