Monday, May 21, 2012

Adam's cut & paste activity..

*ingat orang besar je ke, duk Ctrl x Ctrl v, budak kecik pun kecik2 dah praktik k hehe..*

Still remember my mission to have weekend home schooling??InsyaAllah, masih berusaha untuk merealisasikannya. Pray for me. Meantime, I'm in the stage to prepare the right material and tools. Sambil2 tu, bila berkesempatan, I've started to enjoy some activities with Adam. This time, jom kita main tampal2!!

All you need is color papers, scissors (ensure the one suitable for kids), and plus not in the picture are glue, color pencil and sketching book.

Adam chose to draw strawberry 1st..
*strawberry tu sah2 bukan mommy dia yang tgn keras ni lukis, kalau tak harus digelakkan Adam je*

Cut into small pieces..
Part paling suka..kesian tgk Adam berusaha nak potong kertas tu..
At certain angle gunting tu jadik tumpul..
Safety for kids..

Letak glue, and start pasting...


Following days, Adam requested for orange pulak..

Color dulu..

Cut the orange paper..

Into small pieces...

And paste..


Dah siap orange...

Really had fun during the activity. Good to practise his motor skill specially on handling the scissors and creativity to cut and paste the paper. Yang penting Adam enjoy. Sometimes we did the activity before he go to sleep, in half an hour dah siap. And to have it more peaceful, the lil rascal Ryan kena tidur dulu. Kalau  tak, karang dia yg duduk atas sketching book tu. We planned for more cut and paste activity over the weekend. Animals pulak next time k.;)

ps: homeschooling activity ni part of my preparation for Adam before start his kindergarten. I tak yakinlah apa dibuat kat nursery tu. Konon bayar every semester, alih2 kalau tanya buat ape, asyik color2 je. Tu pun tak siap. Adooiiii la :(


  1. Pandainya adam Ctrl x, Ctrl v.. :)
    hihi.. activity dipantau sendiri lagi puas hati kan..kat nursery xtau detail ape yg dorg buat..huhu

  2. Nanti nak try buat kat my Adam plak laa.. Tapi sapa nak lukis plak? ha ha a

  3. Cantik! Good job Adam! ;)

    You, u dah tny ke teacher dia psl progress dia kt school? Sbb mcm zahin dulu, bila ditanya buat apa kt school harini mst dia cakap tatau aje. Smpi la pegi school tgk report and her special book rupanya mcm2 xtvt derg buat tau..cuma zahinje tak share. Ktrg utarakan jgk isu ni lt teacher dia, dia kata tu normal sbb tak sume bdk prefer to share at her age stage. Fuh baru lega dgr. Hihi.

  4. MGH,
    sambil2 tu, boleh spend weekend dgn anak2..kalau dibiarkan,asyik nak ngadap laptop aje si Adam ni..

  5. Fazrol,
    eh boleh, takde kisah. Aku charge RM2 je selai. Kira kawan2 punye rege. Ok bro??

  6. Izu,
    Itulah, Nadia skrang simpan je dulu, bila nak masuk sem baru nanti, kalau dia tak panggil untuk report progress,Nadia plan nak mintak tgk buku kerja Adam. Sb yuran bayar pun kata dia untuk beli buku Adam. Setakat ni asyik bawak balik kertas color selai2 je, nak tgk jugak tgk activity book dia. Ketua kat situ, lain macam sket, harap anak2 buah dia ok je, kitorang stay. Malas nak layan Izu..Alih2 baik kita sendiri buat aktiviti ngan anak2..

  7. Teh,
    best mmg best, bila Ryan kacau abis..;)


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