Thursday, February 10, 2011


Nampaknye asyik update cite basi je lah skrang..
How I wish to have more time in 1 day...wawawa...!!!
As of now, I'm at 30wks, another 10 more weeks to go..
But I prayed for early delivery...After wk36 I wish!!
Doakan saya ek..
Dah 2 hari duk umah, gynae gv mc sb preggy mommy ni dah 3 mlm tak boleh tidur..
Baby sgt active kat dalam perut..
Ntah lah nape..tidur mengiring pun tak mo..telentang terus susah nak nafas..
Alih terkelip2 tak boleh tidur..
Tension seh!!

Ok..back to story, CNY hol..
I guess ramai yg berholiday time CNY haritu..
Maklumlah cuti panjang..paling kurang pun balik kg..bercuti jgak lah namenye kan..
Different with me n my family,we decided to spend the hol in Shah Alam je..
Since my mom pun dah dtg for her meeting that weekend, so reason tak balik Trg makin kuatlah..
Plus Adam pun nak beraya with her nenek side..

Actually this was the 1st time Adam beraya kat umah uncle and aunties belah my hubby..
Since after the hubby's granny passed away,they not celebrated CNY for about 3 yrs..
So, this time, no more escape!!

Adam exploring the house..
@  great grandma house..

"Gong Xi Fa Chai nenek"...

Adam,mommy and nenek (my MIL)..

The best part Adam boleh kutip angpow..;)

Basically cuti CNY ni, I dah make a long list of "What to Do"..
Will update at Part II entry soon..InsyaAllah..
But yet, since kaki ni bukan boleh duduk diam sgt..time petang je dah buntu nak buat ape..
Then my hubby will come out with his minum petang plan..
To make the outing lagi syiok, mommy touch up2 sket by diverting the minum2 petang plan to nearest shopp' complex...hahahaha..
Since 2,3 minggu before tu, shopping complex mmg super crowded..but this time walla..
Lengang seh!!

Besides, we also decided to let Adam enjoy his time playing with kiddie rides too..
Secupak mommy bawak duit syiling from house!!

Adam n his faveThomas at The Empire

Sebelum tu Adam dah naik Bob the Builder, Garfield...semua lah yang ada kat The Empire tu..
Yang ni jer mommy sempat snap!
Lain...mommy tersekat kat baby shop!!;)

Ingatkan alih perhatian masuk toys r us is a good idea..
Alih2 kami kena paw!!

Enjoying his new Thomas and Friends stuff!

On Sat, we decided to minum2 petang at OU plak..
Adam enjoyed his ride!

and more...

While having coffee at Kluang Station, suddenly the DJ announced for Lion Dance Show at the main concourse of OU New Wing..
Dah lama tgu masa ni...selalunye asyik tunjuk Adam thru tv aje..
Tak sangka boleh tunjuk kat dia live kali ini..
Bila gendang start bunyi aje, we immediately brought him to find a good spot..

Unfortunately, bunyi gendang yang kuat gile buat anak teruna I takut...
Kuat gile dia peluk papa dia...
Alih2  just after 5min show je..dah kena bawak Adam lari sb dia takut  sgt..

But yet, he still excited when he saw the lion suddenly appeared!

Day before, we've been invited to my aunt's SIL birthday party (her son party actually) at Damansara Damai..
Since we really have our free time, we decided to join the party plus another minum petang for my hubby..

Adam and his relatives...
Sukalah kena kepit kakak2 commel..

While mommy and papa plak teruja tgk design cantik Armanee Condo ni...
Sgt best!!
Tapi mahalnye!!

Me and my mak alang..;)
Mak buyung yang dah selambak!

Thats all..
Wait for part II ;)


  1. Huhu, you punye entry lambat seminggu u kata dh basi, mine yg last month lagi la superbasi tau Nad :P tapi tak kisah, lambat pun lambat la..nak buat cemana time bz mmg takde masa :D

    bestnya Adam celebrate diff2 festivity, mesti masyuuuk angpow Adam kan! Hihi..

    Kitaorg pun semingu holiday kat KL je since I tak fit nak jalan jauh2. My mum balik Johor and my in-laws pegi holiday Krabi. Mmg heavenla jalan2 kat KL time tu. Spacious di mana2..hihi :)

  2. Salam Nad

    Bestla Adam..merasa byk festive kn..good for him! N best part dpt ang pow tu..hihi..

    Oh i;m sure mst KL lengang kn CNY aritu..cuti pjg..lps tu i heard ahad jem gler kt plus utara biasa hihi. tingat dulu study kt uia, cny blk kg naik bas..jem smpi 5jam..huhu..

    Selambak u kata mcm tu? i lg selambak you..;D Tk care k..:))

  3. Nadia!! I've got so many questions to ask. hahahaha. I mmg suka tau tgk family mix ni. Like so wonderful and untung you guys can celebrate so many diff festivals :) I saw the picture of Adam with you and your mil and i saw her wearing hijab. Family Harith semua convert tu Muslim ke? hihi. babe, bila nak buat entry pasal u jumpa hubby you nih? I'm excited to know!!

    Anyway, hope it's not belated yet, Happy Chinese New Year to you hubby's family :)

  4. nad....wah2...seronok kan cuti panjang..i put tak balik mana2...just stay dekat skudai....

    dah 30 weeks dah u...cepatkan...tak selambak mana pun nye...cute lagi ade.:P...

    weh...i notice lah..muka adamn aisyah dekat sama lah...nanti kalau ada rezeki..kite jumpa kan n ambil gamabr...just that adam nye saiz bigger then my doter lah..petit aje seh..:)

    waaaa...sama lah..kite pun dok terkebil2 waktu mlm....sama lah...tension weh....

    kiss 4 adam...and take care...same age juga anak kite yg ni..:))

  5. hehe sume org pon tgh bz skang nadia, so dont worry, we all understand! i pon tension tak dpt update blog as often as before gara-gara bz punye pasal! sighs.

    wow, u're so lucky to have the chance to celebrate many celebrations kan! did u get to "makan besar" with the family? oh, haritu i makan yee sang dgn budak2 nuffnang yg lain tu. bestttt sangat! it's something different la u know? :) so kiranya, every year u get to celebrate 3 celebrations la kan? raya, CNY & deepavali since ur hubs is a cindian kan? :) fantastic stuff! :D oh and i notice that ur MIL pakai tudung. she also converted ke babe?

    lastly, can't help but to notice that adam looks sangat handsome in that black sleeveless shirt! :D my hugs and kisses to him! xoxo.

  6. Nadine,
    Tkpe Nad, everytime u update ur entry, at least panjang je ayat dia..
    my case bila dah delay..lupa nak cite ape...
    bz takde lah sgt,dah cmpr malas2 skali..asyik delay aje..
    takpe la as ong update, boleh buat kenangan in future kan kan...

    Angpow takde lah masyuk sgt babe..
    sb kitorang tk jalan from house to house..just kat situ aje..

    bestkan ur in law, holiday aje..

  7. Salam Izu,

    yela..boleh merasa bnyk festive,3 festives a masuk raya haji lagik hehehe ;)

    Betul Izu, nadia mmg dah selmabak sgt. this pregnancy mmg naik betul..
    gynae pun dah warn suruh control...

    u care ;)

    Thanks dear for the wish..

    owh, so far bukan semua lagik..
    left only the 2nd bro and his father yg tak convert..
    Alhamdulillah the rest embraced Islam earlier..

    hehehe..a'a lah, dulu janji nak buat entry ek..
    Next anniversary lah..InsyaAllah..malu jgak sbnarnye..
    tp seriously biasa2 aje lah dear..

  8. Salam ct,
    U know what!
    Nadia kan selalu ckp kat my hubby, Aisyah tu version my Adam kalau pompuan..seriously masa Aisyah kecik, lagi iras sgt muka Adam...

    a'a..same age jgak ek..
    u too take care..
    bosan betul malam2 tak leh tidur..
    banyak aje yg dipikirnye!!

    We didnt joined their makan besar..
    we reached after they all dah habis, just lepak2 and chat je..

    yup dear..3 celebrations,but Xmas instead of deepavali since my FIL and BIL is Christ! MIL dah converted earlier than my hubby actually!

    thanks dear..many hugs to Aydein too...
    bila nak update latest about Aydein..miss his cute face!


It might take me a while to reply, but I do read all comments received! Tq =)