Thursday, December 24, 2009

porridge preparation for working mommies...

Alhamdulillah..finally I managed to do this entry..dah lama plan,tp tak berpeluang nak buat..of course this entry bukan tujuan nak mengajar..just to share the experiences and become one of my personal collection from mommy's kitschen..

jom masak2..


MENU : the salmon veggie porridge


ensure rendam dulu and cuci bersih2!

not only salmon, can change to chicken or meat..but yet dont mixed between poultry and fish!

start to cook ....

throw everything in big bowl..biarkan masak..senang..*winkwink*

after a while..get all the veggie and salmon..blend it well..and after that,blend pulak kejap je,sb bubur dah masak lama..n not too hancur sgt..lets our kid keje kuat sket ..kunyah2..:)

once dah siap blend..leave it a lil while biar sejuk..
wonder bnyk ek..yeap, bubur nih utk 5days stock for Adam at nursery and for the dinner too..

bila dah sejuk, put into small foodjar,each of it about 4-5oz for 1 time eat..and boleh masuk fridge..

ni bubur yg dah ready untuk Adam Mikael..

for nursery..every morning, I will take out from fridge and steam..
at first I put inside the thermal bag...

once dah consistent..I bought thermos food jar "foogo"..which can keep the food warm up to 5 hours..thumbs up ;)

here we go..enjoy ur food at nursey my dear ;)

the recipe also can be amend to be like :
1. the healthy orange : bubur,salmon,carrot,potatoe,pumpkin with anchovies..:) (should!)
2. the chicken soup : bubur,chicken,carrot,brocolli and potatoes .. cook chic with sup bunjut lil while for soup..mix with bubur and the rest..

throw some nuts/avocadoes for variety of flav.


I personally is bubur lover since I was small, so most of the food I make for Adam, I makan sendiri judge lah ikut my selera n tekak..thats where the variety comes :)

Actually the bubur making almost the same, cuma giving ideas for working mommies to let their kids enjoy sumthing fresh from mommies' kitchen..we dont need to be as gud as Martha,or RR or the Oliver..yet chef wan to prepare the healthy food for lil one..
just a lil mix and match and ideas from books and frenz can help us to make the variaties..thnx also to my frenz who shared the websites and books, and hope I can share when I try to prepare for Adam soon..

Pls share the ideas with me so that I can introduce more variety of foods to my lil boy..but the most important think, we make it at our own style and with air tangan ibu..the part of natural parenting comes..

till then, hope to share more on bfast foods plak..happy trying:)


  1. lil one tak nak makan bubur la...dah almost 2 weeks she rejected her plain rice instant aje..this week nak mula balik..hopefully dia nak mkan...ct suka tengok adam ni...badanye...MasyaAllah..semangat!..rupanya mama dia masak sedap :)

  2. bubur mummy buat memang beshh..kalo tak, takkan adam mok!!:P
    eimran pon sangat suke makan bubur mummy well as ibu..:P
    lenkali kalo takder bubur ibu nak pegi kidnap stock abg adam punyer bubur laaa...heheheh

  3. nad, my lil princess alergi with carrot...
    dh try 2 times.. klu letak carrot jer..she will berak2..abis bontot nyer merah2 siannn..
    since that, i dh tk letak carrot..
    since skrng tgh sem break..everyday i masak different2 recipe..yg simple2.. fish n potatoe is compulsory ingrediant..vege i tukar..sawi, bayam, daun sup daun bwg letak kac wangi...pastu blend sume...hari2 tgk bb mkn habis mmg puas ati kan...

  4. ct..
    ada new things ct introduced her ke?
    Adam br lps jumpe his paed,berat dah 11.6kg..huhu..sedap?InsyaAllah..thx

    haha..suke mommy Eimran nak makan..takut dia reject je..kalu tahu ibu nak, mommy buh extra sket dlm bowl Eimran..:)
    btw, I just found booth at The Curve, dia jual makanan for baby..mahal..RM10++/per chinese nye (even Indon yg tlg jual)..
    best things we can cilok sket recipe dia..go to

    hi Anonymous..(think u r fairoze kan??)
    btw..siannye dia alah since sayur lain dia makn..dah bagus tu..
    even nadia pun tgh nak experiment letak green leafy veggie jgak for Adam..
    maybe u can share ur recipe jgak..
    tell us..

  5. hi there,

    just want to share with you..if buat bubur for baby, the broccoli put it 2nd half of cooking. maksudnya bila agak2 bubur separuh masak sbb if you put from the start, nnti terlebih masak n zat broccoli tu dh hilang.

  6. hi Anonymous..thx for dropping by and gv useful comment..:)appreciate it!

  7. heheh..pandai u teka nad...

    Alisha type yg sensitive skin..
    klu panas berpeluh..hmm siap la..abis beruam...
    tu la mkn pun skrng nie i tgh try n error..
    klu dia mkn ok tak naik biji2 ruam tue i continue..

    ada sekali tu stok ikan Alisha abis..(biasanya i beli ikan separate for Alisha porridge)..hahah..ibu ayah mkn ikan murah2 jer..kac anak mkn ikan quality lebih sket..kekkke

    what i did was i mix the porridge wit all the green vege...pastu masa blend tue i blend together dgn sepotong epal..tak pernh dibuat org kan...fruit dgn porridge... tp i rasa sedap jer sbb rasa epal jus tue..hahahha.. Alisha makan pun ok..hahah..nasib tk cirit2...

  8. wahhh. u know, i dah lama berangan nak buatkan homemade food for Aydein. dok tunggu die habeskan Rusks yg i dah belikan die tu je. and recently bila baca ur entry, lagi semangat nak buat homecooked food. baru2 ni Aydein punye Rusks dah habes. cepat2 i took the opportunity to make the porridge for him. tapi i try yg simple2 je just to see his reaction to porridge. nasik + carrot + ikan bilis. die mcm susah sket nak telan. mingkin pasal slitely tasteless kot psl tade garam ke ape kan. tapi lama2 habes juge porridge tu hehe. cant wait to try ur recipe soon! baby 6 months ++ dah bole mkn fish ke?

    ps : not sure if u received my msg in ur FB, but r u goin to anne's son's bdae party?

  9. fairoze..
    best, nak letak epal masam n manis..I tgh plan nak put tomatoes, Adam likes tomatoes so much..:)

    mmg time ni bb tak boleh nak accept bubur sgt..mayb sb tasteless as u said..try put some that ada manis..i put potatoe..
    lama2 nanti dia akan me..
    jgn stop,keep trying various kind of flavors..
    ada certain website said tak boleh bg seafood..I'm not sure since I started late to intro Adam the porridge..

    Neway glad to meet u and bb Aydein at anne's house..:)

  10. wah nadiah...rajinnya masak bubur utk adam!

  11. thx for dropping by kak long..
    rajin? asyik bebl dulu bagi jar terpaksalah..neway lama2 enjoy plak..nanti will update more wit new beli buku masakan baru hehe:)


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