Friday, March 18, 2011

the birth plan

Being in 35/36 weeks, really make me feel nervous when come to think about labor!
My last antenatal check, I'm proudly to annouce that I'm now at 69kg!dushdush!!Amik!!
* Dalam hati terfikir mcm boleh naik gile---lagi mahu tanya!!
Currently gain around 12 - 14 kg and me in 69kg mmg sgt hudus!!
Gemok tak ingat..
Kalau lalu sebelah cermin, macam tak nak tgk aje..kalau tgk, mesti dalam hati..mak aii..mommy sape kah ini??

With the gestational diabetes that I had during pregnancy..
* Nak tak nak mengaku aje nengokkan diri yg macam dipump2 ini..
Hopefully by Wk37/38, I have safely deliver this baby..
Maybe at this stage, baby pun tak sempat nak besar lagik..hopefully around 3kg plus..
Tapi kalau tak engage lagik macamane??
Exercise exercise exercise!!! <--- a.k.a jalan2 shopp' complex!!;)
Adam dulu by Wk38 dah selamat kuar..
Tapi skrang ni mmg dah rase contraction pun..mild lagiklah..
Sometime frequent jgak, cuma tak intense je lagik..

ok ok..ape merepek ni..
Actually entry ni nak cakap pasal birth plan!
Kat Malaysia ni, ada practise ke write birth plan??
U all dulu2 write birth plan??
Setahu I lah kan, kita mmg fully serah kat gynae tu aje..
Ye lah..maybe sb ape2 pun kita berserah kat Allah..
And gynae pun akan ikut procedure diorang..buat yg terbaik to save both mommy and baby kan??
Cuma yang pasti, masa 1st baby dulu..mmg doa sgt2 supaya Allah mudahkan delivery..
Lahir normal..and everytime jumpe gynae, I told her that I want to deliver normal..
Alhamdulillah Allah izinkan sy deliver normal..without the epidural help!
* Even 3 hrs before deliver, I tend to surrender, panggil midwives suruh call anesthetic..tapi dia boleh pysco smp tak jadik amik...

But not to sure this time..what will happen during this delivery..
Kita tak tahu apa yg Allah dah sediakan utk kita..
I really hope, this delivery is a smooth sailing..Allah mudahkan segalanye..
Easy, fast and safe deliver..
* Suka dgr orang yg smp hospital terus kuar..agak2 tak banayk dosa diorang ni...;)
Prof pun ada berseloroh..kalau susah nak kuar kita cut aje..tiiiidddaaaakkkk...!!
I ckp lah.."takkan la prof??" and she said.."Why not??"...grrrrrrr....!!!
* ni kes nak ugut sb I gained weight banyak sgt..and she really worry about the baby size..
InsyaAllah..I trust her and I really hope Prof Ct will help me to naturally deliver..

Cite pasal Prof Ct, my last ante-check, I met 1 lady..lupa kakak ni nama ape..
She currently carried her 5th baby, and all 4 kids semua deliver with Prof Ct..
Sempat kami bercerita plus ngumpat2 sket..
She said, prof ct mmg will help u to deliver normal..
Even kalau terdesak sgt baru dia bagi u amik epidural..
No wonder time I nak deliver dulu, en hubby boleh tny prof ct pasal epidural..
And she with her selamba face..buat dunno aje..
Kami yg masih malu2 time tu, terus diam...malu tak tanya lagik..rupanya mmg dia try to avoid her patient amik epidural..just rely on entonox aje..;)wuhhaaa!!!
* padan lah my fren's wife boleh deliver 3.86kg baby without taking epidural..kagum tak??
Seriously I salute pun puji she was so patient!!tabikkk Fiza!!

I was thinking to take epidural this time actually..nak tgu 9-10cm dilated..tak larat woooo...!!
Since 1st baby dah rase fully 10cm dilated, why dont we try the epidural..??
Soalan cepu emas bagi kat mr hubby..
He replied..baik save duit epidural beli freezer ebm...kuang kuang!!
Senang cakap..tak tahu sakit tau!!!
Tapi betul jgak..tahan je RM600-800 ;)

So, seriously I was so worried..
Worry if by Wk38, the baby still not engaged and there is still no sign of labor..
Baby still grow rapidly at this stage, and hanya berdoa baby tak besar sgt...
Ya Allah..mudahkan segala urusan ku kali ni..
Tolong doakan saya ek..
Apapun kita manusia hanya mampu merancang, Allah juga yang tentukan segalanya..

16th Oct 2008..
Cant wait for this moment to come ;)

ps: to all my friends, blogger friends, followers and those silent readers to fabulous motherhood..
mintak maaf, kalau ada terkasar bahasa atau tersentuh hati bila berbicara..
takut ada yg tersinggung..moga nanti tak ada dosa dibawa bersama2 nak deliver nanti..;)

pss: teringat masa deliver Adam, dah 3 ,4 kali push..dlm samar2 n dgr gynae suruh amik forceps..
ape lagi..terus menjerit.."prof!!..wait..gimme last try..""
Amik...terus keluar..Alhamdulillah!!

Currently gigih membaca ini:


  1. insyaAllah..moga semuanya lancar nnti..amin ~~

  2. Wah, its coming closer babe. You dh saat2 akhir pregnancy naik 12-14kg je. Ok tu you. I masa Faaz dulu naik 16kg. Now lagila, baru 5 months ++ I dah naik 10kg ok!! babies I kecik2 je tapi. Scary ok!

    I doakan semuanya berjalan lancar and smoga u and ur baby selamat. I know u can babe! Nanti dh deliver cpt2 inform us tau! :)

  3. insyaAllah..semoga semuanye berjalan dengan lancar... take care.. :)

  4. hope everthng will be fine..semoga selamat melahirkan ye..

  5. the best practice is jalan dan jalan dan jalan!!! In fact, kak eny a night before deliver, i was at bukit bintang mengukur jalan sampai midnight hahaha.......

    don't worry, second time will be faster than the first one......

  6. Awww.. Congtaulations on your full term babe! :)
    Insya Allah, every pregnancy and delivery kan individual, so mana tau kali ni sampai2 hospital jer memang you deliver terus. hihihi (trying to giving more positive vibes :p).
    Apa-apa pun, only you yang akan tau at that time, whether you need that epi or not kan. Yang penting, selamat. Amin! :)

  7. ok la tu Nadia, k long dulu naik smpi 20kg! OMG! mcm la time tu bbdlm perut besar sgt. dah lepas deliver smpi skrg turun 10kg jer! huhuhuhu...

    anyway...gud luck. insyaallah...everything will be fine. nnti dah deliver sms ;).

  8. besnye ade pengalaman bersalin normal
    insyaAllah yg 2nd ni senang nad..itu kata org2 yg dah ade ramai anak la..eheh anak sulung je payah

    ape2 pon hope semua ok..aminn

  9. my prayers are with you my dear friend...can't wait to see my second anak buah...ayeen is waiting for you dear!

  10. nuraitul,
    Amin..tq ;)

    dont worry babe..u carried 2 inside..shud be ok..
    my case sb I ade g.d,itu gynae I risau sgt kat mak buyong ni ;)

    thanks for the prayers dear!!
    yesyes!!mesti bgtau nye!

    nanti deliver jgn lupa ajak hubby dtg tgk!!

  11. Amirah,
    thanks dear..

    Itulah..skrang best buat alasan jln shopp' complex konon nk exercise..
    tp betul..hopefully myself deliver as easy as urs..!!

    I like the word ukur jalan tu ;)

    Betul dear..every child n every preg semua lain2..
    Ape yg mampu doa semoga Allah permudahkan segala nye..

    thanks for the prayers!Amin..

  12. k.long, ke??
    mesti sgt cute at final stage tu kan..
    ms Adam, nadia naik 9 kg aje..itu yg risau sgt!

    tq tq..nanti sms!!

    nadia doakan Rose pun natural deliver this time k!!Amin..

    tq ayeen..takkuuuuuttt Lin..!!
    nanti ada sorang lagilah mari nyepe umah mu sokmo!!

  13. Good Luck Nadia!!
    Kalau nk amik epidural, kena decide sebelum nk bersalin pun..kalu tak, mmg buat rugi jek..based on my true experience time nk deliver my Adam dulu, kunun gagah la nk tahan sakit..then my hubby x smpai hati tgk i berkerut2 tahan sakit n he decided to take epidural, time tu dah 7-8cm dilated dah..mmg buat rugi jek dahla sakit kena cucuk kt spine, sakit bersalin pun still rasa jugak..pendek kata, takde makna dah epidural tuh..huhuuu..
    so, kalu rasa2 nak, amik je..n kalu rasa2 tanak, tahan je..hehheheh..=)
    for my second delivery decide takmo amik terus..mmg sedap menahan sakit..Sofea was 3.78kg!!
    All the best ye!


It might take me a while to reply, but I do read all comments received! Tq =)