Wednesday, March 30, 2011

my wordless Wed!


Currently in standby mode..
Persistent contractions and bowel movement!
Pray for me..

Me in Leylaa Shawl..

Experimenting the Leylaa Shawl..

Earth hour dinner at tupai - tupai Seksyen 13

with Che Mimi n family + Ayahchek Kamel (not in the picture)..
" Nuh, what happen to u??"

Preloved freezer just arrived..
love it!!!

Adam having good time at The Empire..
Adam, Hawaa' and cutie pie Hajar - daughters of Umi Azwida ..
Thank you so much for free delivery of the freezer! 
Yes, I know.. I owe u Setabak Kopi ;)


  1. OMG!!! Comeinyer mak buyung ni!!! Wah pasni memang kena gigih la pump susu kat baby ek... Fridge dah solely for the ebm dah.. good luck ye.

  2. wah...wah...dah nak bersalin sempat lagik melawa! hehehe...bagus...bagus...

  3. gud luck dear..alamak nnt klu susu byk nak kena beli gakla deep freezer ni..;)

  4. eh tak wordless ah kalu ada captions

    btw mana che mimi hair?

  5. Oh Nadia now in labour room ker? Oh EM GEEE..

    Moga-moga dipermudahkan. X sabar nak tunggu the arrival announcement.

    And yes dear.. you're looking fabulous!! :)

  6. Really? OMG, i yg neves u..hihi..apapun, all the best n i doakan u will have a smooth delivery..amin.

    wow, cantik la u n ur new shawl..;)

  7. Hi Mommy !

    Sorry to interrupt. I'm Intan and doing an online business for baby and maternity clothing.Now Styling Darling is having a SALES .All items are 10-40% off.Please find and add Styling Darling Shop in Facebook to enjoy the discounts:)

    Much thanks !

  8. Teh,
    mesti!kalau tk gigih tk balik modal mek!!
    btw,comei kut mane mek..bambam ade ler!!

    huuhu..melawa sb nak try shawl baru ;)

    tq..yup!a good investment!!

  9. che mimi,
    kan org dah paham plak..bnyk occasion ngak!!

    hair che mimi..hmmm2..paham2 yer!!!

    owh not yet dear..still at home..waiting for the rite time nk pecut ke hosp!hopefully its not a false labor..neves too...

    oh ho...fabulous???geee!!!

    yeap2 me too..contraction keep coming..but still under control..
    so worried b'coz the gynae not around this weekend..
    kalau dpt greenlite gynae,must rush to hosp asap!!

    wish me luck!!

  10. Intan,
    owh..will pay visit soon..tq!

  11. Ni bkn Wordless Wednesday ni, Wordly Wednesday..hihi, gurau je Nad! :)

    OMG, it's getting closer eh? Excitednya!!! And my, you're still looking good at ur full term. Cantik and berseri2. Bestnya :) I baru nak masuk 6 bulan next week tp I dh macam penguin you! huwaaaaa....

  12. nad, kat mana beli preloved chest frezer tu? brapa rege?

    hope semua selamat ya..amin

  13. Nadine,
    Itulah..ingat kan after upload picture nk buat karangan sket..duk asyik contraction, tk boleh nak focus..
    alih2 jadilah wordless yg tak berapa nak wordless ;)

    yeah...mmg closer dah I guess..dah admitted ni ;)
    wish me luck!!
    alah mane ade penguin pun..commey aje..
    thanks neway!!

    ala kebetulan my close fren nak let go sb dia beli freezer baru..ape lagik rembatlah dgn senang hati..tak payah nak pike..
    lagipun dia pakai br 1 yah nak risau..
    mase dia offer terus say yes tanpa pike panjang...!!



It might take me a while to reply, but I do read all comments received! Tq =)