Wednesday, March 17, 2010


I'm Adam Mikael..budak yg selalu mommy sy cite dlm blog ni..
Hi aunties..!
Adam is 17 months old today..n I'm growing up to be a big boy now...
I have alot of  hobbies and everyday I learned new skill ...

This is one of my fave show.."Barney n Friends!!"
I love to sing and dancing with mommy n papa ..
I always laughed at papa..papa tak pandai dancing!!kihkihkih...don't tell him k!!
mommy  selalu buat muka bila Adam pass cd barney kt mommy..(I think mommy dah bosan tgk tiap2 hari!!)
sebab Adam keep repeating the show more more n more..huhu
Still remembered how happy mommy is when I can say "baney,baney!!"

owhowhowh!!!...berat betul la!!
Pity me..papa n mommy selalu bully Adam..
but I'm a strong boy..!setakat trolley ni..kacang la papa!!

I'm still in progress to enrich my vocab..
so far I can pronounce few words such "shoe" "waaahhh" "keep"
n understand simple instruction from my parents..
mommy selalu suruh Adam keep my dirty cloth n my toys..
even I think the toys shud not be kept at the toy's place,
it's easy for me to grab from the floor when I need those things..btol tak aunties??!!
n picture nih action aje..Adam tak pandai bace pun!!

I always wonder what mommy doing at this area..
She always chased me out everytime I played at this area..
hehehe..u know aunties,now I know what mommy did at her workstation..
with the help of my stool!!
owh no!!I can hear mommy shouted "Adam...come here..!!dangerous la..!!hish!!!"

I luv swimming..
walaupun bila bgn pagi2 mommy dah ajak swimming..
Adam redha Adam suka main air..
Can u  see how "gigih" mommy Adam nak ajar Adam swimming..??
don't u think so??

I luv to play football too..
Every Friday,I will follow papa to play futsol..
Papa said he gained his dia nak exercise!.n I personally think so too!
So while waiting for papa playing futsol wit his frenz,Adam will play futball with mommy...
but Adam get confused, mommy said I can hold the ball with my hand..(mentang2 lah mommy main netball,dia nk ajar Adam main netball plak!!)huishhuish!!

I started to have my new gadget..which similar to mommy and papa had ..
I'm still learning to brush my teeth..yeayy!!
Actually I luv the taste of apple n banana...
Its yummyyummy!!
Pls dont tell mommy k..
oh yea..once Adam dah expert,mommy will update my progress in this blog!!

Adam dah pandai perform prayers..ala angkat takbir n sujud aje..
Adam tak reti rukuk lagi..
I will surely keep practising okkey..:)
this picture,mommy tak sempat nak snap Adam tgh sujud..huhuhu..
sb Adam sebbok nak tgk iklan coke grrrrrrrr!!!

and last but not least..
I wish mommy would allow me to write in this blog again..
so that I can chitchat with my mommy blogger's frenz..
ok..gtg..Adam nak pergi main..
Oh yea..don't forget to say hi to ol my frennzz!!..
till then..mmmmmuuuuaaaahhhhhssssss...
byebyebye tokma,cikmimi n aunties...


Happy 17th months birthday my dear munchkin..
Mommy hope u will grow up to be a good boy..
Jangan nakal2 and keep learning..!!
Mommy and papa will surely give our best to u..
n I will keep up my milk supply so that I can serve u with the best milk on earth..
*Ya Allah permudahkan segala urusan hambamu ini..Amiinnn*


  1. Awwww.. i'm in love with your entry dear. Your Adam is so cute!!! How gebu he is. Hihi :)
    Your entry reminds me of my Oman.

    Kitchen - Oman is my loyal helper everytime i do something in the kitchen. Terkedek-kedek dia datang dengan cheeky smile dia..and wanted me to hold him. Sebelah tangan masak, sebelah lagi pegang dia. And the same words came out from my mouth, "Dangerous la Oman!!!" :)

    Swimming - Oman loves swimming too much! Kalau mandi dalam bath tub dia pon, dia nak berendam lama-lama. :)

    Solat - He knows how to sujud already walaupun kadang-kadang tertonggeng. hahahaha.

    Football - Nadia, your hubby plays futsal at which area? u know, Armi plays Futsal every Friday night dekat HTC, Subang. I was his loyal pom pom girl since 8 years ago until i delivered Oman, i stop for a while. I think Oman is now ready to follow me pom pom his dadda. Hehehehe. Oman loves ball too. X saba nak sepak-sepak bola with him! :). Oh btw, Nadia main netball lagi x? nak join leh? i miss netball.. or futsal maybe? let's sweat mommy!!! :)

    Kiss to Adam k. :)

  2. tq Nuurill,
    yeap,we hv a gud helper at kitchen..
    Adam suka bukaktutup cabinet n fridge..semua cabinet n fridge I dah ada lock IKEA..padanmuka tak boleh bukak dah..:)
    taktahu mana dia dapt akal amik stool panjat!terkejjut nadia tau!

    cute kan diorang tertonggeng2 sujud..kalau nk semayang sebbok diorang duk bentang sejadah jgak..:)

    my hubby pun dah lama stop,takde he start plays wit' our apt team..dekat USJ,Stadium Futsol (taksilap I la..)
    mesti suka Oman tgk dadda dia play futsol kan..

    lama dah stop play netball sb kat flex tkde team..n my new offc mmg active..awal2 join,tp sb tangan sakit (kes dukong 12 kg baby boy ni..)..I sabar nak start balik..
    but dear, I really tkpandai main bola ngan kaki..ngn tangan aje..hhuhuhu...

    I will..n kiss to dear Oman too..(suka big smile Oman!!)

  3. alorr..cutenye posting nih
    heheh..hepi 17 months ye adam..

    psstt..if ikutkan nak letak nama my son tu adam rafiq..tapi abah dia tak kasi..dia cakp nnti sama ngan adam penanyanyi tu..boleY? huhuhu sabar jela kan..

  4. happy b'day adam! 17 months...kejap jer kan...

  5. aww. adam's a big boy now! i cant wait for aydein to be able to do ALL that! :D

    i especially love gamba adam yang last dkt laptop tu. kecik2 dah pandai IT :D aydein is showing interest in IT too. bcoz kalau i letak laptop i dkt bawah lantai and type, misti die pon sebok menyulur (mengesot) laju2 ke laptop i, and nak ikut type skali! (altho most of the time dia cuma bang bang bang the laptop's keypads je :P)

    my hugs and kisses to adam!

  6. Nadia really lovely entry..Adam is soo cute.. he will be a brilliant boy...

  7. rupanya!!!at last jumpa jugak aku blog mu nih. comelnya adam mikael lonih...

  8. nadia, sgt2 cute ur entry. suka sgt baca. heheh..mcm Adam yg posted the entry out. and hazrat has the same tooth brush mcm Adam, same color lagi. boleh geng ni...

    Hazrat pon klu semyg at least our sons are observing what we do everdyday kan?

    Kat rumah Nadia ada swimming pool ke? Klu ada nak g tompang..hahahaa

  9. Rose,
    tq dear..hahaha..penyanyi akademi fantasia tu yerk!!takpe lah..same pun samelah..
    btw,teringat cite diari rafiq time bulan!

    betul2..sgt cepat!!
    tuptup dah jalan..skrang dah nak cakap..:)
    beso dah anak mommy!!

  10. Hanis,
    thanks dear..
    Hanis pun cepat2..mesti bb Hanis cute mcm Hanis jgak..:)

    Cik Puteri Bunian,
    Ingatkan sape lah cik puteri bunian ni..
    kak teh kite rupenye :)kihkihkih
    welcome dear..
    commey??nurrun big bro Adam lah tuh..hehehe..
    anyway,nadia include teh in my blogroll..k :)
    wahwah..tak sangka ramai bdak pc kat blog teh..
    nak sebbok2 jgak lah..

  11. Huspa,
    tq dear..
    same ek?biasalah stcok beli Guardian kot..satu lagi color pink..ingat nak amik tuh..karang mistaken identity plak!
    betol2..bila selalu tgk,nanti tak payah suruh2,dia sendiri follow kan..Alhamdulillah :)

    ada huspa,tp sharing lah..buka private huhuhu..
    jomjom!weekend bwk bobot dtg ek!kita swimming sama2..
    walaupun s/pool kecik..bila time pg,tak ramai org n pool bersih..thats why Nadia kerah Adam mandi pagi2..

  12. adam, why did u grow up cepat sgt? now adam dah boleh jalan, dah boleh mintak pasang CD barney,nanti pandai ckp mesti tanya itu ini,che mimi nak main ngan adam yg tak lari everytime che mimi peluk, cubit n adam asyik lari situ sini bawak kusi hijau , che mimi tak larat nak kejar dah.but i guess its ok sbb nanti adam kene jd role model ke baby che mimi, mesti baby che mimi nak jln cepat tgk adam dah boleh berlari tgk adam dah boleh cakap kan2?

    nice entry adam, im waiting for more <3

  13. hahaha..finally auntie Adam muncul!!
    Adam akan pastikan bb che mimi jadik good Adam akan sentiasa cubbit Zahra bila dia nakal..!!dont worry k che mimi..:)
    ..n Adam nak gelak sb <3 che mimi tak jadik luv mcm dlm fb..kihkihkih..

    xoxo..Adam :)

  14. Gamba first tu cam anak mat salleh pun ade la Adam nie. Handsome!

    Adam dah start brush teeth la... good, good. Ada warna biru oren eh Nadia. Masa I beli dulu blue n yellow je for boys.

    anyway, Happy 17th Months Adam! :)

  15. hi..salam kenal. tertarik dgn blog nie coz of adam mikael..handsome little boy!!sgt chubby..adam slalu mkn apa?

  16. ooowwhhh no Thara!!..tertinggal plak nak reply urs..sorie dear..
    sb semngat tau nk cite ngan u pasal lappy td..mcm boley missed..
    oowh yea,pasal lappy,time AYdein tgh crawl mmg sgt dia tak kacau sgt tau..
    but when the time comes,besar cm Adam..gerenti u takkan boley duduk depan laptop..cepat aje dia replaced ur seat...huhuhu..

    I think bb era nih semua bb luv gadget..the ol prefer real lappy n hp..
    I wonder nak beli lappy mainan for Adam tak,sb takut at the end yg kita punya jgak dia nak...huhuhu..payah tu!!

    ok,for cute Aydein too..kiss n hugss!!
    p/s: still waiting for Aydein progress entry ..:)

  17. Nadine,
    matsalleh??aiks..Adam mixed malay+chinese+indian aje..meh mane plak matsalleh tuh..huhuhu..controversy ni..hikhikhik :)

    many thanks dear for that toothbrush suggestion..I lg prefer this type compare to others..bila dah besar br boley pakai yg normal type kan..:)
    time I beli ada pink..n that color..yellow pun nice too..:)
    I nk beli karang mistaken id plak Adam..!!

    ok,thanks dear..

    Hi!n thnx for dropping by..
    biasanye Nadia bekalkan dia ngan salmon/chicken porridge..sometimes tukar selera bg dia macaroni jgak..!
    feel free to drop by again and will surely visit urs too..:)

  18. salmon/chicken and macaroni? no wonder adam look like mat salleh

    che mimi

  19. hahaha..matsalleh???
    roti canai pun!!Adam likes!!

  20. See, even che mimi pun kata adam looks like mat salleh.

    masa u ngandung adam dulu suka tgk baby cute2 mat salleh kot?? :)

    my friend mcm tu tau..skali anak dia kuar mata brown, rambut pun brownish sket2..ala2 mat salleh! :)

  21. yer ke Nadine..kalau berkenan pun boley kuo mata brown ke..atau mmg dia ada keturunan nih..

    ntahlah..I luv to see bila I tahu it was Adam inside my bump, i immediately remove suri's pix from my wallpaper..takkan lah dear..maybe tersalah cmpr kut Adam nih..kuo cm tu..tkpe lah..asal sihat Alhamdulillah..:)

  22. lamanyer tak jumpa adam mok.....rindu ahhh...


It might take me a while to reply, but I do read all comments received! Tq =)