Hi everyone...
I've been pending entry about prepration to success in breastfeeding (from my point of view).. for quite sometimes..
Just to find the right time and ideas to pour down everythings into an entry..
And today, I was officially enter my last trimester of my pregnancy..Alhamdulillah..
Being in 28 wks, one of the things hilited inside the babycentre article is the production of colostrum..
Which I can say YES!
And I can officially announced that the big brother Adam Mikael is 100% weaning off too..
Dah lebih seminggu Adam tak hisap susu from my B..
* Even kalau di offer, I can surely say dia tak akan tolak..;)
I wish to write entry about this, since this was the toughest experience specially for my hubby ;)
* thanks dear for all the sacrifices..appreciated it so much!! ;)
Talking about breastfeeding ni, actually dah ramai yang berjaya..
Ada jugak yang kurang bernasib baik, but we still have time to improve for our next child right ??
So this entry, I'm gonna share my experiences during preparation to success in breastfeeding..
Just to make this entry more interesting, and boleh dimanfaatkan untuk semua...
Do share your experiences with us too..specially for those mommies and mommy-to-be..;)
When I was at 1st trimester during the 1st pregnancy, I really have zero knowledge about breastfeeding..
Memanglah tahu yg kita kn susu kan bayi kita..
But yet, the benefits of breastfeeding, how to breastfeed, equipment to buy..bla bla bla..Z.E.R.O..!
Till the day I pay visit to 1 on my close friends who delivered her 1st baby..
And the other friend yg tgh preggy jgak..started talking about bf, colostrum, Medela..bla bla bla..
And again I was stunned!Help me!!!Tak paham!!
* Mase tu baru still 3 months..so dimaafkan lagi la..
On the same day..I make a visit to Mothercare and tgk all stuff about bf..
And starting from that..I started to read, read and read..all about BF stuff!!
Thanks to the bf class by Pn Rohayah from PPUM (not mistaken) at Flextronics last time..
and few classes atttended from klinik kesihatan and private class..
It really really useful..So, senang citer..knowledge is power..!!
* Masih baca walau pun dah ada experience ;)
After attended banyak class and from reading itself, I still have doubt whether I can bf my baby or not..
Banyak yang kita dengar bila dah bersalin, the 1st hour susu takde..
And baby pun sometimes tak latch betul, susu tak banyak..
Semua tu buat I takut..worry if I was not able to bf my baby..
Kalau pergi kelas pun, asyik tanya penceramah tu.."macamane nak tahu I boleh bf ker tak?"..
Ape lah punye question I bagi...
But it was sincerely from myself who still doubt about my ability to bf..
Apart from that..I was motivating myself actually..
Ramai dah berjaya..and I want to be part of them too..
I started to think postively...
Doa doa and doa..minta Allah makbulkan hajat saya nak breastfeed...
The most powerful tool to success in bf!
* btw..just found out good entry from superkids, mommylyna on "Atasi Susu Ibu Kurang Di Awal Kelahiran "...
When I started attend class, read thru blogs and books..
The imprortant things to 6months exclusive breastfeeding and extend up to 2 yrs...is thru good equipments!
ye lah..setakat nak 2 bulan direct feeding time confinement..mane nak cukup..
So mulalah I survey about things to buy..
Thru help from my friends..I started to buy the breastpump, bottles to keep the ebm, nursing bras, breastpad..
Segala macam mak nenek yg berkait dengan bf!
Orang kata, tak payah nak compromise pasal investment on bfeeding stuff ni..
InsyaAllah, pasti dapat balik ROI in short period...Amin!
* Cuma masih terkilan kenapalah dulu2 lagik I tak pilih Medela PISA time tu la..
Konon risau nanti hangat2 tahi ayam aje nak bf ni <----- negative thinking mcm ni mmg kena elak!!
..so one of my friend suggest to buy Spectra3..
Walaupun Spectra3 amat lah berjasa untuk Adam Mikael..ROI dah dpt within 1 year ;)
Tapi biasa lah..manusia ni cepat tamak!!hehehehe ;)
* wink wink FS FS FS!!!
So guys..ensure kelengkapan penyusuan semua ni prepared before delivery time..
Nanti kelam kabut nak carik..alih alih En Suami jgak yg jadik mangsa..
Risau mintak lain dapat lain je kan..;)
Bila dah start reading and collecting bfeeding stuff, the best things to keep motivating me to bfeed is thru my friends who has successfully bfeed..
I started to chat and asking all their experiences in bf!
Even each of the mothers facing different experiences, at least semua tu boleh dijadikan guideline untuk masa depan..
Tengok diorang dah berjaya kan..lagi semangat kita nak berjaya dalam bf ni..
Even my MIL also bfeeding all her 5 childrens and plus her last kid (which is my hubby) pun dapat nikmat bf until his 3-4 yrs old..(over kan pakcik ni!!)
Tp experience in term of nak buat stock semua, memang lah diorang tak tahu..
But yet I was so grateful to have mother and MIL yang really support me and even my sis in bfeeding..
Even my mom tak fully bfeed us before, but yet during my early week of delivery, she really support me to ensure that Adam is fully bfeed without mix with others..Alhamdulillah..Tq Omma ;)
Ramai jgak komen kat blog yang I baca, one of the reason why they started to mix with formula bila diorang tak dapat support sepenuhnye dr mother and MIL..
So sb pressure specially those yang br deliver 1st baby, terus campur with formula..
So what I did..masa awal2 pregnancy lagi, whatver I read, I will try to share and educate my mom too..
Show to them how committed u are to breastfeed your baby..
Not only breastfeed..exclusivley breastfeed!That is very very imprortant..
So that when happen bdak nangis tak berenti..takde lag terus kata susu tak cukup..
Many reasons behind actually..
When u started to enter the final trimester, during this time, our breast dah start to produce milk..
At this time, breast dah semakin besar, and some people start to feel the breast engorged!
Time my 1st preggy, I tak berasa rase sgt breast engorge..tp maybe sb yg 2nd ni Adam baru je weaning off..
So I can feel my breast dah start to engorge, kalau picit2 dah ada kuar susu pun..
So based on last experience..at this time, the gynae will advice us to start picit2 nipple kita..
Buat massage to the breast and picit sampai ada kuar cecair from our nipp..
Mase 1st preggy dulu mmg susah nak kuar..so kalau boleh buat love massage lagik bagus...;)
hahahhaa..urutan kasih sayang..
Minta lah En Suami tolong massage..InsyaAllah stimulation lagik bagus..
Memanga awal2 agak sakit, sb tak biasa keluar susu..lama2 nanti ok lah tu..
Takde lah nanti time nak bf baby during the 1st precious hour tu, ada tersumbat ke ape..hahahaha!!
Keep doing this till the delivery time..even nanti mase bfeeding pun, breast massaging mmg bagus untuk stimulate the milk production..
Semua ni ketentuan Allah..
Tapi kita mesti berusaha sebelum menyerah segalanya..
Allah dah jadikan para ibu ni nature nye kita akan bersalin dah menyusukan bayi kita..
So reason takde susu ke kurang boleh diatasi specially with all technologies yang ada skrang..
Thru foods and whatsoever..
Jangan cepat putus asa..
Hopefully early preparation entry ni boleh dijadikan panduan for mommy-to-be specially..
I'm not the expert, but yet thru my experiences, hopefully boleh dimanfaatkan..
InsyaAllah once baby deliver nanti, I will share more on how to keep stock of ebm and nak increase milk prod..
InsyaAllah truely from my experience time bf the 2nd baby nanti...
Different baby different problem nye..hopefully the 2nd one also a smooth sailing..InsyaAllah..
Doakan saya juga..
Miss moment for breastpumping...
and miss moment for breastfeeding too...