Dah masuk hari ke 8 today..
Semalam on his 7th day, kitorang duk berkampung kat UMSC..
Baby admitted for 2 nights due to jaundice..
Me decided to stay in with the baby, so that I can fully incharged and bf him as well..
Not like Adam, we just leaved him alone with the nurses..sgt b'salah ketika itu..
And the gud thing, Adam just only stayed for 1 night..
While his bro, sb mommy yg asyik ngelat letak bawah UV..dah kena duduk 2 nights kat sane...
We went for his 5th day check up on Wed..
The 1st result show the bilirubin level at 262..so the paed, prof CT Lim suggested for the UV therapy..
And the 2nd results still at 220 and paed suggested for another 1 night stay to avoid the reading bounced back if we go back home..
And yesterday, the results shows the bilirubin level at 205 and we were given green light to go back home..Alhamdulillah..
On Thurs night, after solat Maghrib, we had a doa selamat and small makan2 at our apartment's surau sempena genap seminggu kelahiran baby..
I should thank to all my family and family in law for helping me to arrange everything while I was in UMSC taking care of the baby..and not to forget to my dearest hubby yg ke hulu hilir settled the things..
Alhamdulillah, niat mommy terlaksana..
And after 7th days also, we had decided the name for our lil baby..
Its quite difficult to get the name..
Whether to maintain the A and M or..prophet's name..and etc etc..
Walaupun dah lama tahu gender..even the name yg selalu kami sebut time preggy dulu semua kena cancel..
Gara2 nama tak sesuai..so nak kena pikir balik..
So finally we decided to name the lil boy as...
and we loved to call him as baby Ryan...
on his 7th day..
Baby Ryan on photo therapy..
Baby Ryan tgh berehat after the "sunbathing" session..
Btw, just to share some info pasal jaundice and UV light therapy ni..
Sb rsnye common baby kat Malaysia ni, after delivery and specially at her/his 5th to 6th day mesti ada jaundice..
Same goes to my 2 boys..both kena jaundice..
Cuma yg beza ada baby yg prolonged jaundice and ada yg just a normal one..
Tapi apa2 pun, tak boleh amik mudah..me too get to know in detail from Farah's Sarakids entry pasal
jaundice..baca sgt informative tau!!
And thru BW kat hospital, I just found I blog yg cerita pasal jaundice and phototherapy..
I just dapat tahu yg kat KL ni ada good invention pasal photo therapy ni..
The company called as
Bluelite..they provided rental for photo therapy treatment at home..
So tak payah susah2 nak kena tidur hospital while u are in pantang..and the most important thing, it helps to reduce the jaundice faster while we can fully monitored our baby at home..thumbs up the inventor!
But somehow we still need to monitor the baby by seeing the paed for blood test to ensure the jaundice tak prolonged due to liver or kidney problem..or maybe other problem yg kita pun tak tahu kan...
Nak cakap lebih2 pun, I'm not the expert..
Talking about pantang..yeap..I'm currently to enjoy my pantang period..
Selalu doa jgn cepat masa berlalu..ya lah now pun dah abis 1 wk...
My mom pun dah balik arini..so my MIL will take charge plak starting from tomorrow...hehehehe..
And petang tadi, baby Ryan dah start nak uji mommy dia...
While tukar baju untuk mandi petang..after changed diaper...prrrtttttttt!!!
owh baby Ryan pooped!Clean again...
Dah siap breastfeed...then another prrttttt!!!!...
owh change again..while changing his diaper..mommy kena siram dgn air pancut...masyaAllah...
Saje nak bg mommy extra job...hehehehe;)
Enjoyed my pantang meal...
Breastfeeding every 2-3 hours..
and pumping as well...
Owh my 1st time pumping was on my 3rd day delivery..
Ya Allah..sakitnye..dah lama tak pump mcm nak nangis...
Alhamdulillah..as of now I've produced around 10 bottles I guessed even I planned to start my stock project after Wk2..
Tapi sb dah bengkak sgt..terpaksa pump and keep on pumping..
Will update more on next entry...
And I have started my confinement treatment since Tues..tp kn tangguh on final treatment by next week..
So far, I'm fully satisfied with the IREE treatment..
Will update more on next entry...
Until today...the big bro Adam still in the stage of accepting his brother in his life...
Kadang buat2 tak nampak aje adik dia..kadang2 rindu baru pergi kiss..
Sian Adam..banyak hari kena tinggal kat rumah with my mom and siblings during my delivery and photo therapy session..
Takpe..papa dah bagi upah kan dear ..for behaved well..;)
* kecik2 dah kena bribes ;)
Till then..