Friday, June 22, 2012

the brothers..

To make the boys stay put for at least 5min, is not an easy thing to do. There are always things come up to their minds. Kalau Adam duduk diam, adalah pulak si adik datang mengacau. End up riuh rendah je rumah. But wait, there is time when we can make the brothers sit calmly. How??Anyone here can guess?

Sian plak tengok budak bam bam ni..

"Hish apelah papa buat ni??"

Dua-dua dah tak boleh gerak..

Apelagik kalau bukan time papa diorang ni tengah vacuum lah..
Takut pun sebab papa duk usik sedut kaki diorang..notty papa!

Sexy papa on weekend >.<
*lebih sexy sb tolong mommy vacuum rumah..awww!!*

If you remembered my entry in Dec 2009, read here..
*seronok plak recall entry lama*
Adam pun macam ni jugak masa kecik, dari kecik smp besar, anti vacuum cleaner..hahhaha!!

Oppss!!This is not Ryan..
The behaved lil' Mikael when papa on his weekend chores!

Seronok plak tengok gambar2 lama Adam, bambam jugak si Adam ni..
Mana tumpah kuah kalau tak ke nasi kan..

Happy weekend u'ollssss!!


  1. hihihihii my hubby pon suka nyakat gitu gak you..sbb the kids pon takut dgn vacuum..dgr je bunyi dh nangis..hihi skrg Zafri lak..:D

    nway comenya the boys..mmg bam2 derg tu sama ;)

  2. sama la hero kat rumah ni takut vacum cleaner..sbb abahnye ngusik sedut kaki jugak..but now I just asked them to try out dan skrg sangat rajin menolong

  3. Berry mummie,
    haha..perut pun buncit!

  4. Izu,
    Notty betul ayah2 diorang ni kan,suka betul bila anak2 takut. Adam mmg takut betul ms kecik, tp Ryan tak kesah sgt. Dia start takut pun bila papa dia letak kat kaki n tgk abg Adam dia takut.Kalau tak relax je dia kejar vacuum tu..

  5. Husna,
    wah bagus tu, senang keje mommy ;)

  6. Nadia,
    both of them totally opposite dr lissa and hanie taw!
    lissa n hanie kalu airin tgh vacuum, masa tu la diorg bergembira party. sbbnye hanie akan duduk atas vacum sbb vacum bergerak and looks like a car to her. and lissa plak suka je kalau tangan or kaki dia kena sedut dgn vacuum.. so vacuum time diorg ade is a big no no!


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