Tuesday, January 12, 2010

more peektures of Adam Mikael..

basicly this entry about all the pix taken during X'mas holidays..hehe..tak g mane2 pun..my mom and my youngest bro,Hekal pay us a visit..actually tokma nak test Adam's P licence ..d walking test!..:)
the 3 days were full of activities and Adam of course so happy sb ramai jer yg layan main ngan dia...

us at Jusco Bkt Tinggi after after went back from Banting for X'mas visit at my FIL..

1,2,3,4..5..total for Adam's teeth..

grumpling Adam...sleepy n tired!

baru happy bila lepas dr highchair...

hi mommy ...!

saturday morning's bfast..mommy's and tokma's nasi lemak kukus..:)

we received a visit from Eimran...

and Ibu Aimy with his hensem Mr Zul..

us..at the curve ..

Adam n his uncle..

Adan n tokma..ha'ah..makan ape tu?

remote car..

Sunday morning..swimming time..exercise dulu before masuk pool..

testing his new armband..not very aggressive sb tak comfy..

visit kak sara..

meeting the Mr Prime n Mrs Bee..hehe..papa yg minat sgt sebernarnye tu...

eh mommy..Barney la..

little ewoks..pumpkin patch..sayang..that one for 3mnths baby..no size for him..
sorry for the quick updates..till then


  1. wah...rajin betol tokma & tokki dtg tgk adam ;-). Tak lama lg pandai lar adam swim. Nanti leh ajar ziqri lak, heheeh

  2. Rumah u cantik!! :)
    Nadia duduk dekat dengan CSR tu kan?
    Nama apartment tu ape ek?
    Pandai nadia buat interior (yang gamba black and white tu). I like! :)

  3. sedapnyer nasi lemak kukus dgn sambal sotong tu...
    terus rasa lapar..... huhu
    mlm nie harus kena pegi cari..
    **(hr nie jue pose):)

  4. kak long..
    tokki tk dtg ada kursus..tokma mmg rajin dtg cni..infact cuti thn pun abis sb selalu dtg cni..hehe:)

    terharu sungguh dgn pujian itu..*wink*..tq
    rumah I simple la,tkde ape pun..not spacious,so takbnyk furniture..resolution 2010 pun nk deco the house..arrange balik,tak teratur..
    neway luv to c ur house too..nice and sgt kemas..admired dear!
    owh,the pic..thnx to Mr Hubby..the amatur photographer..:)

  5. jue..
    eh dah lama tk dgr cite..
    btw nasi lemak tu sambal kosong aje..sb mkn dgn ayam goreng tuh..sambal tokma best!:)

  6. Nuurill..yeap, its the apt near to CSR..Indahria Apt..

  7. yah...oopss..mommy...(glamer sket kat sini...hahaks)... saya pon byk gambo tak update...mosttly kat dlm buah epal yg out of service tuuu...huhuhuhu..

    btw..best lah tgk gambo adam swim..dah pandai pakai armguard ke..??n ader jugok gambo my 2heroes n me from rear+side elevation...gemookksnyerrr!huwaaaaaa!!

    haha...ewoks pupmkin patch tu eimran ader satu tapi maybe dah tak muat kot..huhauhauh

  8. owwh sohabati Aimy..
    dimanakah ibu menghilang..call tidak dijawab..blog tidak ber"update"..adakah sb buah epal awak dilanda kesusahan itu?..
    Eimran kan g swimming dah..bila nk mari practice here..
    yeap2 still remember u show me the ewoks outfit..:)commey..Adam ada topi aje..
    btw..call me dear.!


It might take me a while to reply, but I do read all comments received! Tq =)