Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Playing time..

Happy Wednesday..Sorry, today takde entry WW, decided to make normal entry, but a short and simple one =)

As previous entry, one of mommy mission to top up art and creativity stuff is almost success *wink*. Tinggal a few things aje lagik. I'm looking for sponge yang ada bentuk animals or any characters untuk painting session. Yang ada tak berapa menarik. And stencil for animals or alphabet shape. Soon soon..As for now, I'm happy for what I've bought. Big brother Adam pun memang excited. Tak sabar betul ajak mommy main sama2..

3 stuffs actually..soft stuff, painting stuff and paper for next cut and paste activity..

The previous play dough set, tak best sgt sebab cutter dia macam kurang susah nak bentukkan play dough tu..This one even better..

12 different cutters..alphabets pun ada, tapi tak beli ;(

Combined with previous modelling set..lagi banyak yeay!!

Confuse nak start yang mana satu..

Bus la..


Playdough yang dapat tak berapa bnyk, boleh top up beli playdough saja kut lepas ni..

Hasil nya..

And evening session plak, we played something messy. Its a painting session..The most waited activity by Adam. Tapi kena main kat luar, karang abis satu rumah dengan watercolor. huhuhuhu...

Painting stuff..

Adam called as golek golek..
"Papa..jom main golek golek dengan Adam"..

Too much water..

Mixing time..
Everytime mix the colors, I was forced to sing Barney song..
"When u mix blue and yellow, it turns green.."


Its a messy session, so need to bare with the messiness after the session end..
Huh sabor..

There come the final part..

Hand painting..

Time kecik takmo geli, sekarang suka sgt..


Adam's hand..

 Eh beractivity sakan ni, mane budak bambam??Takde nye nak duduk jauh2, suka menempel tepi Abang Adam..

Sibuk nak melukis jugak ni hah..

Apalagik..fave part dia..
Sepahkan mainan..yang ni jenuh lah nak simpan balik..
"Ketuk Abang Adam ni best jgak"

Once all the stuff ready, I can start with my mission on weekend home-schooling..
More on activities la actually..
Wish me luck..
Ok, that's all for now..

ps: Wished that I'm creative enough to make our own sponge shape..This is a good link , here!! =)


  1. eh...drooling pulak tgk bdk2 main dough ni...hihi..

  2. Amboi syoknya main!!! I x expose lagi playdoh kat Oman. Lepas ni dah bolehla kot. :)

  3. A'ah, I pun blum intro playdoh to Faaz. Dulu pernah skali kasi dia main clay yg dpt as goodies masa attend birthday party. But he didn't like it. Nanti nak trylah, tgk dia suka ke tak :D

  4. A'ah, I pun blum intro playdoh to Faaz. Dulu pernah skali kasi dia main clay yg dpt as goodies masa attend birthday party. But he didn't like it. Nanti nak trylah, tgk dia suka ke tak :D

  5. Uih seronoknye...Hari tu I made some finger paints for my Bella, tapi macam ur son dulu jugak, dia geli! Haha. Kena tunggu besar sikit kot..

  6. nad...if you want to make adam lagi gile happy...u buat something u have adam's pict or name...make something related to him..i buat macam tu...hasil sgt memuaskan dan memberangsangkan!

    key to a successfull home school is to make the child feel appriciated!

    semoga berjaya!

  7. jemput masuk...

  8. Teh,
    mommy pun tompang skali..imbas kenangan main plastesin zaman wooo!!

  9. Nuurill,
    yes shud introduce Oman..mmg Adam enjoy sgt..lagipun tak messy sgt kalau nakcompare main watercolor..hehhee;)

  10. Nadine,
    Kalau clay, warna dia natural tu kan..maybe with playdough yg warnawarni,Faaz will get interested kan..n specially with macam2 mould shapes tu kan..mesti dia lagi enjoy..try babe!!

  11. Yunayuni,
    yeap!Adam dulu marah betul mase kitorang color tangan,asyik ajak main finger painting aje..hehehe

  12. ct,
    tq sifu!!Appreciate the ideas..mmm all those shapes pun yg dia minat sb ada train n car..I shud get the alphabet so he can mould his name kan..yeay!!

  13. Fuhhh...each time my girls naik main nie...Pengsan. The process of cleaning aftermath buat I pening.

  14. as salam.. sori sebok kat cni nak tanya kat mana ek beli cutters/mold shape tu?? suka ngn bentuk2 vehicles tu. tq dear

  15. Hi galzsliper..
    Mane ade sebok, feel free to visit again..;)
    I bought from ELC Mothercare..But for art & craft staff, mothercare KLCC, Bangsar And Setia Alam yg bnyk carry these stuffs!!Cekidaut babe!!

  16. Oh ye ke tenkiu. Cute tgk cutters tu. sambil bg anak xplore mummy leh jadikan as a bento gadget hehe tq daling

  17. Oh ye ke tenkiu. Cute tgk cutters tu. sambil bg anak xplore mummy leh jadikan as a bento gadget hehe tq daling


It might take me a while to reply, but I do read all comments received! Tq =)