Friday, June 4, 2010

Our Loving Boboy..

Hi everyone..Happy Friday..
Hari ni lastday training..wah tepu jgak 3 days in the row training about measurement..;)
Since training ni kena bawak laptop, so time trainer duk mengajar kat depan..
Me sebbok duk belek2 folder picture yg dah lama tk buka..
And finally dropped at a folder named boboy!

Boboy actually is our cat..;)
A lil bit story about Boboy..
My hubby ni suka lah sngt cat, everytime always mintak nk bela cat..
Before we get married, her mother used to reject my hubby's proposal nak bela kucing,since my MIL sensitive with kucing...
and me always reject his proposal sb I'm really scared of cat..even till now..

Happened after we got married, the day we came back from Trg, Reehan offered us her cat...
Apalagi..kesian tgk my hubby..I allowed him to keep
huhhu..mula tension sb I mmg langsung tak berani nak pegang kucing tu...but few months later...dah get boleh lah pegang sket2..

Actually Boboy ni pelik sket..maybe sb since kecik tak pernah bergaul ngan kucing lain..
Asyik terperok inside our apartment,he used to imitate ape manusia buat..
Tido pun macam manusia..he know how to massage people u know..
Every morning before bangun mandi..Boboy ni sukalah mengurut lengan my hubby..
* biasalah kucingkan dia tahu sape yg suka kat dia kan..;)

Everytime balik raya pun bawak balik kg tau..
All my siblings include my parents suka kat Boboy ni..

Jom tgk picture Boboy...the black wacky cat!

Muka garang...tapi manja tak ingat!

Boboy is a maincoon type..

Ni..dua branak duk berchenta...

Gaya tido si Boboy..

Boboy ni ala garfield..keje tido aje..
tak active langsung!

After delivered Adam and we moved to new house..
We passed Boboy to temporarily keep by our MIL...
Sb tak elok sangat ada cat with the baby at house..
Plus the apartment kan kecil...tak sesuai nak letak dia kat balcony..;)

Since then..only weekend aje kitaorang able to visit Boboy..
The good things, Boboy started to get along with other cats...hehehe...
Adam pun time crawling selalu keja cat at our MIL's house..

Tapi skrang Boboy dah hilang..
My MIL said one day tu dia kuar tak balik2..
Yeap, we were so sad...
Even till now my hubby still missed Boboy so much..
I felt so regretted sb tak allow Boboy to stay with us..
Tak pelah..maybe Boboy dah rest in peace..
Thats will be the best for him...

InsyaAllah kalau kitorang dah pindah landed day!
I will consider to get new pet for Adam and of course my hubby too...
We miss u so much Boboy...
*tak sangka I sebak jgak mase write this entry...


  1. Gebunya Boboy! :)

    I pun sgt 'pemalu' dgn cats. Ok, tak. I takut dgn kucing *blush*

    Tp my two F's; Fadzil & Faaz loves cat. Nasib my FIL dislike cats. Xde chance la diaorg nak bela. Cuma main dgn neighbour's Persian cat je. Hihi..

  2. tq mummy...

    luv papa...

  3. Nadine,
    hehhe..same2..I only boleh pegang boboy..other cats.. no no no..
    mmg kalau jumpe kucing adam n papa mmg tak boleh lah..!!

    tapi bulu boboy tu mmg best..lembut sgt!kalau pelok time tdo mmg best!!
    sian adam tak sempat bermanja ngan boboy!!

    I know u miss Boboy alot ...;(

  4. I suka 'tengok' kucing. sebab kucing comel sangat. Tapi i x reti kot nak bela kucing. Family i ngan Armi x pernah bela kucing. Armi pun x setuju kot kalau nak bela kucing.

    Tapi.. i suka kalau Oman suka pet. So, i am thinking nanti i nak bela ikan lah.Hihi.

    Boboy sangat comel!! bulu cantik!! Kesiannya kat Boboy. Huhuhu

  5. Nadia..huhu sadiss.....hanis suka kucingg...and boboy is super duper comel and smart.may boboy rest in peace

  6.'s so cute. sob2.

    ktrg dulu pon ada Persian cat, named Comel..skrg dh tade bkn sbb dia lari tp my mom kasi kawan dia..tpakksa coz doc advised us to get rid of it sbb ktrg sume ada athma..sedih gler.

  7. Nuurill,
    yeap,I think most of the kids mmg suka cats!
    NAdia pun ada plan nak on balik aquarium for Adam..
    dulu b4 kawen, my hubby ada bg small aquarium,konon nk suruh I ada pet..hehe..dah org kata tgn tak mesra pet kan..mati ikan2 tuh!
    langsung simpan aje..

    hehe..a'a bela ikan simple sket rs nye drp yah handle poop cat tu ;(

    harus beli..nanti sure Oman excited!!

    hehehe..a' tu yg terbaik bg dia..seddey jgak tgk dia berkeliaran dulu..;(
    kat jepun kucing sane commey2 tak??heheh ;)

  8. Izu,
    oo..mmg kan kalau ada athma tak sesuai..i pun dpt Boboy from my fren yg ada athma..
    mesti commey persian..bulu kembang kan!
    takpe rindu2 boley g melawat Comel lagi kan..?

  9. omg chomelsnyaaa boboy! gerammm tengok bulu dia -- gebuuuuuu! I LOVE CATS! dulu masa kecik, i penah bela a few. i still remember their names -- Cocoam and Flit. but they werent potty trained. so my mum got fed up with the smell so one day while i was still sleeping, my mum took my cats quietly and buang derang dkt pasar! i remember menangis like crazy bila bangun pagi pastu tengok my cats dah takde! anyhow. i dont think i will have cats any time soon kot. mungkin kalau aydein (dan adik2 yang bakal menyusulnanti) dah besa sikit baru bole plan nak bela. takutlah kena athma psl i ade history!

  10. Thara,
    ooo siannye..mesti seddey kan..;)
    I mmg sejak kecil tau takut kucing..after 27 berani pegang tau!
    really scared kuku diorang yg tajam tu..
    oo..u got history athma jgak..mmg no no no to cat lah!

    owh yea..dah lama nak tanya..u asyik sebbut adik utk aydein mmg dah ada ni??hehehee

  11. gebunye boboy! tapi kan nadia, kalau nadia bela boboy kat apt kite tu, mmg sgt la kesian. nak lari2 je langgar dinding..nak exercise sket, langgar sliding door..takut silap2, terlepas terjun tingkat 11 nanti.eish eish..bahaya tuh..
    i used to hv pet too. rabbit la tapi.sbb sgt takut dgn cat.nanti dia cakar, even bgurau pun gigit2 org kan? hehe. tp skrg dah let go rabbit to my auntie since pregnant. people used to say pets dangerous to pregnant ladies. not sure why, maybe the pores or bacteria or other hidden microorganism on them ke?
    takpela nanti nadia hv cats bile duduk kat landed hse la. or for the time being nadia bela la ikan. utk senang bela, cari ikan pelaga. mtce free..hehehe (tp tu pun airin bela mati..sbb lupa bagi makan. teruk tul!)


It might take me a while to reply, but I do read all comments received! Tq =)