Tuesday, December 6, 2011

when the blogger mommies unite ;)

Alamak, sepatutnye cite bermula with , last weekend...tapi nak buat macamane, tak sempat nk post entry last week, dah jadik 2 weeks ago..adehhh ;(

Bersambung drp entry invitation to Raees Aryan's birthday bash, since Nuurill, Thara and myself have been invited to Irin's place, so we had planned to visit the newborn baby of mummy Anne at Kelana Jaya after the birthday bash. Anne has safely delivered a healthy & comels baby boy on 21st Nov 2011. Excited betul nak pergi tgk baby Anne, plus nk meet up all the mommies. Our last time gathering pun during Adam's 2nd birthday, *in Nov 2011* and before tu they gathered during iftar at Anne's house. *teringat time tu mengidam roti jala n kari ayam Thara, droooolin'!!*

From Irin's place, we moved to Anne's parents' house at KJ. Few minutes after we reached, Nuurill and family plak sampai. Comel Oman dgn baju angry bird. Sedih, Nadine tak dapat datang, ramai yg menunggu nk tgk anak dara En Fadzil n Pn Nadine ni. Almaklumlah, semua je anak2 teruna. Takde penyeri si bunga.*Nad, bila nk bagi hadiah twinnies ni ;(*

Meet the cutie pie, baby R
*Anne tak finalize lagik nama kut*

Bila dah bertemu, banyaklah yang dipot pet kan oleh kaum ibu ni. Almaklumlah, susah betul nak buat gathering skrang ni. Year 2011, most of the mommies sibuk update revision baru aka deliver 2nd baby. Next year kena start balik buat gathering, aka buat birthday bash..wuhahhaha ;) *who's next girlsss*

Kaum bapa pun sibuk duk gathering kat living room, mana plak geng2 boboiboy kita ek??Hah, walaupun jumpe jarang2 skali, time last jumpe dulu kecik2 lagik, cakap pun bahasa german, but the boys managed to play together.

Aydein, Adam and Imran..
Oman malu2 lagik..

Aydein n Adam..
Kagum I dgn anak teruna Pn Thara ni, soft spoken betul..
Macam momma dia ek ;)

Hah, ni dia tuan rumah..Imran..
Tinggi betul, Adam dah jadik mcm adik Imran plak..

After Magrib's prayers, kitorang gerak balik. Eh, tak puas rasenye nak borak2 lagik. We shud set the date girls ;) Dah lah asyik borak, picture pun tak banyak snap. Anne nanti share picture taw, I saw Ikhwan bnyk snap pictures that day ;)

Blogger mommies with the bos ^---^
*Congrats Anne!!*

Eh, mana si Adam amik hadiah ni plak??
Sronok pergi b'day, visit baby..
Balik2 Ryan pun dpt hadiah..
Thanks Thara!!
*Adam enjoy lebih sket dr Ryan..biasalah u!!*


  1. awww, bestnya! ntah bila la i dapat jumpa u'olls semua. sorry sangat2 esp to anne, i tak visit pun ur newborn. :( i hope everyone understand, i masa tu tgh tunggu faaz balik from Penang, I didn't know what time he should be back home pun. ingatkan dia sampai around noon so dptla pegi tp tak. dari pagi tau I tunggu dia. I missed him soo bad...huhu.

  2. Wah bestnya mommy bloggers!;)
    Nway, comey bby Anne, congrats!:)

  3. Thanks for coming ladies!! Sorrylah yea if ada kekurangan mana2..esp bab imran control toys.. Tak pandai sharing lg abg tuh..heheh
    And nadine,totally understand..don't feel bad in any way :) cuma all of us nak sgt jumpa twinnies! Oneday nnt okeh!
    Btw,thanks izu for the wish :)

  4. Nadine,
    I dah bgtau diorang that u wait for Faaz..
    we all faham..they read ur twit and know nadine tgh miz faaz so much bad ..
    no worry,we shud plan out the outing,probably anne kn abis pantang dulu la..;)

  5. Izu,
    yeap,if u were here, boleh jadi ahli kelab skali ;)
    skarng oun dah masuk,cuma tak boleh gathering aje ;)

  6. Anne,
    haha..how do u know Imran control toys??
    taklah dioarang played well...Cuma sometimes Adam suka nak amik toy Imran tgh main..no worry lah ;)

    sedey tak dapat cium2 baby rizwan..not feeling so well that time huhuuh ;(

  7. Nadine, dun worry!! we all understand your situation. Kalau i pun mesti tunggu my baby punya.

    Nadia, thank you so much for put up an entry about this gath!! I langsung x amik gamba hari tu.

    Awakku, Kiss to baby Rizwan!! :)

    *i banyak tertinggal gerabak dah nih.. nak ctach up balik entry2 u ols!! :)


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